Looking towards Sun Xiaowen, Xu Hao said: "One million won't change, in addition to that, every year, there are twenty bags of flowery soil, and the price does not exceed five million!" Looking at Sun Xiaowen, Xu Hao gave the highest price. Judging from the level of demand his Sun Family had for this kind of soil, five million seemed to be inexpensive.

Hearing the price of five million, Yang Qian could not help but suck in a breath of cold air. How much net profit did the Golden Flower Chain have? Xu Hao actually took away 5 million. This was no different from robbery!

Hearing Xu Hao's offer, Sun Xiaowen was also stunned, and then said: "Mr. Xu, this concession of yours, is without sincerity! Five million, wouldn't that be equivalent to giving up all the profits of Shengshi Floral Chain Store? If I agree to this request, I won't be able to explain myself in the shareholders' meeting. "

Xu Hao also knew that this request of his was asking for too much. Xu Hao did not know about the exact profit situation of Sun Family. However, he knew of the scale of business of the Xu's Group. The annual turnover of the Xu's Group was six or seven billion, but the profit was only a few hundred million. In front of Xu's Group, Shengshi Floral Chain Store was just too insignificant.

"How about this, I will add another condition, the first three years, 500,000 yuan per year!" We can discuss the price after that, what do you think? " Xu Hao took a big step back and said. To Xu Hao, it was just that he needed the money from Sun Family to start his career. Therefore, the following income was not what Xu Hao was concerned about. At that time, things would get out of hand. At worst, everyone would just scatter!

Five hundred thousand, that was beyond Sun Xiaowen's expectations. Originally, she had thought that it wouldn't be less than a million yuan per year. After all, the condition that she had given earlier was that there would be five hundred thousand gold coins a year plus a 5% share of the Shengshi Floral Chain Store. Right now, Xu Hao did not ask for shares, but only asked for a million cash. A 5% share of Shengshi Floral Chain Store was worth at least four or five million.

Seeing Sun Xiaowen's look of disbelief, Xu Hao laughed and asked: "Do you feel that it's very strange that I didn't agree to your previous condition? Each year, there will be 500,000 yuan plus 5% of the shares. It's obviously a lot more worth than a million cash and 500,000 yuan annually! "

"That's right. I am indeed very curious about this point." Sun Xiaowen nodded and said.

"Very simple. Firstly, is to apologize to Miss Sun; secondly, I do not wish to tie too tightly onto your Sun Family. In other words, does Miss Sun understand? " Xu Hao laughed and said: "I wonder when we will sign the contract?"

Of course, there was also one more important reason that Xu Hao did not mention, and that was that he desperately needed a sufficient amount of funds to start his business. As for the future benefits, Xu Hao did not even consider them.

Sun Xiaowen was a smart person, if not she would not have controlled Shengshi Floral Chain Store at such a young age. Xu Hao did not want to be tied up too tightly with Sun Family. It was clear that she was telling Sun Xiaowen that it was up to him to cooperate with Sun Family! At any time, Xu Hao could use the lack of soil as an excuse and not sell the mud on Sun Family.

Therefore, this seemingly fair contract, allowed her Sun Family to remain in a very passive position! Thinking about wearing this, Sun Xiaowen realized that she had really underestimated the boy, or in other words, the man in front of him!

"If Mr. Xu does not have any other conditions, we can sign the contract right now." Sun Xiaowen looked at Xu Hao and said with a wry smile. This time, it looked like she had won in the negotiations, but in reality, this so called contract was not binding on Xu Hao at all. Everything still depended on Xu Hao's mood. Of course, there were still benefits, and that was, even if Xu Hao did not sell the soil for their Sun Family, he could not sell it to their competitors in Sun Family. This was probably the biggest use of this exclusive contract.

Seeing the reminder from the bank, Xu Hao heaved a sigh of relief. He had already successfully earned the first pot of gold, and the matter of reviving the Xu Family could finally begin. Right now, the most important task was to extend the lease of the orchard indefinitely! Xu Hao did not want him to waste his time with Bai Yan to help others.

Walking out of the Shengshi Floral Chain Store, Xu Hao immediately took a taxi to Bai Yan's orchard.

After arriving at Bai Yan's orchard, Xu Hao went straight to Bai Yan's resting room. Because he really wanted to tell Bai Yan the joyous news of earning money, Xu Hao did not knock on the door, and immediately pushed it open.

Everything before his eyes caused Xu Hao to be unable to refrain from opening his mouth wide in shock.

Bai Yan was completely focused on the computer screen, her back facing Xu Hao, half kneeling and half sitting position … As Xu Hao stood at the door, she could clearly see Bai Yan's tempting curves …

And at this moment, on the computer screen in front of Bai Yan, an action movie that was inappropriate for children was being acted out!

The sound of Xu Hao pushing open the door was naturally enough to alarm Bai Yan, who was currently focused on doing bad things. With a "dong" sound, Bai Yan stood up due to being overly nervous, and her body fell down as she was tripping over her jeans.

"Aunt Bai, are you alright?" At this time, Xu Hao did not care about the awkwardness and immediately ran over.

Hearing Xu Hao's voice and seeing Xu Hao who was supporting him at this moment, Bai Yan wanted to find a hole to hide in. She never thought that Xu Hao would come to find her at this time. Most importantly, Xu Hao had seen her most unbearable scene.

Even if Bai Yan pretended nothing happened now, it would not be able to cover up what she had just done. After all, the computer screen in front of him was showing a good show! She had no way to explain it.

Xu Hao was also extremely embarrassed. If he had known earlier, he would have knocked on the door then entered. Looking at Bai Yan who was still wearing the jeans that hung on her leg, Xu Hao neither walked nor stayed.

In the end, it was Bai Yan who spoke first, "Hao, you … "You go out first."

"Oh …" "Oh, okay." With that, Xu Hao looked once again at Bai Yan's alluring body greedily, and then turned and ran out. Only, standing outside the door, Xu Hao's mind was filled with that scene from just now. Looking at it now, Bai Yan's body seemed to be even better than what Xu Hao had imagined.

It was not as thin as Su Jing, nor was it as sexy. Bai Yan's beauty was slightly plentiful. It was a well-developed beauty that belonged to a mature woman! To be more precise, Bai Yan's beauty was the kind that belonged solely to young women. This was something that Su Jing and Huang Xin did not have at the moment.

After a long while, the sound of Bai Yan's footsteps finally came from inside the house. Xu Hao knocked on the door and walked in. Even though Xu Hao purposely did not bring up the matter just now, those things, if they were seen, would definitely be seen by others! Bai Yan was so embarrassed that he wanted to find a hole to hide in. It was also because she was not paying attention, that he became interested right after he started taking a nap. Who would have thought that Xu Hao would come at this time!

"Aunt Bai …" Xu Hao called out to Bai Yan.

Aunt Bai didn't dare to look up at Xu Hao, and replied in a low voice: "Mmm, auntie is listening!"

"Aunt Bai, don't hold it in by yourself. It's not good for your health. If you need anything, I can do it on your behalf." Staring at Bai Yan's alluring body, Xu Hao said.

Hearing Xu Hao's teasing words, Bai Yan raised her head in shame and anger, looked towards Xu Hao, and said: "Hao, you must die! Even Aunt dares to take liberties with us! " As she spoke, her pretty face became even redder …

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