Several times she tried to get rid of Bai Yan's clothes, but Bai Yan stopped her. Xu Hao was not sure what Bai Yan meant, and he didn't dare to go too far.

When he reached Bai Yan's ear, Xu Hao kissed Bai Yan's earlobe, and then wanted Bai Yan to turn around. Lying in Xu Hao's arms, Bai Yan always turned her back to him.

"Don't!" Bai Yan said hurriedly, "just sleep like this. My aunt is sleepy." Bai Yan said, closing her eyes and even snoring.

Looking at Bai Yan lying in his arms, Xu Hao was at a loss. What's going on? The tentative attempt to do something too much was stopped by Bai Yan. Xu Hao had to honestly hold Bai Yan to sleep.

However, with such a mature beauty in his arms, Xu Hao can even feel the temperature on Bai Yan. At this time, Xu Hao really can't sleep! He wanted Bai Yan to talk with him, but Bai Yan seemed to be asleep. If Bai Yan falls asleep, Xu Hao's hand will be firmly held down by Bai Yan's hand once he acts a little too much!

Holding Bai Yan's mature body, Xu Hao was thinking in his mind. I don't know how long it took, Xu Hao finally fell asleep.

I don't know how long later, Xu Hao couldn't help opening his eyes when he felt the movement of the beauty in his arms.

"I'd better wake you up. It's still early to sleep again." Bai Yan said with a gentle look at Xu Hao. Just, I don't know whether it's shy or because she just woke up, Bai Yan's face was flushed.

Took out his cell phone and took a look. It was less than four o'clock. Xu Hao said, "aunt Bai, it's still early. Why don't you sleep a little longer?"

"I'll go to the next room to sleep," Bai Yan said, struggling to get up from bed and ready to go to the next room to sleep.

Xu Hao was speechless for a while, hugging Bai Yan's waist and wouldn't let her go.

"Xiao Hao, stop it. If someone sees it, it won't be good." Bai Yan broke Xu Hao's hand around her waist and said, "aunt, go to sleep next door. You sleep more. I'll call you when breakfast is ready." then Bai Yan got up and got out of bed.

Seeing Bai Yan leaving the room like a thief, Xu Hao was speechless for a while. Is it necessary to cover up?

After turning over and smelling the fragrance of Bai Yan in the quilt, Xu Hao soon fell asleep again.

When Xu Hao woke up again, it was daybreak outside.

As soon as she opened her eyes, Bai Yan opened the door and came in. Seeing that Xu Hao woke up, Bai Yan said, "well, get up quickly. Breakfast is ready!"

"Bai Yi......" he called Bai Yan, and Xu Hao stretched out his hand to hold Bai Yan.

Bai Yan quickly dodged and said, "don't make trouble, there are people outside!"

"Aunt Bai, is it OK when there is no one?" Xu Hao quickly asked.

"No one can do it!" Bai Yan's face became more and more red. Xu Hao looked white and said, "get up quickly. The sun is drying your ass." then Bai Yan quickly turned and went out.

Seeing the shyness on Bai Yan's mature face, Xu Hao shook his head speechless. He doesn't know what Bai Yan thinks in the end! If Bai Yan didn't like him, why did she sleep in her arms all night? But if Bai Yan likes him, why doesn't Bai Yan allow Xu Hao to do too much?

After rubbing his headache head, Xu Hao got up.

At breakfast, Xu Hao found that only he and Bai Yan were there. He asked, "aunt Bai, where are the others?"

"Wang Chao and Wang Ting have gone to the village. Now someone is making trouble at the door. The villagers dare not come to sell agricultural and sideline products, so they can only go to each village to collect and transport them back. Song Rui has gone to the city, and there are several transfer businesses to deal with today..." Bai Yan said while eating breakfast.

Hearing that everyone was away, Xu Hao directly gathered around Bai Yan and dishonestly took Bai Yan's plump waist.

After looking at Xu Hao, Bai Yan said, "don't make trouble!"

"Bai Yi......" he called Bai Yan, and Xu Hao gathered together, put his head on Bai Yan's shoulder, and stared at Bai Yan's mature and pretty face.

Embarrassed by Xu Hao, Bai Yan said, "Xiao Hao, you... Don't force your aunt? Yesterday's incident was a misunderstanding. Forget it!" Bai Yan said, and stood up in a panic and prepared to hide out.

Xu Hao could not let Bai Yan run away so easily. Holding Bai Yan's waist, Xu Hao said, "aunt Bai, do you like me too?"

"Nonsense, I'm your aunt." Bai Yan said quickly.

"It's not my aunt. Besides, you're not a few years older than me." Xu Hao said with a rogue.

Bai Yan's attitude was very firm. "That's not good either! My aunt was confused yesterday, absolutely not in the future!" Bai Yan broke Xu Hao's hand around her waist, stood up and walked outside.

Bai Yan's sudden change of attitude surprised Xu Hao! He doesn't understand what Bai Yan thinks!


Originally, Xu Hao planned to stay in the vegetable base for a long time to see if he could find out what caused the sudden change of Bai Yan's attitude. However, because he received a call from Liang Hongyu, Xu Hao had to rush back to Jiangcheng first.

Driving to Yimei health club, Xu Hao called Liang Hongyu. Soon, Liang Hongyu came out of the club and led Xu Hao towards the club.

"Brother Hongyu, what's the matter with calling me so urgently?" Xu Hao looked at Liang Hongyu and asked.

"President Tang is back from Yanjing." Liang Hongyu looked at Xu Hao and said, "president Tang will let me contact you as soon as he comes back from Yanjing."

"Mr. Tang is looking for me?" Xu Hao was puzzled. His agricultural products company cooperated well with Tang Jing. There was no problem. What can Tang Jing do in such a hurry to find him?

Liang Hongyu nodded and said, "don't ask me what president Tang wants from you. I really don't know!"

He smiled helplessly at Liang Hongyu. Xu haogang really planned to ask Liang Hongyu.

"However, I can tell you. President Tang is in a good mood today. It should be a good thing." Liang Hongyu said another sentence when he saw the disappointed expression on Xu Hao's face.

As long as it's a good thing, Xu Hao won't worry!

Originally, Xu Hao thought Liang Hongyu would directly lead him to Tang Jing's office, but unexpectedly, Liang Hongyu took Xu Hao to his office.

"President Tang has something else to do. He told me to greet you first. I'll take you there when she's finished." Liang Hongyu said hurriedly when he saw the puzzled expression on Xu Hao's face.

Nodding, Xu Hao said with a smile, "I didn't expect Mr. Tang to be very busy!"

"She has been back to Yanjing for a long time, so many things are waiting for her to deal with." Liang Hongyu smiled, gave Xu Hao a cup of tea, and chatted with Xu Hao everywhere

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