"It's also very busy here at night." the last time Xu Hao left, it was earlier than now. I didn't find that there were so many people in the food street here after ten o'clock.

"Now is the best time for business in the food street. Generally, in summer, the food street is open 24 hours." Su Jing knows the situation here very well. After all, she grew up here.

Putting the fish food into the car, Xu Hao said, "let's go for a walk?"

"Can you still eat?" asked Su Jing, glancing at Xu Hao suspiciously. Today, Xu Hao was at their house, but he really didn't eat less. Eat more than last time!

After taking a silent look at Su Jing, Xu Hao said, "you think I'm a pig. I just want to see this food street. I think the plans your father said are really good."

"OK, I'll walk around with you." since Xu Hao said so, Su Jing can't leave Xu Hao alone.

Raising his arm, Xu Hao made a gesture to Su Jing to hold his arm. Su Jing hesitated for a moment. Thinking that she would not meet an acquaintance so late, she boldly put out her hand and hugged Xu Hao's arm.

"That's a bit of shopping." Xu Hao was very satisfied with the soft touch from Su Jing's chest from time to time.

Su Jing didn't find that Xu Hao took advantage of this opportunity to take advantage of her. At the moment, Su Jing is happily introducing the food street to Xu Hao.

Food street is only part of the old street. Because this part is closer to the main roads in the urban area, the flow of people is larger. The old street has been extending in the direction of Su Jing's house. After a preliminary visual inspection, the food street only accounts for about one-third of the overall length of the old street.

"By the way, can NanLuoGu Lane be the same as here?" looking at Xu Hao, Su Jing couldn't help asking. Today, my father and Xu Hao mentioned these places many times. Su Jing wanted to inquire about them.

Nodding, Xu Hao said, "it's almost the same as here, but it's much more prosperous. If you encounter holidays, it's crowded. Moreover, NanLuoGu lane has become more and more commercialized over the years..."

"I also want to see it," said Su Jing with some longing. She is so big that she has never been out of Jiangcheng. She'd love to see somewhere.

"OK, I'll take you when I'm free." Xu Hao agreed. In these places in China, Xu Hao didn't accompany the girlfriends he talked about when he was young. Xu Hao is no stranger to these places.

Hearing Xu Hao's promise to take her out to play, Su Jing was not too happy. She couldn't help tightening her hand holding Xu Hao's arm. Feeling the pressure from his arm, Xu Hao knew that it was Su Jing's chest squeezing on his arm.

Taking a careful look at Su Jing, Xu Hao found that Su Jing didn't find this problem, so he naturally enjoyed it. From time to time when walking, he deliberately squeezed Su Jing to feel the soft touch more clearly!

If Su Jing knew that Xu Hao was so dishonest when shopping, she might really bite him.

The two spent almost an hour walking back and forth in the food street.

"Well, I'll go back. Slow down on your way." seeing Xu Hao holding her hand, Su Jing raised her head and said.

"Then you have to show it?" Xu Hao looked at Su Jing and said with a bad smile.

After a shy look at Xu Hao, Su Jing said, "close your eyes!"

"Don't just give a hug." thinking of the last time, Xu Hao felt it necessary to remind Su Jing.

Originally, Su Jing really planned to hug Xu Hao. However, Xu Hao blocked the road in advance, so she had to find another way.

She nodded shyly. Su Jing said, "OK, OK, I promise you. Close your eyes!"

Close your eyes and Xu Hao looks forward to what Su Jing will say.

After repeatedly confirming that Xu Hao closed her eyes, Su Jing stood on tiptoe and quickly kissed Xu Hao on his lips. However, when she was going to turn and run away, Xu Hao had stretched out his hand and hugged her slim waist!

"You..." like a frightened rabbit, Su Jing looks at Xu Hao nervously. She didn't expect that Xu Hao not only suddenly opened his eyes, but also hugged her. Now, she really can't escape!

Before Su Jing could speak, Xu Hao kissed her directly. His hand was restless and stretched into Su Jing's T-shirt. Feeling Xu Hao's dishonest hand, Su Jing's whole body is soft, and the whole person is hanging on Xu Hao.

"People will... See... See." Su Jing took a thick nasal sound when she spoke. Su Jing tried to break free, but her body couldn't make it out at all.

Seeing that Su Jing's whole body is melting in his arms, Xu Hao has to spare Su Jing for the time being! It is estimated that Su Jing can't eliminate her shyness for three or five days.

"You're dead." Su Jing couldn't stand steadily, so she had to lean on the car like Xu Hao.

"There are worse ones. Do you want to try?" Xu Hao whispered to Su Jing.

The hot air blew on Su Jing's ears. Su Jing's already hot ears were red and about to bleed.

Looking pitifully at Xu Hao, Su Jing whispered, "Xu Hao, will you not bully me in the future?"

Under Su Jing's poor little eyes, Xu Hao was defeated directly! Looking at Su Jing, Xu Hao said, "OK, listen to you!"

Nodding heavily, Su Jing said, "thank you, Xu Hao. Then... Then I'll go back."

"Well, I'll go back and I'll look at you." Xu Hao is really worried about the old street. Su Jing walks back alone.

Smiled at Xu Hao, and Su Jingcai slowly walked home. Seeing Xu Hao standing behind and watching him go home, Su Jing's heart is warm. However, thinking of Xu Hao's flirting with herself three times and twice today, Su Jing couldn't help scolding Xu Hao's bad guy! Su Jing has never seen a big villain like Xu Hao when she is so big!

"Bad guy, bad guy!" Su Jing said angrily, but her heart was warm.

Seeing her daughter send Xu Hao, she came back after such a long time. Especially when her daughter came back, she blushed like a tomato. Huang Mei couldn't help wondering. Did the two children do anything unusual in this hour.

However, Huang Mei couldn't ask Su Jing about this matter, so she had to hold it in her heart.

"Lao Su, do you think Xiaojing and Xu Hao are talking about each other?" Huang Mei couldn't sleep, so she threw the problem to Su Dajiang.

Su Dajiang glanced at his wife and said, "what do you care about this matter? What era is it now? Pay attention to free love. You still want to be a feudal parent!"

"My own daughter, I can't ask? Your father and daughter are so angry that I'll forget it." Huang Mei said and angrily got into the quilt

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