Not long after Xu Hao and Huang Xin sat down, Huang Xin's cell phone rang. Song Rui, the first interviewer, has arrived. Standing up, Huang Xin waved to song Rui who had just walked in.

Seeing Huang Xin waving, song Rui hurriedly trotted over. Song Rui is still obviously marked by students, although she also wears light makeup to make herself more mature. However, her immature makeup skills and inappropriate workplace clothing collocation all show that she is just a young newcomer who has just stepped out of school.

Seeing Xu Hao and Huang Xin, song Rui quickly said, "sorry, sorry, I'm late."

"Miss Song, we arrived early." Huang Xin said, let song Rui sit down, and then asked, "what would you like to drink?"

Song Rui is a little confused. No matter some interview experience taught by teachers in the school or some interview skills she inquired from the Internet, she didn't mention interviewing with employers in the coffee shop!

"I... I'll just drink coffee." looked up at Xu Hao and Huang Xin, and song Rui said cautiously. Seeing Huang Xin sitting there and looking at herself, song Rui suddenly felt ashamed. Huang Xin was so beautiful.

Let the waiter serve song Rui a cup of coffee, and Huang Xin began to chat with song Rui. As an experienced personnel specialist, Huang Xin asked song Rui a lot of information she wanted to know in a few words.

Although song Rui's personal ability is general, the overall interview situation is not very good. However, generally speaking, it still meets the needs of Xu Hao's current company. After looking at Xu Hao, Huang Xin made eye contact with Xu Hao.

"Miss Song, what do you think of the working environment far away from the city?" Xu Hao asked, looking at Song Rui.

Hearing Xu Hao's question, song Rui didn't come back. After thinking about it, song Rui said, "I don't think the location of my work is important. Being away from the noise of the city may be more suitable for me."

Know that song Rui's answer is to fight for the job. However, Xu Hao also knows the overall situation of his company. Looking at Song Rui, Xu Hao roughly described the situation of Dongping agricultural products sales company, and then said, "now, does Miss Song still insist on what she just said?"

"I......" Song Rui hesitated. When she went to college, she naturally hoped to find a good job in the city. Let her nest in the town, song Rui really couldn't accept it for a while.

"It doesn't matter, Miss Song. We can wait for you to finally consider the result." Xu Hao smiled at Song Rui and said.

Song Rui quickly stood up and thanked Xu Hao for his kindness. Then he turned and left.

When song Rui left, Huang Xin said, "she's hesitating."

"If it were me, I would hesitate and maybe refuse mercilessly." Xu Hao put down song Rui's resume and looked at Huang Xin. "At present, the situation of the company is like this. It's really not good. I can only reduce the recruitment requirements."

"Don't worry, I'll find the right person." Huang Xin stretched out her hand, shook Xu Hao's hand and said.

The second person to interview is Wang Chao, who has a high school degree and is 23 years old. After graduating from high school, I worked as a real estate agent, a salesman and a waiter in a bar for a period of time. I have rich working experience, but the working time is not too long each time.

Seeing Huang Xin and Xu Hao interviewing for himself, Wang Chao was stunned, especially Huang Xin's beauty, which made him shy and lower his head.

Briefly introduced the situation of Dongping agricultural products sales company. Huang Xin asked Wang Chao several questions, and Wang Chao answered them one by one.

Looking at Wang Chao, Huang Xin said, "you know the general situation of the company. It should be difficult. Now, you can talk about your ideas."

"I'd like to try," said Wang Chao to Huang Xin and Xu Hao.

"Why?" Huang Xin asked Wang Chao with a curious look.

After looking at Huang Xin, Wang Chao said shyly, "because you are very beautiful!"

Wang Chao's answer made Xu Hao and Huang Xin speechless. Huang Xin even thought to herself whether it was tempting Wang Chao into the job with beauty?

After coughing, Huang Xin said, "well, Mr. Wang Chao, we already know your situation. Please go back and wait for our notice."

"Thank you. I look forward to joining your company and working with you!" Wang Chao stood up and said politely.

When Wang Chao left, Xu Hao looked at Huang Xin and said, "sister Xin, why don't you just go to my company? With your beauty, there must be countless people competing for money to my company!"

"Go, even your sister Xin dares to tease. Believe it or not, I'll quit?" Xu Hao looked white, and Huang Xin pretended to be angry. Today, Huang Xin was embarrassed by Wang Chao's answer. After interviewing so many people, it's the first time someone has said so directly!

"Sister Xin, I think this Wang Chao is very suitable. She has a sharp mouth and a lively mind, which is very suitable for the job of a salesman." Xu Hao looked at Huang Xin and said his own ideas.

Huang Xin nodded, took out his pen and simply recorded it on Wang Chao's resume.

The third person who came to the interview was a college graduate. After Xu Hao introduced the company, he stood up and left without any consideration. Obviously, the situation of Dongping agricultural products sales company is far from what he expected.

The fourth interviewer is a girl who graduated from higher vocational education. Although he is only 19 years old, he is too mature and seems to exude a sense of wind and dust. During the interview, she couldn't say anything about the questions raised by Xu Hao and Huang Xin. After exchanging ideas with Huang Xin, Xu Hao asked her to go back and wait for the news.

The last one to come for an interview is a girl named Wang Ting, who is only 18 years old this year. After graduating from high school last year, I didn't go to college. I lost the list again this year. I simply gave up the idea of going to college and came out to find a job.

Different from the first two interviewers, Wang Ting is lively, cheerful and full of vitality. She just sat down and chatted with Xu Hao and Huang Xin. She soon opened the topic and chatted with Xu Hao and Huang Xin everywhere. It seems that they are old acquaintances who haven't seen for many years. If Huang Xin were not an experienced personnel specialist, I'm afraid Wang Ting would have to go with the rhythm.

Wang Ting's unique affinity is almost a born salesman. Because no matter who she is, she can talk to people quickly, open the topic, and then control the rhythm of the chat!

Although Wang Ting is the youngest of the five people interviewed today, she is the most satisfied job seeker of Xu Hao and Huang Xin. However, Wang Ting's family belongs to Jiangcheng. Wang Ting hesitated to work in Longwan village. It's not that she disagrees, but that she has to discuss with her parents before making the final decision.

Xu Hao and Huang Xin didn't force Wang Ting to make an immediate decision, but asked her to think it over before calling Xu Hao.

After a busy afternoon, the interview was finally completed. Except for Wang Chao, the other two did not finally confirm to work in Xu Hao's company. Huang Xin looked at each other, and they both saw the helplessness in each other's eyes!

"When the company gets bigger, it won't be so difficult to recruit people." he patted Xu Hao on the shoulder and Huang Xin comforted him.

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