Seeing Xu Hao and sun Xiaowen walking out of the office, Yang Qian quickly followed up. Sun Xiaowen looked back at Yang Qian and said, "sister Qian, I'll go out with Xu Hao to do something. Just stay in the company."

"Mr. Sun, I'm your assistant. I have to follow you." how can Yang Qian rest assured that sun Xiaowen and Xu Hao stay together. In Yang Qian's eyes, Xu Hao is a heinous villain!

"Assistant Yang, didn't you hear what President Sun said?" looking at Yang Qian, Xu Hao said: "President sun asked you to stay in the company, don't follow!"

"You..." pointing to Xu Hao, Yang Qian trembled angrily.

Seeing that Yang Qian was angry, sun Xiaowen quickly said a few words to Yang Qian.

Sun Xiaowen spoke, and her attitude was so arduous that Yang Qian naturally couldn't follow. She had to turn around and go back to the office.

Sun Xiaowen was still a little nervous when she sat in the same car with a man for the first time. As soon as I got on the bus, my whole body was tight.

Seeing sun Xiaowen's nervous appearance, Xu Hao was a little funny. "President sun, am I so terrible? Why don't I have dinner another day?"

"No... No." Sun Xiaowen said nervously, "I'm just hungry. Let's have dinner today!" Sun Xiaowen was eager to return this request today. After saving, Xu Hao thought of any excessive request and threatened her with it.

Reluctantly shook his head. While chatting with sun Xiaowen, Xu Hao drove to a western restaurant. Xu Hao hasn't eaten Western food for a long time since he came to Jiangcheng!

Looking for a relatively quiet position, Xu Hao very gentlemanly pulled away the chair for sun Xiaowen and asked her to sit down first. After sun Xiaowen sat down, Xu Haocai sat opposite sun Xiaowen.

After ordering, sun Xiaowen asked, "would you like... Would you like some wine?" after that, sun Xiaowen regretted that she was allergic to alcohol and had a very poor amount of alcohol. If you drink more wine, then

"I remember sun always seems to be allergic to alcohol?" Xu Hao asked, looking at Sun Xiaowen.

Nodding hurriedly, sun Xiaowen said, "I mean, do you want to drink some wine?"

"I have to drive for a while, so I won't drink." Xu Hao smiled and said. Looking at Sun Xiaowen's nervous appearance, she looks like Su Jing, a silly girl! If the employees of Shengshi flower chain company saw their boss like this, I don't know how they would feel!

When eating steak, sun Xiaowen almost buried herself in eating and didn't dare to look up at all. This is the first time sun Xiaowen has dinner with a man alone. It's conceivable how nervous she is!

"Is sun always hungry?" Xu Hao joked when he saw sun Xiaowen's way of looking down to eat.

"Ah?" Sun Xiaowen suddenly raised her head, looked at Xu Hao, then quickly lowered her head and said, "no... no, I'm full." then she put down her knife and fork.

Xu Hao was amused by sun Xiaowen's appearance and couldn't help asking, "President sun hasn't eaten with a man before?"

"Well." nodded silently. Sun Xiaowen said, "I study in a women's school abroad. I don't usually have much contact with boys!"

"No wonder." Xu Hao nodded. Outside, sun Xiaowen was a strong woman, but now she was a very small woman! There is only one explanation for this contradiction, that is, sun Xiaowen doesn't have much contact with men! Especially in such private occasions.

Chatting with sun Xiaowen while eating steak. No way, two people can't bury themselves in eating, then check out and leave? Wouldn't that be more embarrassing?

Xu Hao asked and sun Xiaowen said. They talked in harmony!

Xu Hao was surprised to hear that the sun family was ready to attack the international market. The sun family has always had the idea of entering the international market, but for various reasons, this idea has been delayed! Is the sun family really ready this time?

"With the current scale of your Sun family, it seems that you are in a hurry to enter the international market." looking at Sun Xiaowen, Xu Hao said. The sun family has taken a big step. If they don't do well, they will fall into an irreparable situation.

She nodded silently, but the person who made the strategy was her grandfather and won the support of all members of the board of directors! Therefore, even if sun Xiaowen has different opinions, she can only stay in her heart.

"The organic fertilizer you sent this time is a breakthrough." looking at Xu Hao, sun Xiaowen said, "that kind of flower soil plays a great role in the sun's nursery! However, the amount of flower soil is still too small. If these organic fertilizers can make up for this deficiency, our Sun family has no strength to enter the international market!"

Xu Hao doesn't know much about the flower market, so it's inconvenient to say anything! Even if this organic fertilizer can really replace the mysterious soil, Xu Hao will not provide too much organic fertilizer for the sun family. Of course, Xu Hao will not tell sun Xiaowen about this. Anyway, what agreements did they not sign? How much did they give them at that time? Terry Chui has the final say.

"We have to wait for the verification results of organic fertilizer," said Xu Hao with a smile, without any promise to sun Xiaowen.

"I don't know how much organic fertilizer you can provide in the future?" looking at Xu Hao, sun Xiaowen asked with expectation. This is also what sun Xiaowen is most concerned about.

After thinking about it, Xu Hao said, "it's hard to say for the time being, but it must be greater than the supply of flower soil!"

Nodding, sun Xiaowen said she knew.

After dinner, sun Xiaowen quickly got up to pay the bill, which made many men in the restaurant look at Xu Hao strangely! Sun Xiaowen is a beautiful woman anyway. She eats with beautiful women and asks them to pay the bill! At this moment, Xu Hao was labeled as a soft rice!

Ignoring the jealous eyes of the men, Xu Hao went out of the restaurant with sun Xiaowen and drove sun Xiaowen back in person!

Seeing sun Xiaowen's shadow disappear at the door of the company, Xu Haocai started the car and left Shengshi flower chain company.

From beginning to end, Yang Qian stood in the general manager's office upstairs and watched all this silently. Especially when she saw sun Xiaowen coming down from Xu Hao's car, Xu Hao untied her seat belt, which made Yang Qian angry and wanted to ask sun Xiaowen for clarification immediately!

Returning to the office, seeing that Yang Qian didn't look very well, sun Xiaowen asked, "sister Qian, what's the matter with you? Are you not feeling well? Do you want to have a rest?"

"You threw me away just to have dinner with him?" Yang Qian asked, looking at Sun Xiaowen. "Xiaowen, that's what you did to me?"

"Sister Xi, what do you mean by this?" Sun Xiaowen looked at Yang Qian with some grievances and asked, "I'm just talking about work with Xu Hao!"

"Really?" Yang Qian sneered and turned directly out of sun Xiaowen's office.

Looking at the back of Yang Qian walking out, sun Xiaowen squatted helplessly on the ground and burst into tears

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