Learning that Xu Hao sold organic fertilizer at such a high price, Huang Xin didn't come back for a long time! According to Xu Hao's price, it means that 15 yuan per kilogram of organic fertilizer! This is higher than the price they pay for fresh cucumbers!

"Xu Hao, are you kidding me?" Huang Xin asked, looking at Xu Hao in surprise. This price is really unacceptable to her. Even organic fertilizer can't sell at such a high price?

With a smile, Xu Hao took out the purchase agreement signed with the sun family, handed it to Huang Xin and said, "sister Xin, I've negotiated such a big business for you. Shall we celebrate in the evening?"

Raised his head, gave Xu Hao a horizontal look, and Huang Xin said, "OK, why don't you make a cucumber for you in the evening?"

"Pat cucumber", a dish name with special meaning, can't help but let Xu Hao cool his crotch and think of Huang Xin's kitchen knife! He didn't want to make a "chicken flying egg fight" at last, so he left Huang Xin's office very wisely.

After Xu Hao left, Huang Xin immediately called several workshop directors to re formulate the production task for the next year! The juice that was originally regarded as a burden can be sold at such a high price after being squeezed and processed into fertilizer, which means that the profitability of the factory is further strengthened! In this case, Huang Xin wants to work overtime!

Driven by such great interests, Huang Xin has even vaguely planned to put the second production line into operation!


Although I don't know why song Yuwei suddenly called him and asked Xu Hao to go to her house. However, since Song Yuwei took the initiative to speak, Xu Hao was naturally embarrassed to refuse.

Although song Yuwei often lives in Wang Yumin's side, she also bought a house in Jiangcheng. Sometimes, she will live here alone.

Xu Hao drove to song Yuwei's residence and knocked on the door. Wang Tong opened the door for Xu Hao. Seeing Xu Hao, Wang Tong smiled and said, "President song is practicing yoga. You have to wait."

As soon as Wang Tong finished speaking, she heard song Yuwei's voice from a yoga room changed from a bedroom, "it's Xu Hao. Let him come."

"Please." hearing song Yuwei's words, Wang Tong led Xu Hao into the yoga room.

Song Yuwei stood barefoot on the carpet of the yoga room and was doing a difficult action of Golden Rooster independence. She was only wearing a set of white sweatshirt. Because her hands held her thighs back, the clothes at her chest, abdomen and thighs were tight, which perfectly showed the curve of her body, especially the peak in front of her chest. She should not wear a bra, but under the tight clothes, It shows a perfect outer arc, plump waist and tight hips, which is particularly sexy at the moment! Standing at the door of the yoga room, Xu Hao greedily looked at Song Yuwei's mature and attractive body.

"Come in and sit down. I'll be finished right away." Song Yuwei didn't feel anything wrong when she saw Xu Hao standing at the door. She continued to practice yoga while talking to Xu Hao.

Xu Hao didn't dare to stare at Song Yuwei's sexy, mature and attractive body. After entering, he sat on the sofa in the yoga room and looked at a magazine placed next to the sofa at will.

After finishing the last few actions, song Yuwei took the towel handed over by Wang Tong, wiped the sweat on her forehead and walked towards Xu Hao.

When song Yuwei saw that the magazine in Xu Hao's hand was upside down, she couldn't help laughing, "why didn't you find out before? You still have this ability. You can read the magazine upside down?"

"Ah? That... I..." Xu Hao was embarrassed. Just now, he was not in the mood to read a magazine. Although he was pretending to read a magazine, he kept staring at Song Yuwei!

Song Yuwei smiled and sat beside Xu Hao. It should be because she has just exercised. Song Yuwei's face looks very ruddy! Wiping the sweat on her forehead, song Yuwei said, "you often go to the children's welfare home recently?"

With an awkward smile, Xu Hao put down the magazine in his hand and said, "the old hospital director thanked me three times and twice. If I don't do something for the children's welfare home, I'm really sorry! I feel that my conscience will be condemned!"

Ha ha, laughing. After chatting with Xu Hao for a few words, song Yuwei turned and asked, "do you remember the little girl who took a picture with you last time?"

Quickly nodded, Xu Hao's eyes immediately showed a little girl carved with powder and jade! Taking out his mobile phone, Xu Hao opened the group photo with Xia Xiaomeng, handed it to song Yuwei and said, "sister Yuwei, why do you suddenly think of asking this?"

After receiving Xu Hao's mobile phone, song Yuwei stared at Xia Xiaomeng for a long time before returning it to Xu Hao and said, "nothing, just want to ask you to do me a favor!" Song Yuwei called Wang Tong in.

Looking at Xu Hao, song Yuwei said, "I bought a lot of toys and clothes. Please send them to the welfare home for me! Then, just ask about this little girl named Xia Xiaomeng, OK?"

"Sister Yuwei, I'm going again?" looking at Song Yuwei, Xu Hao was speechless. Song Yuwei now offers love to the children's welfare home. She doesn't even use her name. She simply uses the name of Xu Hao.

"Why, you're not happy?" Meimu glanced at Xu Hao. Song Yuwei said, "you see how happy the children in the welfare home are every time you go. You're doing good!"

"OK, my sister Yuwei, can't I go?" Xu Hao reluctantly shook his head. If he dared not go, song Yuwei must have a thousand ways to force him to go. Therefore, Xu Hao still doesn't ask for himself. It's boring!

Looking at Xu Hao's reluctant appearance, song Yuwei is a little funny! During the time she spent with Xu Hao, song Yuwei also found out Xu Hao's temper. Therefore, basically speaking in a few words, song Yuwei can convince Xu Hao.

Standing up, song Yuwei said, "then go quickly, and I won't keep you."

"I......" Xu Hao was speechless for a while. He looked at Song Yuwei and said, "sister Yuwei, it's not like you! Why do you have to invite me to dinner or something? I've come all the way here. You're a little careless!"

"I'm afraid I don't have time to invite you to dinner, or let Wang Tong eat with you." Song Yuwei said and winked at Xu Hao. It seems that you don't lose by telling Xu Hao to let such a beautiful woman as Wang Tong eat with you!

Declined song Yuwei's kindness. Xu Hao said, "it's better to avoid it. Having dinner with Wang Tong can kill me!"

"Who told you to chatter all the time when you eat? I don't know if there is a good saying. You can't eat or sleep!" Wang Tong quickly fought back when he heard Xu Hao say bad things about her in front of song Yuwei.

"I think you two are a bit like enemies in previous lives!" Song Yuwei said with a smile, which attracted a burst of dissatisfaction from Wang Tong. If you didn't care about song Yuwei's identity, Wang Tong would have to stick to it!

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