The juice factory is about to start, but the vegetable base is not ready yet. Bai Yan can't be blamed for her carelessness. It's really her lack of skills.

Now, the vegetable base needs to build greenhouses while busy with expansion. In order not to affect the normal operation of the vegetable base, Bai Yan can only use the expansion part to plant as many cucumbers as possible! However, the growth of vegetables also takes time!

"Do you think it's ok? I'll reduce the number of cucumbers for Wangjiang restaurant and several other restaurants and squeeze out more for you as much as possible." looking at Xu Hao, Bai Yan frowned and said.

Knowing that Bai Yan had tried her best, Xu Hao had to nod helplessly.

He walked over and gently hugged Bai Yan. Xu Hao said, "aunt Bai, it's been a hard time for you."

"Ah... Let go of your aunt and be seen." although they have the closest relationship, Bai Yan doesn't dare to let others see their relationship. Even, because there was a special relationship between the two, Bai Yan paid more attention to keeping a distance from Xu Hao in front of outsiders. Unexpectedly, she wanted to cover it up.

Holding Bai Yan's plump waist tightly, Xu Hao put his head on Bai Yan's shoulder and breathed the fragrance from Bai Yan!

Feel the hot breath from Xu Hao's nose on her neck. Bai Yan's body is a little soft and almost can't stand. However, Bai Yan still kept her reason and kept Xu Hao from moving.

"Well, well, aunt promised you to go back to Jiangcheng when you are busy with the vegetable base?" Bai Yan was also afraid of Xu Hao, a little scoundrel, so she had to give him a promise!

Xu Hao certainly understands the profound meaning of Bai Yan's words. After all, after returning to Jiangcheng, they hid at home and didn't need to worry about being seen by others!

"OK, that's it." Xu Hao kissed Bai Yan's face excitedly and said.

Pulling away the distance from Xu Hao, Bai Yan said, "don't think about messy things. Let's get down to business first."

The expansion of vegetable base and the construction of greenhouse are carried out simultaneously. Because we had to build greenhouses for 300 mu of vegetable land all at once, which completely disrupted Bai Yan's original plan. Fortunately, Xu Hao's juice factory did not take money from the account of Dongping agricultural products sales company, otherwise, the capital chain of the vegetable base may really break!

"By the way, aunt Bai. The juice factory may not be able to pay for our vegetable base in the early stage." looking at Bai Yan, Xu Hao said with some embarrassment. The juice factory has a start-up capital of 500000 yuan. It needs to maintain the operation of such a huge company as the juice factory. The capital of 500000 yuan is a little stretched. If the payment is made in advance, the juice factory will certainly not be able to get so much money.

Smiling at Xu Hao, Bai Yan said, "OK, it's your company anyway. You can give it or not."

"You can't do without money. The juice factory is a separate enterprise. Of course, it has to bear the responsibility for its own operation and be responsible for its own profits and losses." Xu Hao hurriedly said: "I'm afraid the payment for the goods will have to be delayed for about three months. The current capital chain of the juice factory is too tight."

Although Xu Hao regards the juice factory and vegetable base as two separate enterprises, in Bai Yan's heart, these two enterprises are Xu Hao's, that is, the relationship between the left hand and the right hand, which naturally does not need to be so clear.

Taking advantage of his free time during this period, Xu Hao has been busy for several days. Finally, he has got enough mysterious soil and sprinkled all the newly expanded 200 mu of land with mysterious soil!

During this time, Huang Xin also completed all the formalities. With the strong support of mayor Qin, all parts of the city naturally have a green light all the way to the juice factory. All procedures are simplified! I have to say that sometimes, the proper use of some privileges will make the originally complex things much simpler.

At Xu Hao's insistence, the vegetable base and juice factory need to sign a formal procurement contract. The signing place of the contract is in the director's office of Dongping juice factory.

"Aunt Bai, this is the sister Huang Xin I often mention to you." Xu Hao pointed to Huang Xin and said to Bai Yan, and then introduced Bai Yan to Huang Xin.

Seeing Huang Xin's first glance, Bai Yan couldn't help but re-examine Huang Xin. Huang Xin is more beautiful than she thought. Moreover, Xu Hao also let Huang Xin serve as the legal representative and director of the juice factory. That shows that Xu Hao has a very good relationship with Huang Xin! For a moment, countless thoughts flashed through Bai Yan's mind. However, these thoughts just flashed by. Bai Yan knows that there will be no result between her and Xu Hao. At most, she has maintained this unknown relationship! She Bai Yan can't be a greedy woman! She will be very satisfied to stay with Xu Hao like this!

Holding out her hand, Bai Yan said bluntly, "Hello, I've been listening to Xiao Hao mention you. Today I finally saw a real person. You're more beautiful than Xiao Hao said."

"Where, where. If you don't dislike it, I'll call you Bai Jie." Huang Xin also said politely, then stretched out her hand and held it tightly with Bai Yan's hand.

After sitting down, the two sides had a simple communication and signed a formal procurement contract.

The terms of the contract are very loose for the juice factory. It can not only delay the payment for goods for three months, but also temporarily increase the purchase volume when necessary! In short, everything is inclined to the juice factory!

After signing the contract, Huang Xin originally wanted to invite Bai Yan to dinner, but Bai Yan politely refused on the grounds that there were other things.

When she got out of the juice factory, Bai Yan couldn't help saying, "Huang Xin is a nice girl. Did she bite your tongue last time?" as she said, Bai Yan couldn't help thinking of Xu Hao's tongue bite last time!

"Aunt Bai, what are you talking about!" seeing Bai Yan laughing, Xu Hao said awkwardly, "sister Xin and I are good friends. Sister Xin used to work in a foreign enterprise, and I asked her to help this time!"

Bai Yan doesn't believe Xu Hao's explanation! But Bai Yan didn't say much. Bai Yan is not a woman who does not know satisfaction!

After getting on the bus, Xu Hao said, "aunt Bai, I want to eat your meal. Let's go to your house?"

Seeing Xu Hao's expression, Bai Yan knew what Xu Hao was up to. The shy Bai glanced at Xu Hao. Bai Yan said, "OK, aunt will cook for you."

Driving to Bai Yan's house, Xu Hao hugged Bai Yan from behind as soon as he entered the door. The lower abdomen is close to Bai Yan's rich buttocks. Although separated by several clothes, Bai Yan can still feel the amazing elasticity. Bai Yan leaned her head against Xu Hao's shoulder and kissed Xu Hao's neck and chin with stubble

Xu Hao's hand restlessly stretched into Bai Yan's clothes, pushed the bra in the clothes up, and climbed the peak in front of her chest with his big hand

Bai Yan turned around emotionally, hugged Xu Hao and kissed Xu Hao deeply. Feeling Xu Hao's hand taking off her clothes, Bai Yan came up to Xu Hao's ear and said, "don't be here, go to the bedroom..."

Bai Yan's voice with thick nasal sound is like the most violent aphrodisiac. Xu Hao picked up Bai Yan and walked towards the bedroom

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