With the new plan, Xu Hao and Huang Xin found mayor Qin again. Mayor Qin should have heard Wang Yumin mention the new scheme proposed by Huang Xin. Therefore, when Huang Xin said the whole plan, mayor Qin directly agreed.

On the same day, mayor Qin accompanied Huang Xin and Xu Hao to Jiangcheng soda factory, called the workers of the whole factory and held a meeting of all workers in the factory auditorium!

At the meeting, mayor Qin made an important speech on behalf of the city, but also let the workers speak freely.

Without starting work for a year, the workers' wages were naturally in arrears for a year. Now the workers are too happy to hear that someone is willing to take over the factory! Although the management of several original factories expressed some "concerns", all these concerns were about their own future, not the future of the factory.

Because of Wang Yumin's relationship, mayor Qin's attitude is also relatively tough. All the management cadres in the factory were transferred back to the city, and the city no longer holds shares in the factory! This also shows the determination of the city to stop interfering with the normal development of the factory!

After mayor Qin finished speaking, Huang Xin briefly talked about the placement of factory personnel. Hearing that some people would be arranged to the logistics office, the workers immediately talked, and more workers were afraid of being laid off.

"I'm here to assure all the workers and mayor Qin that no one will be laid off!" Huang Xin's voice is very infectious. "Although some people may be assigned to the organic fertilizer plant of the logistics department because of work needs, your rights and interests will also be protected in the plant..."

Huang Xin's words won warm applause from the workers. Although Huang Xin's speech was relatively long, the workers also heard that they would not be laid off and could still have a job. This is undoubtedly great good news for some workers who are ready to be laid off.

Even, some workers thought they had heard wrong and repeatedly asked if what Huang Xin had just said was true and whether they could count!

"What Miss Huang said, you don't have to worry about lying to you. Because Miss Huang will be the factory director in person in the future, and she will lead you to get the factory out of trouble..." Mayor Qin quickly said loudly, reassuring the workers.

After comforting the people, mayor Qin left first. Huang Xin stayed, talked to the workers about the future development of the factory and listened to the workers' opinions.

These workers have worked in the factory for more than ten or twenty years and naturally have the most say in the factory!

Huang Xin's friendly attitude soon won the trust of the workers.

After chatting with the workers for more than two hours, Huang Xin said his mouth was dry. The enthusiasm of the workers has also been mobilized. They are ready to start work at any time!

Walking out of the soda factory with Xu Hao, Huang Xin couldn't help pinching Xu Hao when she saw Xu Hao's calm and relaxed appearance.

After looking at Huang Xin, Xu Hao said, "sister Xin, why do you pinch me?"

"Just want to pinch you, can't you?" looking at Xu Hao, Huang Xin said arrogantly: "I've lost my voice this morning. You're good. You're like a person who has nothing to do. Stand aside and watch the play!"

"Well, well, sister Xin, can't I invite you to dinner and apologize to you?" Xu Hao said quickly.

After dinner, Xu Hao and Huang Xin rushed to the city and signed a purchase agreement for the soda factory. The city will package and sell the whole steam water plant for 1.5 million to Xu Hao. Xu Hao needs to bear all the debts of the steam water plant and protect the rights and interests of workers!

After reading the contract and confirming that there was no problem, Xu Hao signed the contract.

The next thing is the registration and commencement of the juice factory. Xu Hao left all these things to Huang Xin to worry about.

"It's really hard to take your 15 shares." Huang Xin glared at Xu Hao and said, "how do I feel like I've been sold by you? I'll sell myself for only 15 shares. I'm a multimillionaire anyway!"

"Sister Xin, how can you sell yourself? Absolutely not." Xu Hao hurriedly said: "we are partners and have an equal cooperative relationship!"

"Fart!" discontented Xu Hao gave a white look, and Huang Xin said, "I was cheated by your boy!"

Originally, Xu Hao also planned to have a meal with Huang Xin to celebrate. However, Huang Xin did not have this idea. The steam water plant is still in a mess. Because it was shut down for a year, the technicians, finance and other people with some work skills in the original steam water plant were basically poached or resigned on their own initiative. Now, there are only ordinary workers without any skills left in the factory.

Huang Xin has worked in a foreign company for many years and has outstanding working ability. She can't help such a small thing. Therefore, Xu Hao is not worried about what will happen to the factory.

"Sister Xin, I'm afraid you'll have to work hard this time." looking at Huang Xin, Xu Hao can imagine how hard Huang Xin will be in the next period of time.

After waving his hand, Huang Xin said, "well, I've thought of these things for a long time. When I planned to start a business, I considered these problems. As long as the relevant personnel of the company are fully allocated, the company will run!"

After separating from Huang Xin, Xu Hao went straight to Yimei health club. Xu Hao needs to find Tang Jing and ask her to guarantee bank loans and send technicians into the factory.

When he came to Yimei health club, Xu Hao met Tang Jing. Tang Jing in the office is wearing a brown sweater with a thin snow-white neck at the neck. The close fitting sweater perfectly shows Tang Jing's upright and full chest and full waist. Below is the business dress that has remained unchanged for thousands of years. Under the professional skirt, there are a pair of beautiful legs wrapped in black cotton stockings! The beautiful legs are straight and slender, which makes people feel the impulse.

After sitting down, Tang Jing looked carefully at the shareholder contract drawn up by Xu Hao. The factory will be held by Xu Hao 75, Liang Hongyu on behalf of Tang Jing 10 and Huang Xin 15. Tang Jing was curious about the sudden appearance of Huang Xin's name. But I was just curious and didn't ask much.

"As I said, I don't interfere in the operation of the factory. I only provide technology." looking at Xu Hao, Tang Jing overlapped her legs, leaned slowly on the sofa and said, "but now it seems that a million dollars should be far from enough!"

Nodding with a bitter smile, Xu Hao said: "at least 2 million. 1.5 million has to be paid to Jiangcheng City, and the remaining 500000 will be used as the start-up capital of the factory..."

"OK, no problem. I'll let Hongyu do it later." Tang Jing promised very readily, "in addition, the technicians will be in place soon. They are only responsible for providing technical guidance. Once the technicians in your factory fully master the production technology, they will withdraw."

Tang Jing doesn't want these top students to do the most basic production work.

"OK, no problem." nodding, Xu Hao said, "thank you for your trust. I won't let you down!"

"I also believe that you won't let me down." Tang Jing nodded at Xu Hao and said with a faint smile.

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