After chatting with Liang Hongyu for a long time, Tang Jing called Liang Hongyu's office.

"Xu Hao, let's go. President Tang is finished," Liang Hongyu said, leading Xu Hao to Tang Jing's office.

After knocking at the door and getting permission, Liang Hongyu pushed open the door of Tang Jing's office.

When Liang Hongyu and Xu Hao walked into the office, Tang Jing just came out from behind the desk. Today, she is wearing a silver gray professional dress and a tight waist women's suit, which makes her mountains towering. The tight skirt wraps her rich hips in a round arc. The black crystal silk stockings under the skirt are wrapped with a pair of slender legs. Against the background of silver gray professional clothes, they look more smooth, delicate, shiny and attractive. On their delicate feet, they wear black slender high roots. Tang Jing's professional dress today makes her feel like a strong woman!

"I'm really sorry to have kept you waiting." Tang Jing said apologetically when she saw Xu Hao.

Smiling at Tang Jing, Xu Hao said, "it's okay, it's okay. I'm fine anyway."

After sitting down, Liang Hongyu poured a cup of tea for each of them, and then withdrew.

"I called you this time to discuss cooperation with you." looking at Xu Hao, Tang Jing said bluntly, "I'm going to expand the purchase of some vegetables!"

Hearing that Tang Jing wanted to expand her purchase, Xu Hao couldn't help looking at Tang Jing curiously and asked, "president Tang, your club can't consume so many vegetables?"

With a smile, Tang Jing said, "I have some other uses besides the club! Why, your vegetable base can't supply it?"

"That's not true. The output can completely keep up!" Xu Hao quickly waved his hand and said. At present, the vegetable base not only supplies vegetables to Yimei health club and Wangjiang building, but also cooperates with several restaurants in Jiangcheng. With the vegetable base on the right track, the output is also improving step by step! Increasing the supply to Tang Jing is not a problem at all!

"Since the output can keep up, what do you have to worry about?" Tang Jing looked at Xu Hao and asked, "don't you want to sell me vegetables?"

"How could it be? Mr. Tang, your Wangjiang building is the largest customer of our vegetable base and our God of wealth." Xu Hao; Hurriedly opened his mouth and said, "after going back, I'll discuss with aunt Bai, and then increase the supply to you!"

"It seems that this thing is simpler than I thought." Tang Jing smiled and said, "by the way, we may arrange several people to visit your vegetable base for a long time. Is it convenient for you?"

"Long term investigation?" Xu Hao looked at Tang Jing suspiciously. He can understand this thing, but he has never heard of such a thing after a long-term investigation!

Nodding, Tang Jing said, "we will arrange two people to eat and live in your vegetable base and make a comprehensive investigation on your vegetable base! At the same time, it is also a supervision team sent by us. After all, our Yimei health club has such a large purchase volume that no one is there to supervise the quality, and we are not at ease!"

Tang Jing's face was very flat. There was nothing unusual in her face. However, intuition tells Xu Hao that Tang Jing's doing so is not all the so-called investigation and quality supervision! There must be a deeper purpose.

It's just that it doesn't seem appropriate not to promise Tang Jing!

"Why? I'm afraid my people will steal to learn technology?" Tang Jing said half jokingly, "don't worry. I promise you, I'll never get involved in the vegetable planting industry. Is that always OK? If you don't worry, we can sign an agreement! Agree on a high amount of compensation!"

"I can trust president Tang," said Xu Hao, looking at Tang Jing. Regardless of the background of the Tang family, it seems that the energy of Yimei health club is not comparable to that of a mere vegetable base! What's more, Tang Jing's life background should not be short of money!

"By the way, I heard you've had a lot of trouble these days. How's it going? Is it going well?" raised her head and pretended to look at Xu Hao inadvertently. Tang Jing asked.

Although there are some doubts, Xu Hao has no doubt that it is not difficult for Tang Jing to get these news!

"There are no problems at the moment. They have all been solved. If there are problems that can't be solved, I'm afraid I'll have to trouble president Tang." looking at Tang Jing, Xu Hao said, "I've completely hugged president Tang's thigh!" as he said, Xu Hao unconsciously looked at the long leg wrapped in black silk stockings under Tang Jing's skirt.

"It's too big for me to help. But I can still help with some small things." Tang Jing smiled and didn't mind Xu Hao's eyes.

After talking about things, Tang Jing asked Liang Hongyu to send Xu Hao away.

Returning to Tang Jing's office, Liang Hongyu asked, "president Tang, do you want to tell Xu Hao about the Zhao family and Yao Ruili?"

"No need." after waving her hand, Tang Jing said, "it's no use even telling him about it. With his current strength, he can't do anything in front of the Zhao family!"

"However, if the Zhao family keeps making small moves from behind, Xu Hao's growth rate will slow down a lot." after looking at Tang Jing, Liang Hongyu said, "president Tang, didn't you say you wanted Xu Hao to grow up as soon as possible?"

"These little moves of the Zhao family are just the simplest temptation. They are not a stumbling block at all." Tang Jing smiled and said, "I don't know what shit luck Yao Ruili has taken. He actually held the Zhao family's thigh. He suffered a loss in Xu Hao's hand before. I'm afraid he will take this opportunity to find it all back!"

"Shall we..." Liang Hongyu asked, looking at Tang Jing.

"Let's wait and see what happens. If it's not necessary, let's not come forward. The relationship between the Zhao family and our Tang family has just eased. I don't want to make the relationship between the two families tense again because of the small friction in Jiangcheng." Tang Jing shook her head and said: "Let's exercise restraint here. The Zhao family should not go too far! Anyway, Xu Hao is cooperating with my Tang family now, isn't he?"

Nodding, Liang Hongyu stopped saying anything. These times, Yao Ruili made several small moves in Jiangcheng with the help of the Zhao family who had recently established a relationship. Although they were all resolved by Xu Hao one by one, these small moves almost destroyed Xu Hao's career!

"By the way, the two experts who went to the vegetable base will go to Jiangcheng tomorrow. At that time, you can arrange to send them to the vegetable base in person. It's up to them whether you can find out some useful clues! On the way, you can tell Xu Hao about Yao Ruili's bodyguard Hu Qiang. I believe Xu Hao's intelligence will know what to do." Tang Jing leaned back on the boss's chair and said, "in addition, we have to speed up the work of the research center. Isn't Jiangcheng going to build a high-tech Industrial Park recently? Just put the research center in this science and technology park!"

"OK, I'll do it now." Liang Hongyu nodded and turned out of Tang Jing's office

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