Under the personal supervision of song Yuwei and Bai Niu, the construction of the children's welfare home was very fast. Finally, the children's welfare home was completed before New Year's day.

Song Yuwei called Xu Hao and asked Xu Hao to accompany her to Liyang City. She invited the old president to come over, personally accepted the children's welfare home, and relocated the children's welfare home in Liyang City on a certain day.

This matter was agreed before, and Xu Hao will not refuse.

As before, they met at the intersection of the highway. After Xu Hao's car arrived, they went straight to Liyang City.

In Liyang City, after having a simple meal with song Yuwei and her assistant Wang Tong, Xu Hao rushed to the welfare home again and met the old Dean.

Hearing the news of the completion of the welfare home, the old Dean was surprised for a long time. After all, it was more than a month before and after this incident, and the speed was really surprising.

"Xu Hao, are you kidding me?" looking at Xu Hao, the old dean asked incredulously.

After laughing, Xu Hao said, "old Dean, how dare I joke with you? My sister told me this personally. I dare not fool anyone. Why don't we go and have a look today?"

"OK, let's go and have a look first." the old Dean is also very excited. He can't wait for tomorrow. He will go to Jiangcheng with Xu Hao to personally check and accept the children's welfare home.

Found the opportunity and called song Yuwei. Hearing that Xu Hao and others were going back to Jiangcheng today, song Yuwei was worried, "why don't I arrange a driver for you? You're too tired!"

"It doesn't matter, sister Yuwei." Xu Hao said with a smile. I don't know if it's Xu Hao's illusion. Anyway, since Xu Hao ate the apple in the mysterious space, not only his strength has increased, but also his mental state has become particularly good. Sometimes, even if you don't sleep all night, you won't feel tired and sleepy!

"Xu Hao, thank you." Song Yuwei said with feeling on the phone. This matter had nothing to do with Xu Hao, but Xu Hao was willing to help her so wholeheartedly.

"Sister Yuwei, just say thank you." Xu Hao said with a smile, then hung up the phone and drove back to Jiangcheng with the old Dean.

It was already dark when they returned to Jiangcheng. After arranging for the old dean to have dinner, Xu Hao originally planned to let the old Dean stay first and go to the children's welfare home for acceptance tomorrow, but the old Dean couldn't control his excitement and must go first.

However, Xu Hao had to call Bainiu and went to the newly completed children's welfare home with the old Dean.

In order to catch up with the construction period, the children's welfare home is simply decorated while being built. So, the progress is very fast. In order to take care of the children who will live here in the future, song Yuwei selects the best green environmental protection materials to ensure that people can live in directly after the decoration, and there will be no harm to the people who live in!

"OK, OK!" after a simple look, the excitement in the old Dean's heart was beyond words! Holding Xu Hao's hand, he thanked Xu Hao. If Xu Hao hadn't stopped him, the old Dean would have to kneel down for him.

Xu Hao deserved it. Song Yuwei personally participated in the design, construction and decoration of the children's welfare home. She is the greatest hero of the children's welfare home!

After seeing the children's welfare home, the old Dean decided to move into the new site on New Year's Day!

Xu Hao called song Yuwei and reported the matter. Hearing that the old Dean was very satisfied, song Yuwei was relieved. She was afraid that the old Dean was a little dissatisfied with the welfare home.

"Then I'll start arranging vehicles and manpower here. We must ensure that the children arrive in Jiangcheng safely." Song Yuwei began to get busy after confirming that she moved to Jiangcheng before New Year's day. The move of the welfare home is unusual. It involves not only some facilities of the welfare home, but also the children of the welfare home! This matter can not be sloppy!

Just after returning to Liyang City with the old Dean, Xu Hao received a call from Song Yuwei. Briefly asked about the relocation plan and arrangement.

When the old Dean returned to the welfare home, he began to arrange. Xu Hao couldn't help, so he went to song Yuwei's residence first.

When I saw song Yuwei in the hotel, song Yuwei was explaining some details to Wang Tong. Seeing Xu Hao, song Yuwei asked Wang Tong to prepare first, and she came towards Xu Hao.

Because she is in the hotel and no outsiders disturb her, song Yuwei wears casual clothes. She is only wearing a sexy lace pajama. The material of the pajama is somewhat transparent, which makes her graceful figure looming in the pajamas. There is nothing in the pajamas, which is even more exciting.

After taking two steps towards Xu Hao, song Yuwei realized that it was wrong. She turned red and walked into the bedroom. When she came out again, she had an extra coat on her. There was a coat over the pajamas, which looked a little out of place. However, wearing song Yuwei has an unspeakable beauty.

After sitting down, song Yuwei asked about the preparations for the children's welfare home in detail. She has contacted the moving company and a senior bus in advance! When the old Dean is ready, you can start.

Although song Yuwei was wrapped in a coat, after sitting down, the plump white legs that the two pajamas couldn't cover were more attractive! Xu Hao couldn't help but want to explore the scenery in the thin silk pajamas!

Xu Hao doesn't dare to see song Yuwei. Although song Yuwei is in her thirties, she looks like a girl in her twenties, both in appearance and the whiteness of her skin! Moreover, she has the unique style of a young woman, which is the temptation of a little girl in her twenties!

Song Yuwei doesn't know what Xu Hao thinks at the moment. She is still talking with Xu Hao about the preparations for the relocation of the children's welfare home. Especially in Jiangcheng, although she had made full arrangements before she left Jiangcheng, she was still a little worried.

"Sister Yuwei, don't worry." seeing that song Yuwei is worried about gain and loss, for fear that she is not ready at all, Xu Hao said wordlessly: "your arrangement is detailed enough. Besides, aren't there us?"

She smiled awkwardly. Song Yuwei said, "I really owe it to you this time. After the children's welfare home is settled, I will thank you very much."

"Sister Yu Wei, don't say that. These days, the old Dean keeps thanking me. I can't hang my face." Xu Hao said in some embarrassment. Now the old Dean is about to offer Xu Hao as a living Bodhisattva.

Listening to Xu Hao's words, song Yuwei couldn't help laughing and said, "if you feel guilty about receiving it, you should care more about charity, so you don't feel guilty about receiving it."

"Sister Yuwei, why do I think you dug a hole for me?" Xu Hao said after looking at Song Yuwei.

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