Standing on the second floor of Jinma town office building, Xu Hao and Wang Ting looked at the open space in front of the office building. Wang Chaoxi talked about cooperation with the heads of various villages. Wang Ting couldn't figure out why Xu Hao made a concession decision at this time!

"Can't you figure it out?" Xu Hao asked, looking back at the angry little girl Wang Ting.

"Yes, I just can't figure it out. Why should we lose to Wang Chao?" Wang Ting looked at Xu Hao and asked, "it's a big deal. We also raise the purchase price. Are we afraid they won't succeed?"

"What if Wang Chao continues to raise the purchase price?" Xu Hao asked, looking at Wang Ting.

"Well... Let's just improve." when she said this, Wang Ting seemed to have some confidence.

With a smile, Xu Hao said: "You're not doing business, you're acting on your own will! The sales of agricultural and sideline products have indeed brought a lot of benefits to the company, which I don't deny. However, our main source of income is the vegetable base! Even without this piece, we can operate stably by relying on the vegetable base. In that case, why should we spend so much money in vain In the endless bidding with competitors? "

"But I'm just unhappy." Wang Ting looked at Xu Hao and said her inner thoughts.

Of course, Xu Hao can understand Wang Ting's unhappiness. In his heart, he is also very unhappy about this matter. However, his unhappiness will return to unhappiness, and Xu Hao will never be angry. Do you have to take all the money earned by the vegetable base and have a price war with Yao Ruili?

Moreover, Xu Hao doesn't believe Yao Ruili's one million yuan investment. How long can Wang Chao burn? Will Yao Ruili continue to invest in him after the one million yuan is spent? Without investment, Wang Chao's company can't go on!

Therefore, what Xu Hao should do now is to dig a hole for Wang Chao and quickly break his capital chain!

When returning to the vegetable base, Xu Haoshun took he Dahai back.

Sitting in the car, he Dahai is still comforting Xu Hao, "Xiao Xu, don't worry, there's your uncle he! When I go back, I'll mobilize the villagers and ask them to talk about it with their relatives. How can we be honest?"

"Uncle he, thank you." Xu Hao said with a smile, "I figured it out last night. Although this matter has a certain impact on the company, fortunately, we knew it in advance and made targeted treatment! So, uncle he, don't worry, the company will be fine!"

"That's good, that's good." he Dahai seemed relieved.

Back to the vegetable base, Xu Hao simply told Bai Yan about the meeting in the town. Bai Yan almost fainted when he heard that only three villages were willing to continue to cooperate with them.

Xu Hao held Bai Yan and said, "aunt Bai, what's the matter with you?"

"Xiao Hao, what can I do?" Bai Yan immediately panicked. In Bai Yan's heart, the company's operation had such a big thing, which was equivalent to the collapse of the sky.

Holding Bai Yan to sit down, Xu Hao said: "Aunt Bai, don't worry. I thought about it last night. Although the loss of this business will have a certain impact on the company, it will not have a great impact. Our main income still comes from the vegetable base! Those restaurants are willing to cooperate with us and come for the vegetable base! At least, no one can grab this part of the market share!"

When Xu Hao said this, Bai Yan slowly figured it out. Both she and Xu Hao were obviously worried when they suddenly heard this thing yesterday. They took the impact of this thing too seriously. In fact, after careful thinking, they found that the impact of this thing was far less than they thought.

"The problem now is that several restaurants that cooperate with us may be affected. Fortunately, we informed them in time yesterday. I don't think the impact will be too great." Because Xu Hao has been able to stably provide vegetables and various agricultural and sideline products, several restaurants regard Xu Hao as the main food supplier! Now, there are problems in Xu Hao, which may affect the normal operation of some restaurants!

"Aunt contacted the restaurants in the morning, because we notified them in time yesterday, but it didn't affect their normal operation." Bai Yan looked up at Xu Hao and said, "this time, we broke the contract. I don't know if they will hold us accountable!"

"No matter what responsibility we have, we will accept it calmly." Xu Hao smiled and said: "Reputation is the cornerstone of a company. We can't ruin our reputation. In addition, I've arranged for Wang Ting to run to several villages near Jinma town to see if we can cooperate with them! However, we have to recruit people quickly. Relying on Wang Ting alone, the little girl will be tired!"

"Aunt, listen to you." Bai Yan nodded with a smile and said.

The main purpose of this recruitment is to cooperate with more villages. Since Wang Chao likes to dig corners, Xu Hao simply makes his moves bigger. The more Wang Chao digs, the happier he is! Because Wang Chao's funds are not unlimited. Every time Wang Chao digs a village's cooperation, it means that he needs to pay a large amount of money in advance! And Wang Chao's company doesn't have mature sales now Sales channels, I'm afraid those agricultural and sideline products have to be overstocked in Wang Chao's hands! Xu Hao wants to see if Wang Chao can last for more than half a month!

In order to speed up the progress, Xu Hao simply recruited people directly in Longwan village. Xu Hao wants everything he can contact with the outside world. These people all pay by day! The task is to contact each village and ask them to sell agricultural and sideline products to Xu Hao's company!

He Dahai is very interested in this matter. He personally selects people with wide contacts in the village to help Xu Hao overcome the current difficulties! He Dahai's personal help soon selected 15 people. Maybe these 15 people don't have rich experience and high education, but they are very familiar with Jinma town and other towns! It would be most appropriate for them to contact the villages.

"Xiao Xu, please don't get angry and have some tea." he Dahai poured Xu Hao a cup of tea and said, "try our home-made tea. Although it doesn't sell well, it doesn't lose its taste to those Biluochun and Longjing!"

Holding up the teacup, Xu haopin took a sip. Xu Hao doesn't understand tea, but he thinks it's better than the one thousand yuan pot of tea in the flower and bird market. The only disadvantage of this tea is that it is too broken and doesn't look good!

"Uncle he, don't worry. I wish Wang Chao could move faster now!" Xu Hao held a posture of watching the play. The faster Wang Chao moves, the faster he will fall! Therefore, Xu Hao is not afraid of Wang Chao. He is afraid of Wang Chao's advice and dare not compete with him!

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