After listening to Bai Niu, Xu Hao also understood that this is a game set by the other party, waiting for Bai Niu to take the bait!

"Blame me, blame me..." Bai Niu blamed himself. Now not only has he paid hundreds of thousands of money for starting the company, but also owes a huge sum of money of $45 million! Fang Ming wants the life of the white bull!

"Brother Bai Niu, don't worry." Xu Hao grabbed Bai Niu's hand and didn't let him beat his head. In case something happens, he can't tell Bai Yan.

"Can I not be in a hurry?" Bai Niu looked at Xu Hao and said, "there are a lot of material dealers outside the company asking for money! Now, the materials are stacked on the construction site. Even if I deal with them, I will lose at least one or two million!"

"Brother Bai Niu, did you call the police?" Xu Hao asked again. Although the alarm is of little significance, what clues can the police find out? Anyway, it will at least give them some hope.

"The police called the police, but the police said that they had checked the relevant information about the company registration, which was false." looking at Xu Hao, Wang Bin said: "the other party is a bureau for us from beginning to end. It's also strange that we were dazzled by the 3 million profit! If we were more careful, we wouldn't have this problem!"

"Now that something has happened, it's no use blaming yourself. Let's think of a way to solve the problem first." Xu Hao also had a headache at this time. When Bai Niu started the company, Xu Hao helped to tell Bai Yan. Now, there is something wrong with Bainiu's company. Xu Hao can't ignore it!

"What else can I do?" Bainiu said in despair. "All the procedures are false. The land and Resources Bureau and the Construction Committee asked me to transport all the materials within half a month, otherwise they will deal with them by themselves."

"Now, all the construction companies in Jiangcheng are watching our jokes. They are waiting for the Construction Committee to deal with the materials by itself, so our materials can't be sold at all." Wang Bin said helplessly.

"Does this matter have anything to do with Yang long?" Xu Hao asked. Bai Niu only offended Yang long in this line. It's just that Yang long has so much energy to play such a game?

Shaking his head, Bai Niu said, "I don't know. I don't think it has anything to do with Yang long. He's just the manager of a construction company. He can't arrange such a big situation."

Nodded silently. Xu Hao suddenly thought of the sudden challenge of Jiangcheng online reporters at the press conference two days ago. Will these two things be related? If the two things are related, Xu Hao has to pay attention. There should be a hidden hand behind it, controlling all this!

No wonder Xu Hao is suspicious. It's really a coincidence that these two things happened. Although the press conference has nothing in common with Bainiu company, once it is connected with Xu Hao, these two things have something in common!

"Brother Bai Niu, what kind of project is this? Can you tell me?" Xu Hao asked Bai Niu. If it is a general project, it is reasonable that white cattle will not be easily fooled. Since this project can deceive white cattle, it shows that this is not a simple project.

"It's the development of Jiangcheng Industrial Park." looking at Xu Hao, Bai Niu said, "the company I signed with said that they signed a cooperation agreement with Jiangcheng government to build a large plant covering an area of 300 mu in the industrial park, with an investment of more than 30 million and an overall investment of more than 100 million..."

"Do you have any planning drawings?" Xu Hao asked hurriedly. With such a large investment, there is no report in the news, and white bull dare to believe it.

"Yes," said Wang Bin. He quickly took out the documents related to the industrial park plan and handed them to Xu Hao.

After receiving the documents handed over by Wang Bin, Xu Hao looked at them in detail. At this look, Xu Hao himself was a little confused. Now, if anyone reads this document, they can't doubt that the plan is false. Because these documents are so perfect. No wonder white cattle are fooled!

"Even the design drawings have come out. It seems that they haven't lost money." Xu Hao looked at the design drawings and said with a bitter smile. This design drawing alone is of great value! Of course, the premise is that the industrial park is really going to be built.

"Yes, at that time, we had no doubt because we saw these documents." looking at Xu Hao, Wang Bin said: "look at these relevant materials and future plans, it doesn't seem to be false..."

"But in fact, he is a fake!" Bainiu reluctantly looked at the document and said, "they just want to use this fake document to force me to a dead end!"

Seeing Bai Niu and Wang Bin with sad faces, Xu Hao suddenly had an idea in his mind. Looking at the two, Xu Hao asked, "brother Bai Niu and Wang Bin, what do you say if we turn this fake plan into real?"

"What do you mean?" Bai Niu and Wang Bin didn't come back. They couldn't help looking at Xu Hao in doubt.

"It's very simple. What if Jiangcheng municipal government really approves the plan of the industrial park? Will all the problems be solved?" Xu Hao asked, looking at Wang Bin and Bai Niu.

Hearing Xu Hao's words, Bainiu let out his anger again, looked at Xu Hao and said: "It's impossible. I went to Jiangcheng city and even shamelessly asked Mayor Wang. The answer was that there was no such plan in the city. Moreover, I would not consider starting the plan in the near future. This is not in line with the established planning direction of Jiangcheng! Even if Jiangcheng built an industrial park, it would develop in more remote districts and counties, and would not develop in a place so close to Jiangcheng!"

"I don't think so." Xu Hao smiled and said: "Jiangcheng has developed rapidly in recent years, but this is only infrastructure. Although the roads are built wider and wider, and the city is expanding rapidly, the industrial foundation is gradually weakening. Even for the sake of urban development, some polluting enterprises have to move away from Jiangcheng. In this case, Jiangcheng may not want to build a high-tech industrial park!"

"High tech Industrial Park?" Bai Niu and Wang Bin didn't understand very well and couldn't help looking at Xu Hao.

Xu Hao smiled. Naturally, he wouldn't say that his idea is based on the development ideas of Donghai city. As one of the most developed cities in China, Donghai city provides a development idea for many cities in the direction of urban development. Jiangcheng is currently on the track of rapid development, but its industrial development is lagging behind. Xu Hao doesn't believe these leaders of Jiangcheng Don't worry!

As long as the leaders of Jiangcheng are worried, Xu Hao will find a relationship again. It's not impossible to give him a fake play and really develop an industrial park!

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