Back at his residence, Xu Hao carefully studied the plan given to him by Tang Jing. I have to admit that Tang Jing's plan is perfect. At least with Xu Hao's ability, she can't pick out any defects.

Picking up the plan, Xu Hao went straight to Huang Xin's house.

After knocking at the door, Xu Hao asked, "sister Xin, are you asleep? I have something to do with you."

"Wait a minute." Huang Xin's voice came from the house. After a while, the door was opened and Huang Xin stood at the door.

Huang Xin is wearing a purple suspender nightdress with a coat over it. Just below the knee of the nightdress skirt, the slender legs have a beautiful curve, white, tender, smooth and greasy, with unspeakable temptation.

"So late, what's the matter?" seeing Xu Hao's aggressive eyes, Huang Xin didn't invite Xu Hao in.

Waving the plan in his hand, Xu Hao said, "I'll talk to you about something important." and without waiting for Huang Xin's invitation, Xu Hao squeezed in directly from Huang Xin.

Reluctantly glanced at Xu Hao, Huang Xin closed the door, walked back to the living room and sat opposite Xu Hao.

He handed the plan to Huang Xin. Xu Hao said, "sister Xin, look at the plan first."

After receiving the plan, Huang Xin intended to turn it over at will, but soon, Huang Xin was attracted by the content of the plan. Raised his head, looked at Xu Hao and asked, "is this your plan?"

Shook his head, Xu Hao said the matter roughly once, and then said, "to tell you the truth, I'm very excited. I just don't know sister Xin, are you interested?"

"Me?" Huang Xin put down the plan in her hand, pointed to herself and asked.

Nodding, Xu Hao said, "yes, sister Xin, I want to invite you to do this juice factory with me. To be exact, it is to manage this juice factory for me!"

After hearing Xu Hao's words, Huang Xin hesitated. She has always wanted to start a business, but her business direction is only limited to human resources. As for doing this kind of real industry, Huang Xin never thought about it.

"How much do I need to invest in building a factory together?" raised his head and looked at Xu Hao. Huang Xin asked.

"Sister Xin, I don't need you to invest money. I'll give you some shares, which can be regarded as your management stock." looking at Huang Xin, Xu Hao said: "sister Xin, I know you've always wanted to start a business. This time there's just an opportunity. Why don't you try?"

Looking at Xu Hao, Huang Xin opened her mouth, but didn't say what she said.

Seeing that Huang Xin didn't speak, Xu Hao said his general idea. The juice factory will be run by Huang Xin, who will be fully responsible for the juice factory and act as the legal representative.

"Give me the juice factory. Are you really relieved?" Huang Xin asked, looking at Xu Hao.

"Of course, otherwise I wouldn't ask sister Xin for you to do this." Xu Hao said with a smile, then gathered around Huang Xin and asked quietly, "sister Xin, are you worried about my hidden rules after becoming my subordinate?"

"Beat you!" Huang Xin waved and said, "believe it or not, sister will turn you into the first Eunuch in New China?"

"Cough... Sister Xin, you are still so violent and not gentle at all." Xu Hao smiled awkwardly and said, "well, sister Xin, I won't bother you to rest. This plan stays with you. You have a look first and I'll wait for your decision." Xu Hao said, stood up and walked out of Huang Xin's house.

Early the next morning, while Xu Hao was still sleeping, Huang Xin knocked on the door of his house. Hearing the voice of Huang Xin outside the door, Xu Hao quickly got up and opened the door for Huang Xin.

Huang Xin is wearing a long sleeved Beige knitted coat, tight white jeans and a pair of black women's leather shoes. This dress shows her body advantages at a glance. Her strong chest, slender willow waist and slender and straight legs are all full of fatal temptation.

"Bah, hooligan." Xu Hao, who just woke up, was wearing only a pair of flowered underpants. Seeing this scene early in the morning, the body involuntarily reacted.

Xu Hao is also a little embarrassed, "cough... Natural reaction, natural reaction."

"Give you ten minutes," said Huang Xin, turning and walking outside.

Xu Hao also quickly changed his clothes. He was going to take a bath. However, soon Huang Xin knocked outside the door. This time, Huang Xin bought him breakfast from downstairs and brought it up.

Put breakfast on the tea table. Huang Xin said, "listen to me while you eat."

"OK." Xu Hao was not polite. He picked up the small cage bag bought by Huang Xin, ate it and listened to Huang Xin talk about her plan.

Huang Xin stayed up almost all night last night. On the basis of the plan prepared by Tang Jing, some modifications have been made. Make this plan more in line with their entrepreneurial needs.

"OK, I think it's all very good." after listening to Huang Xin carefully, Xu Hao quickly nodded and said.

"Then I'll start to prepare." put away the revised plan, Huang Xin stood up and said, "don't wear a pair of underpants when you sleep in the future." then he blushed and walked out.

"This is not good?" looking at Huang Xin's back, Xu Hao felt very innocent.

After breakfast, Xu Hao went to the florist again. Because Xu Hao never went to Su Jing's house, Huang Mei had to ask Su Jing to take the prepared fish food to the florist.

After putting all the purchased materials in the florist and explaining to Zhang Yue, Xu Hao drove directly to Wang Yumin's house. If he doesn't go again, old man Wang Yumin will be crazy.

Seeing Xu Hao, Wang Yumin said, "Xu Hao, if you don't come again, my babies will starve to death!"

"Grandpa Wang, aren't I here?" Xu Hao was speechless. He quickly took out the prepared fish food from the trunk and handed it to Xiao Jingyi.

"You haven't been here for some time. What are you doing recently?" Wang Yumin invited Xu Hao in as he spoke.

It's hard to refuse Wang Yumin's kindness, so Xu Hao approached the living room. As soon as I sat down, I saw a 25-year-old girl come and pour tea for them.

Seeing Xu Hao's doubts, Wang Yumin smiled and said, "our nanny Xiao Wu."

He nodded at Xiao Wu. Xu Hao only listened to his name but didn't see him.

After pouring tea, Xiao Wu withdrew. Xu Hao chatted with Wang Yumin. Hearing Xu Hao's plan to open a juice factory, Wang Yumin looked up at Xu Hao and said, "do you have a specific plan?"

"Yes." Xu Hao generally said the plan once, and then said, "just in time, Lord, you can help me check and fill in the gaps. To tell the truth, I have no bottom in my heart to run this juice factory. I'm afraid of problems!"

"OK, since you think highly of my old man, I'll tell you." Wang Yumin didn't refuse, took a sip of his tea cup, and then said

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