In order to facilitate future communication and work, after signing the contract, Xu Haote invited more than a dozen village heads present and Zheng Feng to have dinner together. At the wine table, some words are much easier to say.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wang Ting and Wang Chao also tried their best to get closer to these village heads. They have to rely on these people for their future work.

At this time, it reflects Wang Ting's advantages. First of all, she is a girl with a sweet mouth. Coupled with her good character of dealing with people, she soon got familiar with those village heads. Uncles and uncles shouted one by one, and the village chiefs listened to them, not to mention how comfortable they were.

Although Wang Chao has no advantage over Wang Ting, Wang Chao's specialty is that he can drink. The wine table is usually the easiest time for men to establish feelings.

Xu Hao was very satisfied to see that Wang Chao and Wang Ting showed their magic powers and quickly drew closer to those village heads. Only when we have a good relationship with these village heads can we carry out our work in the future. Otherwise, with Wang Ting and Wang Chao, one person is responsible for the procurement tasks of several villages. Even if he is tired to death, he can't finish it.

Back to the vegetable base, Wang Ting and Wang Chao also began to sort out their harvest today and write down some key points and directions of future work with a small book. Although Xu Hao didn't drink because he had to drive. However, at the end of the day, he is more tired than anyone.

Carrying a cup of tea, Bai Yan said to Xu Hao lying in bed, "are you tired today?"

Sitting up and seeing Bai Yan sitting by the bed, Xu Hao smiled and said, "aunt Bai, I'm not tired!"

"Come and have a drink." Bai Yan said and handed the water cup to Xu Hao.

When receiving the water cup handed over by Bai Yan, Xu Hao's hand inadvertently touched Bai Yan's hand. Both of them were obviously stunned.

Bai Yan handed Xu Hao the water cup, stood up and said, "go to sleep first. After dinner, I'll call you." then Bai Yan quickly turned and went out.

Looking at Bai Yan's back, Xu Hao sighed helplessly. Although Bai Yan pretended not to remember that day, it was pretended after all. There was always a little estrangement between them. At least, it can't be like before.

Shook his head and drove these thoughts out of his mind. Xu Hao lay in bed, but he couldn't sleep.

Sitting up, Xu Hao simply thought about the future development direction. Now the vegetable base and agricultural product sales companies are basically stable. As long as Wang Chao and Wang Ting slowly expand their business, they can be on the right track.

There are two big customers, Wangjiang building and Yimei health club. Xu Haogen didn't worry that the company couldn't make money! However, this is far from enough for Xu Hao's ambition!

With the scale of agricultural products company, even if Xu Hao is given ten or even twenty years, Xu Hao can't return to the East China Sea! If you can't go back to the East China Sea, how can you avenge your parents?

"It seems that we have to speed up our pace." Xu Hao rubbed his head and said with a headache. His development in the past two months may be regarded as rapid development in the eyes of others, but it is far from enough for the vengeful Xu Hao!

After dinner in the evening, Xu Hao organized everyone to have a meeting together. At the meeting, Xu Hao briefly talked about the signing of the contract today. Wang Ting and Wang Chao also reported on the possible situations in their respective villages and their countermeasures.

Song Rui simply said about the company's financial situation. Although the agricultural products company and the vegetable base are two different companies, they are a team, and even the financial situation is integrated. Even if Xu Hao wants to separate, he can't do it in a short time.

In view of this situation, song Rui suggested that the vegetable base be integrated into the agricultural product sales company as a whole. In this way, the accounts will be much clearer.

After a simple discussion, Xu Hao and Bai Yan agreed to the proposal.

According to song Rui's report, the cash on the company's account has reached an amazing 200000! This number was completely unexpected by Xu Hao. The money in the company's account, plus Xu Hao's own money, that is, Xu Hao has nearly 500000 cash available now!

With money in hand, Xu Hao naturally began to calculate again!

After the meeting, the three of Wang Ting went back to rest first. Xu Hao and Bai Yan are still discussing some important matters of the company in the office.

Seeing Xu Hao staring at herself, Bai Yan's pretty face turned red. She looked at Xu Hao and asked, "why? There are flowers on my aunt's face?"

Hurriedly and awkwardly looked away, Xu Hao said, "aunt Bai, you said we have spare money in our accounts now. Do you want to do something else? If you keep the money, you can't make money?"

"At present, there is only 200000 yuan in the account. What are you going to do?" Bai Yan asked, looking at Xu Hao.

Xu Hao really didn't think about this problem. However, it's not Xu Hao's style to let the money go like this!

"Aunt means, it's best to put the money in the company for the time being." looking up at Xu Hao, Bai Yan said: "when Wang Chao and Wang Ting straighten out their situation, they will start to buy the agricultural and sideline products of each village, which requires capital advance. At that time, the 200000 will be able to solve the problem of capital advance!"

When Bai Yan mentioned this problem, Xu Hao smiled and said, "aunt Bai, we don't need so much working capital. Yimei health club still insists on settling accounts for us according to the number of times, and Wangjiang building is estimated to be the same. We need to pay very little money in advance."

Nodding, Bai Yan didn't refute Xu Hao's words. However, the company's working capital is insufficient, and Bai Yan is really worried!

"By the way, are you really not going to the signing ceremony with Wangjiang building tomorrow?" Bai Yan couldn't help asking when she looked at Xu Hao. When talking about this at the meeting today, Xu Hao said he wouldn't go. Bai Yan was puzzled about this, but she didn't mean to ask in front of so many people at the meeting.

"Well, I need to trouble aunt Bai for the signing ceremony tomorrow." looking at Bai Yan, Xu Hao said, "there will be a small press conference in addition to the signing ceremony tomorrow. Aunt Bai, you may need to answer some questions on behalf of our company."

"Is this... Aunt OK?" Bai Yan couldn't help looking at Xu Hao nervously. She was worried that she couldn't do it well.

Reaching out and gently grasping Bai Yan's hand, Xu Hao said, "aunt Bai, I believe you can. In the future, everything in the company will come from you, and I will gradually turn to the work behind the scenes."

Bai Yan knew Xu Hao's worry, so she nodded hard, "OK, aunt knows." then Bai Yan took her hands back without trace and said, "well, it's getting late. You can rest early. Aunt will go back to rest first." then Bai Yan got up and walked outside.

Looking at Bai Yan's back, Xu Hao sighed helplessly. It seems that there is still a long way to go before he wants to reply to the kind of intimate relationship with Bai Yan!

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