Because of aunt Yang, Xu Hao and Huang Xin didn't have the idea to continue the festival. They went home early. Xu Hao wanted to stay at Huang Xin's house and have a new year's Eve with her, but Huang Xin ruthlessly kicked him out.

Back home, Xu Hao was playing with his mobile phone. Suddenly, Su Jing sent him a video call invitation. Terry Chui quickly connected, and soon there was a beautiful figure of Su Jing in his hand.

Su Jing is wearing a pink Pajama with small white flowers. The air conditioner should be turned on in the house. The top two holes in Su Jing's pajamas were not tied, revealing the snow-white skin and attractive collarbone in front of her chest. Especially Su Jing is sitting on the bed in a kneeling position at the moment, and Bai Nen's small feet are pressed under her ass. His body leaned forward slightly, which made Xu Hao want to find out what was in his pajamas.

Seeing Xu Hao alone at home, Su Jing felt even more guilty. She wanted to sneak out of home to accompany Xu Hao.

"Then why don't I drive to pick you up now?" Xu Hao hurriedly said when she heard that Su Jing wanted to accompany her. Su Jing's proposal is still very attractive.

Seeing that Xu Hao seemed to be serious, Su Jing quickly shook her head and said, "no, I don't dare to let my parents know."

After chatting with Su Jing for nearly two hours, Xu Haocai reluctantly hung up the video call after zero. Lying in bed, I began to think about the development plan for next year. To return to the East China Sea to investigate the cause of his parents' death, Xu Hao needs to accumulate at least a certain amount of wealth, so as to ensure that he does not return to the East China Sea in obscurity! Only high-profile return to the East China Sea, those people dare not do anything to him!


With the full production of the juice factory, the organic fertilizer made from the residue has also accumulated to a certain amount. As for the treatment methods of these fertilizers, Huang Xin directly pushed them to Xu Hao. At first, Xu Hao swore to Huang Xin that he could solve the problem of these fertilizers.

When he came to the juice factory, Xu Hao took a bag of fertilizer. About these organic fertilizers, Xu Hao has long thought of a solution!

Driving to Shengshi flower chain company, Xu Hao dialed sun Xiaowen. Soon, sun Xiaowen's beautiful voice sounded on the other end of the phone. Hearing Xu Hao's voice, sun Xiaowen seemed surprised.

"Mr. Sun, I'm downstairs of your company. I want to talk to you about a big deal." Xu Hao said with a smile: "I don't know if Mr. Sun is interested?"

"I'll come down to pick you up." Sun Xiaowen didn't dare ask Yang Qian or others to pick up Xu Hao. In case Xu Hao was dissatisfied, it would be a great trouble for the sun family.

Soon, sun Xiaowen appeared at the door of Shengshi flower chain company. Sun Xiaowen was wearing a navy blue buttock wrapped thin sweater. She should be in a hurry to go out without wearing a coat.

Pushing open the door, Xu Hao took out the bag of organic fertilizer from the trunk and walked towards sun Xiaowen.

A cold wind blew, and sun Xiaowen unconsciously hugged her arm. Looking at Xu Hao, sun Xiaowen asked, "is this the surprise you brought me?"

"That's right," said Xu Hao, also walking quickly towards the company. Sun Xiaowen wears thin clothes. Xu Hao is really afraid that sun Xiaowen will catch a cold for a while.

When he came to sun Xiaowen's office, Xu Hao put the bag of organic fertilizer on the coffee table in sun Xiaowen's office and said, "President sun, come and have a look at this..."

Sun Xiaowen was a little confused, but she opened the bag of organic fertilizer and checked it carefully. After confirming that it was fertilizer, sun Xiaowen asked, "Xu Hao, is there anything particular about this fertilizer?"

"How do you know if you don't try?" Xu Hao said with a smile, roughly explaining the fertilizer. This time, Xu Hao is going to use the sun family as the mouse. Xu Hao speculates that this organic fertilizer has the same effect as mysterious soil! However, he has no one and no place to do the experiment, so let the sun family do all this!

Xu Hao pretends to be profound, which makes sun Xiaowen have a strong interest in this fertilizer. Now, Xu Hao provides the sun family with 50 bags of flower soil every year, which is obviously not enough. If this organic fertilizer can replace the effect of flower soil, it will be like adding wings to the sun family! The sun family's desperate expansion plan can be implemented smoothly!

"Thank you. I'll ask the relevant personnel at the nursery base to study organic fertilizer as soon as possible, and I'll inform you when the specific data come out." Sun Xiaowen nodded quickly.

Xu Hao talks with sun Xiaowen. Yang Qian doesn't know when she came to the office. Seeing Xu Hao, Yang Qian's face is not very good. Xu Hao is very strange. Where did she offend the old woman? So that when the old woman saw herself, it was like seeing someone who killed her father and enemy!

"Sister Qian, you came just in time..." seeing Yang Qian, sun Xiaowen quickly asked Yang Qian to arrange someone to send the organic fertilizer to the nursery base and hand it over to her grandfather sun Mingde in person.

Nodded. Yang Qian didn't say anything. She called a man and went out with fertilizer.

There was nothing to talk with sun Xiaowen. When Xu Hao was about to get up and leave, sun Xiaowen suddenly asked, "by the way, you didn't mention the conditions last time..." then, sun Xiaowen blushed. She didn't know what Xu Hao meant. When the flowers and soil arrived, she didn't mention the conditions, which made sun Xiaowen a little worried, So when I saw Xu Hao this time, I simply offered it.

Seeing sun Xiaowen say this seriously, Xu Hao was speechless for a while. He forgot about it himself. Unexpectedly, the little girl sun Xiaowen still remembers it! Looking at Sun Xiaowen, Xu Hao said, "any request is OK?"

With her head down, sun Xiaowen gave a faint "um" to mosquitoes and flies and said, "I promised you before. Any condition is OK!"

This time, Xu Hao is in trouble. What's going on?

"Then why don't you have dinner with me?" Xu Hao said, looking at Sun Xiaowen. He can't really be shameless to make an excessive request, can he? Although sun Xiaowen is also a rare beauty, Xu Hao will not do things without a bottom line!

Hearing Xu Hao's request, sun Xiaowen once thought she had heard wrong. Looking up at Xu Hao, sun Xiaowen asked, "is eating?"

"If you want to do something else after dinner, I don't object." looking at Sun Xiaowen, Xu Hao said with a smile.

The pretty face flushed with Xu Hao's words. Sun Xiaowen also heard that Xu Hao was flirting with her. However, sun Xiaowen has no way to refute Xu Hao's flirtation! Who let this matter be brought up on her own initiative?

"Where to eat? Chinese food or Western food?" Sun Xiaowen asked again. If it's just a meal, sun Xiaowen still hopes to solve it at lunchtime. At this time, at least don't worry about what Xu Hao did to her!

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