To Xu Hao's surprise, song Rui and Wang Ting agreed to work in Longwan village. This saved Xu Hao a lot of things. After all, it's not easy to recruit the right person.

After making an appointment with the three, Xu Hao personally picked up the three and their simple luggage and set off for Longwan village.

Wang Chao was surprised to see that there were two girls with him. As soon as Wang Ting got on the bus, she got familiar with Wang Chao and song Rui. She chattered all the way. I don't know. I thought she was a chatterbox.

When she came to the vegetable base, Bai Yan waited at the door early. At this time, three people are recruited, and the company's framework is almost set up. Only when song Rui and the three people are gradually familiar with the business, the company can officially operate.

"Let me introduce you to Bai Yan, manager of Dongping agricultural products sales company." Xu Hao pointed to Bai Yan and then said to Bai Yan: "this is song Rui and this is Wang Chao..."

"My name is Wang Ting." before Xu Hao introduced Wang Ting, Wang Ting couldn't wait to say it herself.

"You three simply introduce yourself." Xu Hao said to song Rui.

Song Rui and Bai Yan briefly introduced themselves, and then led song Rui into the restaurant of the vegetable base, "don't dislike a simple meal."

"Sister Bai, you're so polite." Wang Ting jumped up to Bai Yan and talked to Bai Yan affectionately.

Seeing a large table full of dishes, song Rui and the three were surprised. During dinner, Bai Yan briefly introduced the vegetable base, and then talked about the main business of the company.

Hearing that the vegetable base actually cooperated with Yimei health club and Wangjiang building, Wang Ting and the three of them couldn't help opening their mouths. The news was really shocking to them.

As Jiangcheng people, they naturally know Yimei health club and Wangjiang building.

"Sister Bai, what you said is true?" Wang Ting, a child, couldn't hold things in her heart. She looked at Bai Yan and asked directly.

"Yes, our vegetable base has to send vegetables to Yimei health club every day." Bai Yan smiled and said, "after that, it will also be a part of your work!"

"Then I'm going. I've long wanted to go to Yimei health club." Wang Ting shouted excitedly. Song Rui and Wang Chao on one side didn't speak, but they basically meant that.

A meal, we eat and talk, but it's not divided. Even some introverted song Rui spoke more slowly. Everyone is familiar with it, which is more conducive to future work.

After dinner, Bai Yan formally signed a labor contract with song Rui on behalf of Dongping agricultural products sales company. As the financial of the company, song Rui not only shoulders the financial work, but also serves as Bai Yan's assistant at the same time.

In order to facilitate song Rui's work, Bai Yan specially arranged a room for all three in the vegetable base. Anyway, when the vegetable base was built, a row of empty houses were built. I don't worry about having no place to live.

Just clean up, song Rui three people entered the working state. Bai Yan also impolitely handed over part of the work to song Rui. Bai Yan used to do the financial work of the vegetable base. Because she is not a professional financial officer, the company's accounts seem a little confused. After Song Rui took over, she began to get busy.

Wang Ting and Wang Chao began to understand the overall situation of the company. Their main task in the future is the business development of the company.

In two days, Wang Chao and Wang Ting knew almost everything about the company. Just at this time, Zheng Feng also called Xu Hao and asked about the signing of purchase contracts between Jinma town villages and Dongping agricultural products company.

After making an appointment with Zheng Feng on the phone, Xu Hao led Wang Chao and Wang Ting to Jinma town. Today, Wang Chao and Wang Ting are the salesmen of the company, and Wang Chao and Wang Ting will be respectively responsible for the procurement tasks of those villages that have just signed contracts with them!

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