Near the end of the term, Dong Yangfan, who was determined to be a good student, had to take Su Jing to give her remedial lessons. I haven't been to class for a semester. It's still very difficult to fail this year's final exam.

These two days, Xu Hao happened to have nothing to do. He was also called to the apartment by Su Jing and Dong Yangfan. Thinking that he was with Su Jing anyway, Xu Hao agreed.

After reading a magazine in his hand from beginning to end, Xu Hao stretched out and happened to see Dong Yangfan reviewing his lessons on the sofa not far in front of him. Xiaonizi's two slender, white and tender legs are naked, her two small feet are shaking, and her small hips are slightly arched outward. At the moment, she seems to be thinking about some difficult problems. Biting the neutral pen in her mouth is particularly attractive; The most fatal thing is that Dong Yangfan is wearing a suspender skirt at the moment, and his legs swing restlessly up and down, resulting in half of the suspender skirt on his body, revealing a small piece of snow-white hip flap and black lace pants that can't cover his hips at all.

After two eyes, Xu Hao hurriedly moved his eyes with some guilt. If Su Jing's silly girl sees this, she won't have to be jealous for a few days!

Standing up, Xu Hao plans to go out for a walk.

As soon as Xu Hao got up, Dong Yangfan jumped up from the sofa, looked at Xu Hao and said excitedly, "Xu Hao, I'm bored to death. Let's go out and have a drink?"

"I have to ask Miss Su!" Xu Hao smiled and pointed to Su Jing, who was carefully checking Dong Yangfan's homework.

With his mouth deflated, Dong Yangfan said unhappily, "I regret dying. Who will do such a difficult problem! If I had known this, I might as well be a bad student!"

"Yangfan, you see you have made great progress these days." Su Jing stood up, walked to Dong Yangfan and comforted her patiently. These days, Su Jing came to tutor Dong Yangfan as soon as she had time. Although their majors are different, Dong Yangfan, who is just a freshman, studies public compulsory courses. Su Jing has also studied these courses, but she can't help it!

Su Jing persuades Dong Yangfan. The little girl seems to have changed her sex. She is going to be angry and strong immediately, which surprised Xu Hao. Su Jing is really good at making Dong Yangfan obedient.

After staying in the apartment all morning, Xu Haoshi couldn't stay. She winked at Su Jing several times. Su Jing had no choice but to excuse herself that she had to go back to school in the afternoon and let Su Jing review well.

Out of Su Jing's apartment, Xu Hao hugged Su Jing's thin waist.

Shyly pushed Xu Hao. Without pushing away, Su Jing let Xu Hao hug her waist.

"Xu Hao, I want to pay my sister-in-law an extra month's salary at the end of the year. Do you think so?" she looked up at Xu Hao and asked Su Jing carefully. This matter stayed in her heart for a long time, but she never dared to tell Xu Hao.

Nodding, Xu Hao said, "yes. In the past six months, Sister Zhang Yue has also made great contributions to the florist!"

"Xu Hao, thank you." with Xu Hao's consent, Su Jing was very excited, took the initiative to kiss Xu Hao on the face, and then ran away shyly.

Seeing Su Jing running ahead like an elf, Xu Hao couldn't help chasing Su Jing.

Originally, they planned to go out to see a movie and then have dinner. As a result, shortly after she left the apartment building, Su Jing received a call from her mentor and asked her to go back to school as soon as possible!

"I'm sorry, Xu Hao." looking at Xu Hao, Su Jing said apologetically, "there's something wrong with my research. My tutor asked me to go to his office now. I..."

Touching Su Jing's head, Xu Hao said, "go, don't let your tutor wait."

Nodding heavily, Su Jing said, "Xu Hao, you're the best." after that, Su Jing pulled Xu Hao's hand, and then turned and walked in the direction of the school.


The sun family's experiment soon came to fruition. Sun Mingde personally called Xu Hao and invited him to the nursery base.

When Xu Hao arrived at the nursery base, he found that sun Xiaowen was also there. However, to Xu Hao's surprise, as sun Xiaowen's assistant, Yang Qian was not there. When Yang Qian is away, Xu Hao naturally won't take the initiative to ask. Xu Hao can't wait for the old woman to be away.

"Old sun, you must have some good news to tell me in such a hurry to come to me." looking at Sun Mingde, Xu Hao said with a smile.

Ha ha, with a smile, sun Mingde invited Xu Hao to the orchid cultivation center, then pointed to more than a dozen groups of reference experimental samples and said to Xu Hao: "we spent a week studying these more than a dozen groups of samples, and finally came to an amazing conclusion: the organic fertilizer you sent has the same effect as the special flower soil!"

"Really?" Xu Hao also asked with some shock. These were his conjectures. Unexpectedly, they were true!

Nodding, sun Mingde outlined the final results of the experiment. The effect of these organic fertilizers is roughly equivalent to one tenth of the special flower soil! At least in cultivating flowers, these organic fertilizers can be used as substitutes for flower soil!

After that, sun Mingde looked at Xu Hao and couldn't wait to talk about buying organic fertilizer.

At present, the organic fertilizer factory of the fruit juice factory has accumulated a lot of organic fertilizer. Xu Hao can sell all the first batch to the sun family! However, the price makes Xu Hao a little embarrassed!

Seeing Xu Hao's embarrassed face, sun Mingde hurriedly asked, "Xu Hao, but what's the difficulty?"

"Mr. Sun, to tell you the truth, the amount of organic fertilizer here is also limited..." as soon as Xu Hao said this, sun Xiaowen on the side couldn't help but look away. Xu Hao made it clear that he wanted a high price. When looking for Xu Hao to buy flower soil before, Xu Hao said this.

"Xu Hao, Xiaoyou, the price is not a problem." Sun Xiaowen heard it. Sun Mingde couldn't hear it, so he said it directly.

Hei hei smiled. Sun Mingde saw through his ideas, but Xu Hao didn't feel embarrassed. He was in business. Since he was doing business, of course, he had to ask exorbitant prices.

Looking at Sun Mingde, Xu Hao said, "ordinary compound fertilizer is about 2000 to 3000 yuan a ton, and I don't want more. How about 30000 yuan a ton of organic fertilizer?"

Compared with ordinary compound fertilizer, 30000 yuan a ton is a sky high price. However, compared with special flower soil, these 50000 pieces are very cheap! After calculating in his heart, sun Mingde agreed to Xu Hao's price! Now the sun family's desperate plan to develop the international market is going on in an orderly way. The sun family needs the organic fertilizer Xu Hao has heard of!

"Xu Hao, little friend, how much organic fertilizer do you have? How much do I want!" looking at Xu Hao, sun Mingde is also out of his mind. This time, the sun family's impact on the international flower market is only allowed to succeed, not to fail!

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