"Do you think it will take you at least half a year to decide to invest and build a factory, choose a site, recruit workers and buy equipment?" asked Wang Yumin, looking at Xu Hao.

Nodding, Xu Hao said, "the planned time is half a year to ten months."

"In that case, why not directly buy a ready-made factory?" Wang Yumin asked with a smile. Then, regardless of Xu Hao's reaction, he tasted tea at leisure.

Wang Yumin's remark gave Xu Hao some inspiration. However, the acquisition of a factory involves many interests of all parties, and the funds available to Xu Hao are limited

Seeing the hesitation on Xu Hao's face, Wang Yumin said, "do you know there is an old soda factory in Jiangcheng?"

"I've drunk Jiangcheng old soda, and it tastes good." Xu Hao nodded with a smile. When I was a child, I didn't drink less Jiangcheng old soda. It's rare these years.

"I heard that the old steam plant in Jiangcheng has been shut down for nearly a year, and the workers have been making trouble without proper placement. The city is also a headache. I hope someone can take over. You might as well try it." Wang Yumin said vaguely, but Xu Hao knows that Wang Yumin used to be in a high position. Since he said so, this thing is feasible.

"Grandpa Wang, i..." Xu Hao looked at Wang Yumin and asked, "who should I find?"

"The old steam plant is a municipal enterprise. You can find mayor Qin." Wang Yumin took out the paper, wrote mayor Qin's phone and handed it to Xu Hao.

Xu Hao is not a fool. Since Wang Yumin gave him mayor Qin's phone number, it proves that Wang Yumin has already made a decision.

He stood up and bowed deeply to Wang Yumin. Xu Hao said, "Grandpa Wang, thank you."

"What do you want to thank me for? I have to thank you for the workers in the old soda factory. I don't want to see them laid off at this age. What else would the family do?" Wang Yumin said, but he couldn't help shaking his head.

Xu Hao didn't want to delay for a moment. After saying goodbye to Wang Yumin, he was ready to go to mayor Qin.

Just went out, Xu Hao met song Yuwei. Song Yuwei was wearing a snow-white casual shirt and light jeans. The outside is wearing a black windbreaker, and the belt is tied around the waist at will. Light colored jeans tightly wrap her delicate long legs, and exquisite boots are worn on her, which gives her a little more mature and charming flavor.

Seeing Xu Hao, song Yuwei said hello to him and asked, "are you here too?"

"Sister Yuwei, are you coming to see Grandpa Wang and Grandma Wang?" Xu Hao asked quickly, and then let song Yuwei in.

Because Xu Hao was in a hurry to find mayor Qin, they exchanged greetings and Xu Hao went out.

After looking back at Song Yuwei, Xu Hao found that song Yuwei had changed a lot. Although she is in her thirties this year, song Yuwei is well maintained. Coupled with the change of mentality, she looks younger!

Out of the door, Xu Hao called Huang Xin and learned that Huang Xin was looking for a place suitable for building a factory. Xu Hao roughly explained what Wang Yumin told him.

Hearing that she was going to buy the old steam plant in the city, Huang Xin was stunned and asked, "how much does it cost?"

"Listen to Grandpa Wang's meaning, it should not cost much. Specifically, we have to talk to mayor Qin." Xu Hao said on the phone: "sister Xin, where are you now? Let's go find mayor Qin together."

"OK, then come and pick me up." Huang Xin said an address, and Xu Hao drove over directly.

Huang Xin is still dressed up in the morning. Sitting in the co pilot's seat, Huang Xin's first thing is to fasten her seat belt.

Seeing that the safety belt passed between the two peaks in front of Huang Xin's chest, and the two peaks were higher, Xu Hao couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

Stretched out his foot and gently kicked Xu Hao. Huang Xin said, "what are you looking at? Drive quickly!"

With a smile, Xu Hao started the car. On the way, Xu Hao gave mayor Qin's phone to Huang Xin, and Huang Xin dialed mayor Qin's phone.

The phone was answered by Mayor Qin's secretary. This phone should be mayor Qin's private phone. Few people know it. Therefore, the Secretary received a call from Huang Xin and was very polite.

When Huang Xin said he wanted to talk to mayor Qin about the old steam plant, the Secretary hesitated and asked mayor Qin to call back later.

Ten minutes later, mayor Qin's secretary called, saying that mayor Qin was waiting for them in the office and asked them to call directly when they arrived.

"It seems that the leaders of this city are not so hard to see." Huang Xin said with a smile when she put away her mobile phone. Originally, she thought she had to hit a wall. She didn't expect it to be so easy.

Of course, Xu Hao knows that Wang Yumin's credit is indispensable for meeting mayor Qin so easily.

Driving to the municipal government office building, Huang Xin dialed mayor Qin again. Hearing that Xu Hao and Huang Xin arrived, mayor Qin's secretary hurriedly said, "OK, wait a minute, I'll come down right away."

Under the leadership of mayor Qin's secretary, Xu Hao and Huang Xin came to mayor Qin's office.

Mayor Qin looks about 50 years old and is very easygoing.

After a brief explanation of his intention, Xu Hao said, "Mayor Qin, I don't know what the city's attitude towards this matter is?"

"Of course, the city is welcome. You don't know, the city is worried about this. The workers of the old steam water plant have made contributions to the development of our city. Now we can't kick them away just because the steam water plant doesn't make money!" Mayor Qin said with a smile: "so, it's a good thing that you are willing to buy the old steam water plant!"

After Qinshi grew up and said some requirements of the city for the acquisition of old steam water plants, Xu Hao and Huang Xin were silent. The city demands that no worker be laid off, which is obviously unrealistic!

Huang Xin, who comes from human resources, knows that if these personnel are not adjusted and optimized, even if they buy the old steam water plant, they will end up with the same outcome as the old steam water plant!

"This..." hearing Huang Xin's tough words, he said that he would reassess the existing personnel. Only those who are qualified can take the post, and those who are unqualified can only be laid off. Mayor Qin was very embarrassed.

In the past, it was not that no enterprise wanted to buy the old steam water plant, but most of them had to quit under the harsh requirements of the city. This is why the old steam plant has been delayed for more than a year and has not completed the restructuring.

"At present, the city hopes for stability." looking at Xu Hao and Huang Xin, mayor Qin said: "therefore, we still hope to ensure that the existing workers are not laid off and directly employed."

"That won't work!" Huang Xin said. "Only by optimizing the reorganization of human resources can we ensure the vitality of the factory. On this point, we will never give in!"

"Well... We'll have a meeting to study, and you'll consider it again?" Mayor Qin said reluctantly, looking at Xu Hao and Huang Xin. After all, there are too many interests involved in this matter. Mayor Qin can't be the master alone. The final opinion can only be formed after discussion in the city!

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