Early in the morning, Xu Hao called Wang Yumin. On the phone, Wang Yumin heard Xu Hao say he had prepared a lot of fish food. He was as excited as a child and hurried Xu Hao to send it to him.

Xu Hao has been to Wang Yumin's house twice and is no stranger to his house. After breakfast, Xu Hao drove to Wang Yumin's house.

This time, Xiao Jingyi greeted Xu Hao. Seeing Xu Hao carrying a large bag of fish food, Xiao Jing rushed over, "uncle is waiting for you in the living room."

"Then I'll trouble you," said Xu Hao, handing the fish food to Xiao Jingyi, and he walked towards the living room.

Seeing Xu Hao coming in and reading the newspaper in the living room, Wang Yumin put down his newspaper and stood up. "Xiao Xu, I'm looking forward to you. If you don't come again, these little guys in my family will be hungry."

Wang Yumin said wittily and arranged for Xu Hao to sit down.

"Grandpa Wang, in the future, you will be able to provide about 100 Jin every month. Can you use it up?" looked at Wang Yumin and asked Xu Hao. If Wang Yumin can't use it up, he has to find another way to sell it.

After thinking about it, Wang Yumin said, "almost, leave it to me."

Wang Yumin asked for such a large amount of fish at once. Xu Hao was really embarrassed to give Wang Yumin 500 kg. Looking at Wang Yumin, Xu Hao said, "Grandpa Wang, now the production cost of fish food is slowly decreasing, and I can't charge you so much. In the future, the price of one kilogram of fish food will be calculated according to the price of 300."

"You won't lose money?" Wang Yumin looked at Xu Hao and asked. The price of 300 kg is basically similar to the high-grade fish food on the market. Xu Hao's fish food is all handmade.

"No, No." Xu Hao quickly waved his hand and said, "Grandpa Wang, I'm a businessman. How can I do business at a loss?"

Xu Hao's words made Wang Yumin laugh.

At this time, Grandma Wang also came out. Don't be too happy to see Xu Hao. Keep Xu Hao at home for lunch!

Xu Hao refused Grandma Wang's kindness, so he agreed.

When Xu Hao was chatting with Wang Yumin, the sound of a car sounded outside the door. Xu Hao couldn't help turning his head and looking at the door——

As the door opened, a small foot wrapped in silver white crystal shoes stretched out. With Xu Hao's stunned Kung Fu, the woman had walked out of the car.

At this time, Xu Haocai saw the people on the bus. Her beautiful face is painted with exquisite makeup. Her hair is behind her head. She is about 30 years old and wears a high-grade dark red Suzhou embroidered cheongsam. The tailored high-grade cheongsam perfectly shows her figure and makes her body present a perfect S-shape. Round and slender legs are wrapped with a pair of flesh colored crystal stockings. As the woman walked around, it appeared from time to time from the fork of the cheongsam.

The woman in front of her is symmetrical and sexy, but there is no such frivolous feeling on her. Although her figure is attractive and her clothes are sexy, it gives people a sense of oppression that can be seen from a distance and can not be blasphemed.

In today's society, having the courage to go out in cheongsam itself shows that this woman's figure and temperament are among the best. Otherwise, it's strange not to be laughed at when you go out in cheongsam! Cheongsam is a kind of clothes that ordinary people can't control.

"Yuwei, you're coming." seeing her daughter-in-law song Yuwei come in, Wang Yumin stood up with a smile, looking very happy.

Song Yuwei came in, respectfully called her father, and then motioned to the driver behind her to put down the nutrition she had bought.

Seeing someone in the room, song Yuwei was a little surprised. She remembered that Wang Yumin's settlement in Jiangcheng was strictly confidential. No one knew except a few leaders in the province. But now she sees someone visiting Wang Yumin.

"Come on, let me introduce you. This is my new friend Xu Hao." Wang Yumin said, pointing to song Yuwei and said, "this is my daughter-in-law song Yuwei."

Xu Hao nodded faintly. Song Yuwei even said hello to Xu Hao. She said to see her mother. Song Yuwei turned and walked towards the back.

After Song Yuwei left, Wang Yumin couldn't help but sigh. Song Yuwei has been married to their family for a short time. Now her son is gone. Song Yuwei can see the old couple at least once a month. Wang Yumin is not dissatisfied.

Xu Hao also found that the relationship between Song Yuwei and Wang Yumin seemed strange. It's not like a relative. It's very uncomfortable. As for what this kind of awkwardness is, Xu Hao can't describe it.

Since Wang Yumin's daughter-in-law came back, Xu Hao said goodbye. It seems inappropriate for an outsider to eat with his family.

"It doesn't matter. Let's have dinner together. It's just that you can get to know each other." Wang Yumin asked Xu Hao to stay. If there were no outsiders today, the atmosphere at the dinner table would be rather dull. With Xu Hao, an outsider, you can reconcile it.

Xu Hao naturally did not know Wang Yumin's intention. However, since Wang Yumin said so, Xu Hao had to bite the bullet and promise.

During the meal, in addition to Xu Hao, Xiao Jingyi was also arranged to sit on the table. It is very rare for the old couple Wang Yumin to sit together for dinner.

I don't know if song Yuwei's aura is so strong that even Xu Hao doesn't have a good intention to speak. Not to mention the others. Grandma Wang is very kind to song Yuwei. Her eyes are full of love.

Song Yuwei's temperament seems very cold. She eats silently and doesn't speak.

Finally, Wang Yumin said, "how's your company in Liyang?"

"It's still the same, barely maintained." Song Yuwei listened to Wang Yumin's question about the company, raised her head, looked at Wang Yumin, hesitated and said, "Dad, can you come forward and help me say that if the land in Liyang is dragged again, the capital chain of our company may be broken!"

"I have retired. Liyang City may not give me this face." Wang Yumin said vaguely. He knew that his daughter-in-law had a real estate company in Liyang. But I heard that recently, because Liyang municipal government issued a more stringent land examination and approval system, the land she had previously won has not been approved. This matter has been delayed for more than half a year.

Listening to Wang Yumin's words, song Yuwei didn't say anything more. She continued to lower her head and eat silently.

Grandma Wang loved song Yuwei and said to her, "why don't I go to Governor Liu to talk about it? Anyway, I'm a woman..."

"What's the matter with you?" Wang Yumin's attitude was very tough, but his heart softened when he saw his wife's face. "In a moment, I'll call mayor Zhou of Liyang, but in the end, I can't guarantee it!"

Hearing Wang Yumin's words, song Yuwei was obviously shocked. At the beginning, when Wang Yumin was still in the province, her company was not only not cheap, but also constrained everywhere because of avoiding suspicion. Now, Wang Yumin has retired and is willing to say hello to her, which makes her re-examine Wang Yumin's father-in-law

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