The relocation of the children's welfare home was very smooth. With the intimate arrangement of song Yuwei and the cooperation of Xu Hao and others, it was all ready in just three days. The children's welfare home was finally listed on New Year's day.

Although Xu Hao and song Yuwei wanted to keep a low profile, Mayor Wang of Jiangcheng took the time to come in his busy schedule. One is to express congratulations, and the other is to visit the old Dean and the children of the children's welfare home on behalf of the city.

The children were very excited when they just moved to their new home. Under the organization of the old Dean and several teachers of the welfare home, the welfare home made a brief art show to thank the people who helped them.

Some programs of the art show were videotaped and sent to song Yuwei. Song Yuwei was very excited after watching them. Although she wanted to come to the welfare home, she didn't dare to come! Xu Hao can understand song Yuwei's inner contradiction.

He accompanied the children to chat and play games with Mayor Wang. He didn't leave the children's welfare home until afternoon.

As soon as Xu Hao left the children's welfare home, song Yuwei couldn't wait to call and make an appointment with Xu Hao. She was eager to know everything about the children's welfare home.

Driving to song Yuwei's residence, Xu Hao told song Yuwei in detail about today's work in the children's welfare home and showed song Yuwei a lot of videos and photos.

Wang Tong asked Wang Tong to save these precious photos and videos in the computer. Song Yuwei smiled a little embarrassed and said, "I can't summon up the courage to see the old Dean after all! Over the years, I want to go countless times, but every time I go to the door of the children's welfare home, I will stop and dare not go forward..."

"Sister Yuwei, you have done so much for the children's welfare home..." before Xu Hao finished, song Yuwei interrupted, "compared with what the children's welfare home gave me, what I did is nothing!

After talking about the children's welfare home for a while, song Yuwei said, "by the way, several apartments will be built here in the industrial park. Would you like to keep one for you?"

"Sister Yuwei, this is a big gift for me?" Xu Hao asked with a smile. The industrial park was built with advance funds from Xinhong real estate in the early stage. After it is completed, it will be bought back by Jiangcheng city! And the price difference is song Yuwei's profit!

"Thank you for your help during this time." Song Yuwei looked at Xu Hao and said, "you are busy in the welfare home. I don't know how to thank you!"

"In that case, I won't refuse." Xu Hao directly agreed. If Xu Hao doesn't accept the apartment, song Yuwei will always feel that she owes Xu Hao and think about how to thank Xu Hao. Therefore, Xu Hao simply doesn't give song Yuwei any trouble and directly accepts the apartment.

"OK, when the apartment is completed, I'll choose the best one for you myself." Song Yuwei said with a smile, and she was reassured. Song Yuwei's character determines that she doesn't want to owe others anything. Therefore, if Xu Hao doesn't accept the apartment, song Yuwei has to find another way to thank Xu Hao.

Because there was something to do later, Xu Hao left first.

Out of song Yuwei's residence, Xu Hao called Bai Yan. Two days ago, Bai Yan told Xu Hao to have dinner with him on New Year's day. Xu Hao always remembered this thing.

"My aunt is at home. Come here quickly." Bai Yan said on the phone. Listening to the noise on the phone, Bai Yan seemed to be cooking.

After hesitating for a while, Xu Hao asked, "is there anyone else?" Xu Hao naturally wanted to have a two person world with Bai Yan and didn't want to be disturbed.

Hearing Xu Hao's words, Bai Yan's face was a little hot. Originally, according to the past practice, on New Year's day, she either went home for dinner or called Bai Niu and her sister-in-law to have dinner together. This year, when Bai Niu called her, she shirked that she had something to do and went home for dinner in the evening.

Bai Yan naturally wouldn't say to Xu Hao, "there's no one else, just us." after that, Bai Yan hurriedly hung up the phone. The content of the conversation between the two people is really too ambiguous.

When he arrived at Bai Yan's house, Bai Yan was still busy in the kitchen. Xu Hao walked into the kitchen and directly hugged Bai Yan's plump waist behind him, "aunt Bai, it's very kind of you."

"Stop it, my aunt is still cooking." Xu Hao's hand touched her. Bai Yan was embarrassed to break Xu Hao's hand and said, "go out and sit for a while, and the meal will be ready soon."

Loosen Bai Yan, Xu Hao walks to the kitchen door and directly stands at the kitchen door looking at Bai Yan. Bai Yan is speechless, looks at Xu Hao angrily and says, "don't look!"

Because she is at home, Bai Yan wears casual clothes. She only wears a thin cashmere sweater on her upper body, and she doesn't wear anything inside. Xu Hao's hand touched her just now, and she must have found this thing!

Hei hei smiled and Xu Hao said, "aunt Bai, you look angry."

"Little rogue." Bai Yan knew Xu Hao's Rogue character, so she simply didn't go to see Xu Hao and focused on cooking.

After dinner, Bai Yan also briefly talked about the development of the vegetable base. Because there are big customers such as Yimei health club and Wangjiang building, the development of the vegetable base is very good. Bai Yan even plans to pay song Rui and Wang Ting a few more months' salary as a year-end bonus.

"Aunt Bai, you can do these things." Xu Hao was not in the mood to discuss this matter with Bai Yan at this time. Bai Yan sits on the sofa, while Xu Hao rests on Bai Yan's legs and lies across the sofa.

Bai Yan only wears a cashmere sweater close to her body, showing her exquisite and perfect figure, with a towering chest. As a prank, Xu Hao directly tore open the hem of Baiyan sweater and looked in from the hem of Baiyan sweater!

"Mischief again." after filming Xu Hao, Bai Yan said, "my aunt is still talking to you about business! In the evening, my aunt has to go home. Today is also a festival. According to my family's tradition, the whole family has to eat together."

"OK, I'll go too." Xu Hao said brazenly, and his heart was full of hope.

After staring at Xu Hao, Bai Yan said, "no!" if she doesn't have this relationship with Xu Hao, Bai Yan may agree to let Xu Hao eat at home, but now they have this relationship, Bai Yan is more and more careful. She wants to say that she has nothing to do with Xu Hao, which means she wants to cover up.

"Since we can't go to your house, we have to hold tight," said Xu Hao. He sat up from the sofa, picked up Bai Yan, and then walked towards the bedroom!

When she was picked up by Xu Hao, Bai Yan glanced at the time of the wall clock in the living room. After confirming that there was still time, Bai Yan also completely let go of herself and decided to accompany Xu Hao crazy today

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