Driving out of the municipal government compound, Xu Hao said with a smile: "sister Xin, I don't see that you really have the style of a strong woman in the mall!"

"OK, don't make fun of me. I'm also forced to be helpless. If I agree with Mayor Qin's request, our factory hasn't been built yet, we have to consider closing down." Huang Xin said reluctantly: "you send me to the old soda factory, and I'll go there and have a look."

"Shall I go with you?" Xu Hao asked hurriedly.

"No, it's more convenient for me to be alone." Huang Xin smiled and said.

Send Huang Xin to the old soda factory, and Xu Hao drives away. He has to go back to the vegetable base and discuss the expansion of the vegetable base with Bai Yan. Now that we have decided to invest in the juice factory, the vegetable base must be prepared in advance.

Hearing that Xu Hao said he would invest in a juice factory, Bai Yan couldn't help looking up at Xu Hao, "Xiao Hao, are you... In a hurry?" Bai Yan knew that Xu Hao wanted to accumulate capital quickly so as to kill back to the East China Sea as soon as possible. However, if the step is too big, it is easy to have an accident!

"Aunt Bai, I know in my mind. This time, I mainly cooperate with Yimei health club." Xu Hao said the matter roughly once, "as long as there is an order from Yimei health club, the factory can maintain it!"

After Xu Hao finished, Bai Yan nodded and said, "OK, aunt supports you. Just, the money..."

It's winter. Although the winter in Jiangcheng is generally around zero, vegetable greenhouses are essential for the normal growth of vegetables. A hundred mu of vegetable land, all built in greenhouses, is another big expenditure!

"Aunt Bai, don't worry. I've raised the money to invest in the juice factory this time. Don't worry about the vegetable base." holding Bai Yan's hand, Xu Hao came up to Bai Yan, but the other hand dishonestly hugged Bai Yan's plump waist.

Bai Yan blushed, but she didn't refuse Xu Hao's intimacy. Turning her head and looking at Xu Hao, Bai Yan said, "how much do you think it is appropriate to expand the vegetable base?"

According to Bai Yan's idea, another 50 mu is almost enough. However, Xu Hao felt that since it was expanded, he would simply eat all the land!

"This piece of land must be at least 300 mu." looking at Xu Hao, Bai Yan said in shock: "this... Can we digest it?"

"Aunt Bai, you should take a long-term view." holding Bai Yan, Xu Hao said: "if the juice factory really develops well, let alone 300 mu, 1000 mu may not be enough!"

"OK, aunt, listen to you." Bai Yan felt that her ideas were indeed short-sighted. The number of fresh cucumbers needed every day is astronomical!

"Don't move your hands." after taking a look at Xu Hao, Bai Yan patted Xu Hao's hands and said, "we have to consult with village head he about the expansion. I don't know what opinion the village has."

"Aunt Bai, leave it to me. You concentrate on the vegetable greenhouse." Xu Hao said, standing up and walking towards he Dahai's house.

He Dahai didn't react when he heard Xu Hao say he would expand the vegetable base.

"Boss Xu, do you really want to expand?" he Dahai's heart began to calculate. He and Liu Zhonghua have shares in the vegetable base. The expansion of the vegetable base means the appreciation of their shares. Therefore, in this regard, the expansion of vegetable base is a great good thing!

"Yes, I'm going to eat all the land around the vegetable base." looking at he Dahai, Xu Hao said, "you have to worry about this, uncle he."

"It's easy to say. I'll call them in a moment and have a good discussion." he Dahai promised happily. All this was also expected by Xu Hao.

The signing of the contract with Longwan village went very smoothly. He Dahai helped, and the villagers cooperated quite well. In just three days, the supplementary contract has been completed. And the conditions are as like as two peas!

"This time, I really thank you all." Xu Hao raised his glass and said to he Dahai and others. This time, there are few people in the sea. It will never be so easy to get the contract done.

"Boss Xu, it's very kind of you." Liu Zhonghua raised his glass and hurriedly said.

When drinking, Xu Hao also planned a grand blueprint for he Dahai and others, and made a new description of the development of the vegetable base! Hear he Dahai's blood surging!

Seeing that Xu Hao drank too much, he Dahai originally planned to keep Xu Hao at home, but Xu Hao refused, "I'll just go back to the vegetable base. There's a place over there."

Xu Hao insists on going back. He Dahai and others can only send Xu Hao back.

Let someone help Xu Hao to lie down on the bed. Bai Yan quickly called a basin of warm water and wiped Xu Hao's body. "Look at you, you drink so much every time. Drink less next time, do you hear me?"

When Xu Hao, who was dizzy after drinking, saw Bai Yan close at hand, he stretched out his hand and directly hooked Bai Yan's neck.

"Stop making trouble, let go..." before Bai Yan finished, Xu Hao pressed Bai Yan directly under him.

At this moment, Bai Yan's heart beat faster. She wanted to reach out and push Xu Hao away, but she was reluctant to give up!

During Bai Yan's inner struggle, Xu Hao's mouth had kissed up. When Xu Hao's kiss fell on Bai Yan's lips, Bai Yan's pent up feelings suddenly surged out like a flood with the gate open, and could no longer resist

Holding Xu Hao's neck tightly, Bai Yan has forgotten each other's identity. She just wants to enjoy this rare pleasure

Bai Yan's active cooperation made Xu Hao more presumptuous. After a while, Bai Yan's clothes had become messy. Xu Hao pushed the white cashmere sweater up, revealing the white pattern and purple lace bra in the cashmere sweater.

Looking at the attractive Bai Yan in front of him, Xu Hao reached out to take off Bai Yan's jeans. But the body who drank too much wine could not untie the jeans tightly wrapped around Bai Yan! Xu Hao is in a hurry

Looking at Xu Hao's eagerness, Bai Yan raised her body slightly so that Xu Hao could easily take off her clothes. When Xu Hao took off her clothes, Bai Yan's repressed feelings were released again. I don't know where Bai Yan's strength came from. He turned over directly, sat on Xu Hao, pressed Xu Hao under him, and said vaguely: "let me bear all these sins alone!"

Bai Yan said as she quickly took off Xu Hao's clothes

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