After staring at Sun Xiaowen for a while, Xu Hao asked: "Miss Sun, could it be that I have not explained everything clearly enough?"

Biting her lips, Sun Xiaowen felt wronged. This was the most difficult collaboration she had talked about since she took over Sun Family. Furthermore, his Sun Family were in a completely passive state. More importantly, Xu Hao was simply a swindler who couldn't be touched!

Looking at the time, it was almost time for lunch. Sun Xiaowen prepared to make her last effort. Smiling at Xu Hao, Sun Xiaowen said: "Mr. Xu, it's almost lunchtime, let's eat first and chat as we eat, how about it?"

It would be much better to eat first to ease the tension between the two, then to discuss cooperation.

"Sure, of course I'd want to have a meal with a beauty." Xu Hao naturally would not reject Sun Xiaowen's invitation.

Shengshi Floral Chain Store had their own staff dining hall, Xu Hao followed Sun Xiaowen and the others in the elevator all the way to the dining hall, and the three of them went into the restaurant's private room.

Looking at the restaurant with Shengshi Floral Chain Store, Xu Hao could not help but nod his head, and said: "I never thought that your employee dining hall's cooking was actually not bad."

"Mr. Xu is too kind." Sun Xiaowen laughed, then indicated for Yang Qian to give the menu over to him.

Receiving the menu, Xu Hao casually ordered a few dishes, and then passed the menu to Sun Xiaowen.

The dishes were served quickly, and Sun Xiaowen even went as far as to drink a little wine during lunch.

Yang Qian wanted to stop him, but she was stopped by the look in Sun Xiaowen's eyes. Yang Qian also knew that her collaboration with Xu Hao was extremely important, so she did not say anything more.

Raising his wine cup, Sun Xiaowen said: "Mr. Xu, let's have a hearty cooperation with this cup of wine." As she said that, Sun Xiaowen lifted his wine cup and took a shallow sip.

As the once famous and dissolute young master of the East Sea, Xu Hao was no stranger to all kinds of red wine. He picked up his wine cup and shook it a little before saying, "It's imported from the original bottle of France. It's not bad. It's used for a meal. What a pity."

Sun Xiaowen did not expect this bumpkin Xu Hao to actually understand red wine, which surprised her a little.

However, Xu Hao's next sentence almost made him go crazy.

"Miss Sun taking just this light sip is not giving me much face." After he finished speaking, Xu Hao held up his wine cup and looked towards Sun Xiaowen.

"Mr. Xu, it doesn't seem like you're a gentleman to speak to a lady like that, right?" Yang Qian couldn't help but speak up for Sun Xiaowen.

Looking towards Yang Qian, Xu Hao smiled and said: "Miss Yang is right, I really am not a gentleman!"

Xu Hao's words made Sun Xiaowen and Yang Qian so angry that they almost died, but the two of them were unable to display it.

Sun Xiaowen raised his wine cup and said to Xu Hao: "Mr. Xu, I'll do it, you can do it." She raised her head and drank all the wine in the cup. She choked on the red wine because she was in too much of a hurry to drink it, so she started to cough violently.

Yang Qian immediately stood up, gently patting Sun Xiaowen's back, and looking at Xu Hao, he couldn't help but wish that he could kill him!

Xu Hao ignored the look in Yang Qian's eyes. However, Sun Xiaowen's performance did give him a shock. Judging from Sun Xiaowen's actions just now, she probably did not drink much red wine. After drinking a glass of red wine, her beautiful face flushed red.

Seeing Sun Xiaowen frown uncomfortably, Xu Hao felt rather sorry. In the past, when he was at the Eastsea Nightclub, he would often let some girls drink quite a bit of wine in one go, so this time, he was more interested in Sun Xiaowen.

It was very obvious that Sun Xiaowen was not the type of girl who drank alcohol often.

"Miss Sun, I'm sorry. I just …" Seeing Sun Xiaowen's increasingly red face, Xu Hao was prepared to apologize.

But, before he could finish speaking, Sun Xiaowen had directly staggered out while covering her mouth, and Yang Qian had immediately followed.

Seeing Sun Xiaowen run out, Xu Hao knew that he had messed up this time. Only, there was nothing that Xu Hao could do now that what had happened.

Holding the red wine in his hand, Xu Hao took a sip, thinking about his collaboration with Sun Family. That kind of soil, Xu Hao would definitely not sell it for a large amount, it was not in his interest. Right now, no one knew what use this soil had. Selling it for a large amount of money would not maximize his benefits.

Right now, Xu Hao was cooperating with Sun Family because he wanted to quickly accumulate his first amount of funds so that he could do other things. Without the first pot of gold, there was no way to start Xu Hao reviving his Xu Family!

Just when Xu Hao was considering the pros and cons of this matter, Yang Qian suddenly came back. With a cold face, Yang Qian walked in. Looking towards Xu Hao, Yang Qian took a goblet and said, "Don't you like to drink? I'll accompany you! " Saying that, Yang Qian picked up the wine bottle, poured half of the cup into the cup and finished it in one gulp!

Glancing at Xu Hao, Yang Qian poured another cup and downed it in one gulp.

Seeing Yang Qian drink three cups of red wine consecutively, Xu Hao was also shocked. He quickly said: "Miss Yang, what is the meaning of this?" Saying that, Xu Hao immediately snatched the wine cup from Yang Qian's hands. If something were to happen to Yang Qian while she was drinking, Xu Hao would not be able to take responsibility.

"Don't you like to watch people drink? I'll satisfy you! " Looking at Xu Hao, Yang Qian's eyes were filled with anger, as if she wanted to eat Xu Hao whole.

Xu Hao didn't know why Yang Qian was so angry, but he knew she was in the wrong. He stood up and asked with concern, "Is Miss Sun alright?"

"Now that you know how to care about others, what have you done?" Yang Qian almost shouted out with a roar. Looking towards Xu Hao, Yang Qian asked loudly, "Do you know that she was originally allergic to alcohol? In order to let you eat a good meal, she ignored her own body to drink with you, and you actually made things difficult for her! I have never seen such a shameless person like you! "

Hearing that Sun Xiaowen was allergic to alcohol, the guilt in Xu Hao's heart grew even heavier. For a young master like him, who was used to staying at nightclubs, letting a girl drink was a type of pleasure in itself.

Just as the smell of gunpowder in the box was rising rapidly, Sun Xiaowen once again returned to the box. Although her face was pale, his body seemed much better. Seeing the tension in the private box, Sun Xiaowen lightly pulled Yang Qian and then gave him an apologetic smile. She said: "Mr. Xu, I'm sorry, Big Sister Yang Qian was just too concerned about me. She didn't have any ill intentions."

"It's okay, it's okay." Xu Hao also hurriedly said: "I really didn't know that you were allergic to alcohol. As compensation for this matter, I can make some concessions! "

Hearing that Xu Hao actually agreed to concede, the excitement in Sun Xiaowen's heart could not even be described with words. If only he had known earlier, drinking would have let Xu Hao regress. Forget about drinking a cup, she could have even drank a bottle!

Yang Qian was also extremely surprised, she previously thought that Xu Hao was deliberately making things difficult for Sun Xiaowen. However, she did not expect Xu Hao to actually take the initiative and offer to concede …

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