"Xiaohao, can we eat the more than 20 contracts you signed at once?" those people in Xu Haozhao were very efficient. They signed more than 20 contracts in just three days!

When Xu Hao put these contracts on Bai Yan's desk, Bai Yan was a little silly!

"Aunt Bai, now you can put your heart in your stomach?" Xu Hao said with a smile. Thinking of these two days, Bai Yan is worried. Xu Hao is a little distressed! At the same time, he also admired the people he Dahai personally selected for him. Although their professional skills are not good, they have a wide range of contacts! So, can easily sign back the contract!

"After straightening out the affairs of each village in the past two days, our company can resume normal operation." Bai Yan lifted up the scattered hair in front of her forehead, looked at Xu Hao and said, "our Xiaohao is a genius!"

When he came to Bai Yan, Xu Hao stared at Bai Yan and asked, "aunt Bai, do you have to reward me?"

Xu Hao's face is less than five centimeters away from Bai Yan's face. Bai Yan can even feel the heat exhaled by Xu Hao. With a red face, Bai Yan said, "OK, save it!"

"Aunt Bai, you said you saved it last time." Xu Hao said reluctantly and had to let Bai Yan reward him.

"Aunt said save it, don't think nonsense!" Bai Yan glanced at Xu Hao. Bai Yan quickly stood up and opened the distance with Xu Hao.

Seeing that Bai Yan wanted to avoid, Xu Hao quickly stopped Bai Yan. His business hasn't finished yet!

"Aunt Bai, I guess Wang Chao will continue to dig our customers, so you should be mentally prepared." looking at Bai Yan, Xu Hao said: "I have asked people to secretly disclose the information of these villages we cooperate with to Wang Chao!"

"Ah?" Bai Yan looked at Xu Hao puzzled and asked, "these are the secrets of our company. How can you tell Wang Chao?"

"If you don't tell him, how can you let him jump into the pit we dug for him?" Xu Hao smiled and said. He roughly told Bai Yan about his plan, and Bai Yan immediately understood it.

Looking at Xu Hao, Bai Yan said, "you can think of such a bad idea! You want Wang Chao to support himself to death!"

"I just want Wang Chao to know that he is too young in business! He thinks he is qualified to be my opponent if he learns some fur from me?" said Xu Hao disdainfully. Wang Chao is still too anxious. Xu Hao admitted that Wang Chao's ability is very strong and easy to learn! However, this man's ambition is also too big! If such a person stays in the company, sooner or later it will be a bomb! Now the explosion is a good thing for Xu Hao!

"Aunt knew that Xiaohao was the most powerful in our family." Bai Yan said, holding Xu Hao's face in her hand and sticking her forehead on Xu Hao's forehead.


Knowing that Xu Hao had signed contracts with more than 20 villages, Wang Chao immediately sent people to win over these villages. Their price is at least 50 higher than that offered by Xu Hao, so they are confident to win over most of the villages.

Wang Chao made rapid progress. In two days, 15 of the 20 villages agreed to cooperate with Wang Chao, and several others hesitated. However, there is no clear refusal!

"Xu Hao, how long can you be proud?" Wang Chao was particularly angry when he remembered Xu Hao's smile in front of the town office building that day!

"Mr. Wang, the agricultural and sideline products we purchased have far exceeded our expectations. Will we continue to collect them?" the staff in charge of purchasing came to report to Wang Chao. These days, more than a dozen villages come to deliver various agricultural and sideline products every day, which not only makes the company pay a lot of money, but also fills several warehouses prepared by the company!

"Take it, take it all!" Wang Chao looked at the employee in charge of purchasing and said. However, after the employee in charge of purchasing left, Wang Chao had a bad feeling in his heart!

These days, the salesmen of their company have gone to many restaurants in Jiangcheng, especially some restaurants that originally cooperated with Xu Hao company. They tried to sell their agricultural and sideline products, but without exception, they were all rejected.

Wang Chao doesn't understand why Xu Hao can sell the same agricultural and sideline products so easily, but he can't!

"I don't accept it!" Wang Chao pounded his desk and said, "I won't lose!" as he said, Wang Chao left the office and wanted to talk about cooperation with those restaurants in person. Even if you lose money, you have to dispose of the agricultural and sideline products purchased these days, otherwise, the company's existing funds will not last long!

Wang Chao's first stop is Wangjiang tower. Wangjiang restaurant is one of the most famous restaurants in Jiangcheng. As long as you win the order of Wangjiang restaurant, other restaurants will be much easier.

In the past, when he was in Dongping agricultural products sales company, Wang Chao had many contacts with the purchasers of Wangjiang building. However, this time, when Wang Chao found the person in charge of purchasing in Wangjiang building, he was rejected.

"Our agricultural and sideline products are the same as those of Dongping agricultural products sales company, and our price is 10 lower than them." Wang Chao tried to convince the buyers of Wangjianglou in this way.

"Let's go. You can't provide the food we need." the other party didn't listen to Wang Chao at all and directly wanted to blow him away.

Wang Chao is a little confused. Why doesn't the other party want the same amount of food?

"Brother, just tell me what's going on?" anyway, I used to be a little friendly. After Wang Chao handed over another red envelope, the person in charge of procurement was stunned and finally told the truth: "we cooperate with Dongping agricultural products sales company to mainly purchase vegetables from them, and agricultural and sideline products are only purchased by chance! Now, do you understand?"

"Vegetables are easy to handle. I also have them. They are all pure green and pollution-free organic vegetables," Wang Chao said quickly.

Smiling and waving his hand, the buyer said, "it seems that you have been in Dongping agricultural products sales company for so long. You don't even know the details of the vegetable base!" and the buyer couldn't help shaking his head!

Whatever Wang Chao said, the buyer just didn't let go. There was no way, Wang Chao had to leave sadly!

I went to several restaurants in a row and got almost the same reply! Most of the restaurants that originally cooperated with Dongping agricultural products sales company went for the vegetables of Dongping agricultural products sales company! Wang Chao can't pry these customers of Xu Hao company at all!

As for other restaurants, they are willing to accept Wang Chao's agricultural and sideline products because of their low purchase requirements for food materials, but the price is far lower than Wang Chao's purchase price!

Seeing that the warehouse was full, Wang Chao gritted his teeth and had to promise to sell these agricultural and sideline products at a price lower than the purchase price!

Looking at the agricultural and sideline products pulled away, Wang Chao's heart is dripping blood! In just a few days, his company's loss has reached 150000! Yao Ruili only invested 100 yuan in him. How long can this money support the operation of the company? Wang Chao is beating the drum in his heart!

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