After coming out of Bainiu company and returning home, Xu Hao first called Bai Yan and told Bai Yan not to worry. At present, everything in Bainiu company is stable for the time being. If Xu Hao doesn't make this call, Bai Yan may not have a good rest all night.

After hanging up the phone, Xu Hao began to query the relevant materials of several high-tech industrial parks in the East China Sea and the relevant foreign high-tech industrial parks.

It is certainly not possible to build an ordinary industrial park so close to the urban area. Even if Xu Hao has a good relationship, Jiangcheng City dare not agree. Now all cities are controlling pollution, and all industrial parks have moved to relatively remote places. At this time, Jiangcheng city is building an industrial park in the urban area. How dare they?

Therefore, the only way now is to build a high-tech industrial park, and even imitate the Silicon Valley of the United States to build a kingdom of electronic industry and computer industry.

Of course, all this is Xu Hao's idea. Whether the specific idea can be realized is not something he can decide for the time being. What Xu Hao needs to do now is to further refine and refine the original false plan.

This process is simple to say but particularly complex to do. In addition, Xu Hao himself is not a professional, so it is even more difficult to do it!

Rubbing his headache head, Xu Hao looked at the computer time. It was more than 7 p.m. At this time, Huang Xin should be back from work. Xu Hao plans to sit at Huang Xin's house for a while to relax his brain.

After knocking at Huang Xin's house, Xu Hao saw Huang Xin who had changed his home clothes. The purple cashmere sweater and tight white Capris wrapped Huang xinmanmiao's body tightly, which could not help but make Xu Hao's heart beat faster. The thin velvet sweater with full elasticity makes Huang Xin's mountain towering and slim waist. Similarly, the elastic white tight Capris are wrapped with Huang Xin's beautiful hips and slender and straight legs, which are particularly attractive. On the delicate little feet, a pair of ordinary women's slippers show that the little feet are white and tender.

"Rare, not busy today?" Huang Xin said hello to Xu Hao and walked towards the kitchen.

"Give yourself a holiday and have a rest today." Xu Hao talked nonsense, went in and sat in the living room, chatting with Huang Xin who was cooking in the kitchen.

Soon, Huang Xin cooked the food and asked Xu Hao to eat.

During dinner, Huang Xin asked about song Rui, "how about their working ability? Are you satisfied?"

"Sister Xin's coming out, of course, there's no need to say. Everyone is a strong soldier!" Xu Hao said half jokingly. Although song Rui and the three of them are not elite, they are definitely high-quality personnel in terms of their salary!

"All right, don't flatter." after giving Xu Hao a white look, Huang Xin said, "let me ask you a serious thing. You said that I am now holding the shares of the sun family nursery base. Would you like to change the money directly or keep it for the time being."

"Keep it, of course!" Xu Hao quickly said, "sister Xin, you won't be so short-sighted? You can see the development of the sun family. If you keep the shares in your hand, the value will at least double!"

"That's what you say, but if you have the money..." Huang Xin said and suddenly stopped. "Forget it, don't move this part of the shares for the time being, and we'll talk about it later."

"Sister Xin, do you have any plans? Tell me." Xu Hao heard that Huang Xin seemed to have some plans, but halfway through, he suddenly stopped. Xu Hao didn't know what Huang Xin really thought.

Looking up at Xu Hao, Huang Xin said, "I won't tell you. I won't tell anyone until I do it. Unless I succeed!"

"Tell me, maybe I can help you." Xu Hao is very curious. Huang Xin has any plans. He is so careful that no one says.

Shaking his head at Xu Hao, Huang Xin said, "I can't say it! Unless I really intend to do it at that time, I won't say it all my life!"

"So serious?" Huang Xin said so carefully, and Xu Hao was even more curious. However, from Huang Xin's tone, Xu Hao can also hear that Huang Xin will not say it easily!

Nodding heavily, Huang Xin said, "this is the biggest secret in my heart. How can I tell people casually."

Hei hei smiled, and Xu Hao stopped asking questions.

After dinner, Xu Hao didn't hurry back, but stayed on Huang Xin's sofa, eating fruit and watching TV!

Xu haolai was in her house, and Huang Xin didn't mean to drive Xu Hao away. Take off her slippers. Huang Xin leans against a corner of the sofa, holds her knees in her hands, and stares at the TV. She focuses on the variety show on TV!

Huang Xin, who was concentrating on watching TV, suddenly found that Xu Hao came up to her. Startled, Huang Xin took a wary look at Xu Hao and asked, "what are you doing? I'm scared to death!"

"Sister Xin, am I so terrible?" Xu Hao asked with a wry smile after wiping the empty sweat on his forehead.

"Go, don't sit so close, blocking me from watching TV." Huang Xin said, motioning Xu Hao to sit away. Otherwise, according to Xu Hao's shameless nature, he will dare to start in three minutes at most!

His careful thinking was seen through by Huang Xin, although Xu Hao was a little embarrassed. However, in this regard, Xu Hao has a very thick skin. Therefore, Xu Hao just smiled, but he didn't intend to move away.

"Sister Xin, your feet are so beautiful." Xu Hao leaned up, looked at Huang Xin's white and tender feet and said.

With a white look at Xu Hao, Huang Xin simply pressed her foot under her ass to prevent Xu Hao from looking at it.

Seeing that Huang Xin didn't take care of himself, Xu Hao was a little embarrassed. "Sister Xin, I've always had a headache these two days. Why don't I live with you today? In case I have something, I won't be taken care of."

"Headache?" Huang Xin glanced at Xu Hao and asked, "my family's ancestral traditional Chinese medicine has a prescription for headache. Would you like to try it?"

"What prescription?" Xu Hao asked curiously. He had never heard of Huang Xin and knew traditional Chinese medicine.

Looking murderously at Xu Hao, Huang Xin said, "kitchen knife!"

"What?" Xu Hao was stunned for a second and jumped up quickly. Huang Xin said to move the kitchen knife. Maybe it's real.

"Does your head still hurt now?" he raised his head and looked at Xu Hao. Huang Xin asked with a smile.

Shanshan smiled and Xu Hao said, "it doesn't hurt anymore. Sister Xin, your prescription is really powerful. It cured my headache for many years at once. I remember there's still something unfinished. I'll go first."

Xu Hao finished and ran out of Huang Xin's house in a gray way.

Listening to the voice of Xu Hao opening the door next door, Huang Xin was a little proud, "little sample, fight with me, you're still tender!"

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