"Are you a waste?" after reading the company's accounts, Yao Ruili raised his head, looked at Wang Chaozhi standing at his desk and asked. In just half a month, the one million he invested was almost spent by Wang Chao! The company's operation has also fallen into a state of semi stagnation.

"Sorry, Mr. Yao, i... I tried my best." looking at Yao Ruili, Wang Chao wanted to say that Yao Ruili would throw another million in. He was sure to beat Xu Hao. However, Yao Ruili's angry attitude made Wang Chao have no courage to say this.

He picked up the folder on the table and smashed it on Wang Chao. Yao Ruili asked, "a million dollars is gone. You're sorry? Believe it or not, I let someone kill you!"

"President Yao, we agreed at the beginning. I'm also doing it according to your plan. I can't blame me." Wang Chao is also very innocent. On one side, there is a steady stream of agricultural and sideline products from 20 or 30 villages, while on the other side, the sales channel has been difficult to overcome! A large number of funds are overstocked in the purchased agricultural and sideline products. It is inevitable that the company's capital chain will be broken!

Yao Ruili was the one who made the price war plan, and Wang Chao was only implementing Yao Ruili's plan! Now the plan failed, but Yao Ruili let him take responsibility alone!

"Waste!" stared at Wang Chao. Yao Ruili stood up and walked outside.

"Head office Yao, company..." Wang Chao called Yao Ruili and hoped Yao Ruili could give some more suggestions.

After looking back at Wang Chao, Yao Ruili said, "what's the matter with the company? This is your company. What does it have to do with me! In addition, you still owe me one million and pay it off within a year, otherwise you know the consequences!" with that, Yao Ruili left without looking back.

Looking at Yao Ruili's back, Wang Chao collapsed helplessly. He really can't figure out why Xu Hao can do better than him in the same business of purchasing and selling agricultural and sideline products! Although he lost, he refused! He thinks Xu Hao is just lucky, not that his ability is inferior to Xu Hao!


Wang Chao declared bankruptcy without accident. Within half a month, the farce ended. In this farce, Xu Hao naturally became the biggest winner!

The village heads who tore up the contract before regretted that they were green. Although they made some money in a short time, they lost Xu Hao, a stable acquisition channel! Let them continue to be exploited and bullied by the buyers in the town?

The heads of several villages were unwilling and had to find he Dahai together. I hope he Dahai can help talk about feelings and persuade Xu Hao to continue to buy their agricultural and sideline products! Although they also know that their actions are despised, they can't help it.

He Dahai was told by several old friends that he couldn't help it. After scolding them, he had the cheek to go to Xu Hao and Bai Yan.

When he Dahai came, Xu Hao guessed what he Dahai came for. When he Dahai told the whole story, Xu Hao agreed.

Xu Hao promised so happily that not only he Dahai was surprised, but also Bai Yan was surprised. Originally, they all thought Xu Hao would put forward some harsh conditions. After all, these people tore up the contract first, which almost brought crisis to Xu Hao's company.

"Why are you all looking at me like this?" Xu Hao was a little puzzled when Bai Yan and he Dahai stared at him. "It's because I promised too much? Why don't I add some harsh conditions to them?"

"Then I'll tell them now?" he Dahai asked with some uncertainty, looking at Xu Hao.

Nodding, Xu Hao said, "then trouble uncle he."

"What's the trouble? I'll go now." he Dahai said excitedly. Although he despised the original practice of several old friends, he could understand them. Who doesn't want to raise some income?

After he Dahai left, Bai Yan looked at Xu Hao and asked, "Xiao Hao, it's not like your work style. My aunt thought you were going to refuse he Dahai!"

"Why should I refuse him?" Xu Hao smiled, looked at Bai Yan and said, "we are doing business. We can't be impulsive in doing business. As the saying goes, harmony makes money. Besides, more villages provide me with agricultural and sideline products, which has also expanded the strength of our company?"

Bai Yan agrees with Xu Hao's answer.

Reaching out and holding Bai Yan's hand, Xu Hao said, "aunt Bai, do you have to celebrate such a great good thing?"

"OK, aunt, listen to you." Bai Yan said, quietly took her hand back, then stood up and walked outside.

In the evening, at the vegetable base, Xu Hao, Bai Yan, song Rui, Wang Ting and the 15 people recruited from Longwan village all arrived. Everyone had a noisy meal. At the same time, at the dinner table, Xu Hao announced a decision!

According to personal performance and personal wishes, six of the 15 people recruited from Longwan village will stay in the company and become new employees of the company. At the same time, a procurement Liaison Department will be established. Wang Ting and these six people will be incorporated into the procurement liaison department and appear in the framework of the company as a new Department! Wang Ting is the manager of the procurement liaison department.

When Wang Ting heard this decision, she didn't come back for a long time!

"No, no, how can I be a manager?" Wang Ting said hurriedly, "I... I can't!"

"How do you know if you don't try?" Bai Yan said with a smile, "I've discussed this matter with six people in your department, and everyone agreed." then Bai Yan took a look at the six people.

They quickly picked up their glasses and made a collective toast to Wang Ting.

Wang Ting, who had never been able to drink, was driven to the shelf, picked up the glass and drank the wine in it. Suddenly, Wang Ting's little face became red and lovely!

"Thank you for your trust in me. I will work harder." Wang Ting was dizzy and didn't know what to say.

Happy today, everyone drank a little too much.

Holding Bai Yan back to the room and looking at Bai Yan's flushed face because she drank a lot of wine, Xu Hao's heart itched!

Being stared at by Xu Hao, Bai Yan just turned her head shyly and didn't stop Xu Hao's action.

"Aunt Bai, I'll sleep with you today?" Xu Hao said in Bai Yan's ear. In the past half a month, Xu Hao has been staying in the vegetable base, but his relationship with Bai Yan is getting better and better! Even Xu Hao occasionally takes advantage of Bai Yan. Bai Yan will not be angry at most.

It is because of this that Xu Hao has more and more courage!

"HMM." to Xu Hao's surprise, Bai Yan agreed.

Xu Hao once thought he had heard wrong. When he saw the shyness on Bai Yan's face, the whole person was excited

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