As the top restaurant with the most local characteristics in Jiangcheng, Wangjiang restaurant has been highly concerned in Jiangcheng. This time, Wangjianglou announced the introduction of higher quality food suppliers. This has caused quite a stir in Jiangcheng catering industry. Coupled with the active invitation of Wangjiang building, many media in Jiangcheng came to support the formal signing day.

In order to attend today's signing meeting and later press conference, Bai Yan specially dressed up. A light blue waist tight women's shirt with peony pattern on it, paired with a narrow skirt with white stripes on a black background. The thin black silk stockings wrap Bai Yan's slightly plump white legs. She wears a pair of black women's leather shoes on her delicate little feet. Her long hair is behind her head. The whole person looks very capable and has the style of a strong woman in the mall.

Following Bai Yan is song Rui, the company's finance and Bai Yan's assistant. Although not as gorgeous as Bai Yan, it can be seen that song Rui also dressed up deliberately. The upper body is covered with a brown women's suit outside the white shirt, and a light gray tight jeans below. Jeans tightly wrapped song Rui's thin legs, which looked thin and envious of many women present.

"Bai Jie, I'm a little nervous." for song Rui, it's definitely the first time to see such a big scene. Tension is inevitable.

Song Rui is nervous. Why isn't Bai Yan nervous. Glancing at the crowd, Bai Yan felt inexplicable peace of mind when she saw Xu Hao standing not far away, and the little tension in her heart was swept away.

Seeing Xu Hao staring at her, Bai Yan quickly moved her eyes and chatted with song Rui.

"Mr. Bai, I've kept you waiting." Jiang Tao led a man of his age to come over. This person is Zhou Jiahao, President of Wangjiang building.

"Mr. Jiang, you're welcome." Bai Yan smiled at Jiang Tao and said.

Seeing Bai Yan on the first day of the new year, even Zhou Jiahao, who has seen many beautiful women, couldn't help looking at Bai Yan more! I have to admit that the manager of Dongping agricultural products sales company is really a rare beauty.

"Hello, Mr. Bai. I'm Zhou Jiahao from Wangjiang building. Nice to meet you." Zhou Jiahao said and offered his hand.

She shook hands with Zhou Jiahao politely. At Zhou Jiahao's invitation, Bai Yan walked to the long arranged venue. The nameplate has been put on the venue for a long time. Bai Yan and song Rui only need to take their seats according to the number.

In the presence of all the participants, Zhou Jiahao and Bai Yan signed cooperation agreements on behalf of Wangjianglou and Dongping agricultural products sales company respectively.

After signing the cooperation agreement, it will be the highlight of the press conference. This is the first official appearance of Dongping agricultural products sales company, and it is also an excellent opportunity to publicize Dongping agricultural products sales company, so Bai Yan attaches great importance to it.

Seeing Xu Haochong sitting under the stage gesturing a thumb, Bai Yan smiled, and the tension in her heart slowly disappeared.

After Jiang Tao briefly introduced the cooperation between Wangjiang building and Dongping agricultural products sales company, it was the question session of the media. Because Wangjiang building took care of everything early, it was not worried that the situation on the scene was out of control.

Compared with the interview with Wangjiang building, the media present were more curious about Dongping agricultural products sales company! How did such an unknown small company persuade Wangjiang building to become a partner of Wangjiang building.

In response to the questions of on-site reporters, Bai Yan always kept a smile, tried her best to introduce the situation of Dongping agricultural products sales company and vegetable base, and even took the initiative to invite on-site media friends to experience the vegetable base.

The atmosphere at the scene has always been very harmonious. However, next, a question from Jiangcheng online reporter suddenly made the crowd boil: "excuse me, President Zhou, is it a hero sad beauty pass that you choose to cooperate with an unknown small company such as Dongping agricultural products sales company?" all the people present were intelligent. Such an obvious question, Just ask Bai Yan if Zhou Jiahao has a special relationship!

This question with ulterior motives suddenly pointed at Bai Yan and Zhou Jiahao! Bai Yan, in particular, is at the cusp of the storm at the moment. From the scene, it seems that only this reason can explain why Wangjianglou chose to cooperate with Dongping agricultural products sales company!

Song Rui, sitting beside Bai Yan, is even more nervous at the moment. Once there is a little mistake in answering this question, it will be fatal to Dongping agricultural products sales company!

Xu Hao's eyes looked at the reporter of Jiangcheng online. Xu Hao was surprised to see the reporter's malicious smile. It is reasonable to say that the reporters who came today are the media with good relations with Wangjiang building. They came to support it. How could there be a smash?

At this time, the public relations manager of Wangjiang building was sweating on his forehead. She really can't understand why the reporter of Jiangcheng online will make trouble at this time. Jiangcheng online has a good cooperation with Wangjiang building! The relationship between the two sides has always been very harmonious. How can they make discordant voices at this time?

Zhou Jiahao frowned. Obviously, he was very dissatisfied with the problem. But it can't happen at the moment.

"President Zhou, is it inconvenient to answer this question?" the reporter of Jiangcheng online asked again and directly roasted Zhou Jiahao on the fire.

"This question..." Zhou Jiahao had to speak, but this question really had no way to answer.

"Let me answer this question." Bai Yan stood up and said with a smile, "as a friend of the news media, gossip is your nature. To tell you the truth, I also like to read gossip! But this time, I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you. In fact, today is the first time I met President Zhou. We didn't know each other before."

After Bai Yan's words, the following media reporters talked one after another.

"However, I want to tell the media friends here that the reason why our Dongping agricultural products sales company can cooperate with Wangjianglou is definitely not what some dirty people think! In fact, before we cooperate with Wangjianglou, we were the only vegetable supplier of Yimei health club." Bai Yan stood there and said forcefully: "Wangjiang building came to the door to seek cooperation after learning that we cooperated with Yimei health club. After investigating Wangjiang building, we agreed to this cooperation..."

Bai Yan's answer won warm applause from the news media friends present. Especially when they heard that Dongping agricultural products sales company was also a supplier of Yimei health club, the people present were even more surprised!

At this time, the public relations manager of Wangjiang building has communicated with some media with good relations. Everyone has changed the topic and began to ask questions about Dongping agricultural products sales company. Bai Yan is happy to answer these questions and let everyone report on Dongping agricultural products sales company, which will open the market and enhance the popularity of Dongping agricultural products sales company, It has great benefits!

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