Hearing that Xu Hao and song Yuwei were going to take her out to play, Xia Xiaomeng was very excited. However, Xia Xiaomeng tilted her head and was a little uneasy when she saw the staff of the welfare home packing up some of her things.

Picked up Xia Xiaomeng, song Yuwei and Xu Hao walked out of the children's welfare home together. Wang Tong and the driver have been sent away by song Yuwei, so Xu Hao has to act as a driver, while song Yuwei and Xia Xiaomeng sit in the back row and chat excitedly.

"I told Xiaohu that I was going to the amusement park, but he didn't believe it!" Xia Xiaomeng said discontentedly.

Seeing Xia Xiaomeng's lovely appearance, song Yuwei fondly touched her head and said, "let's take more photos and let Xiaohu have a good look!"

"OK!" Xia Xiaomeng said excitedly.

Song Yuwei accompanied Xia Xiaomeng to play in the playground, while Xu Hao became a full-time photographer responsible for taking photos!

Even though Xu Hao took photos carefully, song Yuwei still despised his photography technology. Of course, song Yuwei has no choice but Xu Hao.

Xu Hao was a little exhausted until more than three o'clock in the afternoon, but song Yuwei and Xia Xiaomeng seemed to wind up and didn't know how tired they were!

Looking at them, Xu Hao said, "just spare me. Let's find a place to eat and have a rest!"

"Brother Xu Hao, you can't do this. Your body is too weak." Xia Xiaomeng, like a little adult, was held by song Yuwei, patted Xu Hao on the shoulder, and said in an adult tone.

Xia Xiaomeng's words made song Yuwei laugh and couldn't stand up. Had it not been for Xia Xiaomeng in her arms, song Yuwei would have laughed more exaggerated. Xu Hao wanted to repair Xia Xiaomeng. He dared to say that his body was too weak!

Seeing Xu Hao's bad face looking at Xia Xiaomeng, song Yuwei quickly glared at Xu Hao and said, "why? You still want to bully our Xiaomeng. You're funny!"

"Yes, you're good." Xia Xiaomeng also said, angry Xu Hao's teeth itching, but there was nothing to do.

Listening to song Yuwei and Xia Xiaomeng teasing him, Xu Hao simply pretended not to hear him. Out of the playground, I found a restaurant and prepared to eat first to replenish my strength.

"Brother Xu Hao, this meat is for you. You have to mend your body." Xia Xiaomeng solemnly sandwiched a piece of meat in the bowl into Xu Hao's bowl, which made song Yuwei laugh regardless of her image.

Xu Hao was also completely defeated by Xia Xiaomeng. Are children so precocious now? Speaking of words is a set! I don't know who I learned from!

"Come on, come on, I'll give you this one too. Make up more." Song Yuwei also opened her mouth in time, and then Xia Xiaomeng joked about Xu Hao.

Xu Hao turned his eyes helplessly and said, "sister Yuwei, there is no such thing as you. If you two bully me again, I won't come out to play with you in the future!"

"Xiaomeng, your brother Xu Hao is angry." looking at Xia Xiaomeng, song Yuwei said for fear of chaos: "your brother Xu Hao said he wouldn't come out with us in the future!"

With big eyes open, she looked at Xu Hao and song Yuwei. Xia Xiaomeng slipped down from her seat, ran to Xu Hao, climbed onto the chair, kissed Xu Hao on the face and said, "brother Xu Hao, are you still angry?"

"Of course angry!" although Xu Hao wanted to laugh, he still pretended to be angry.

Xia Xiaomeng's eyes turned, ran back, looked at Song Yuwei and said, "aunt song, you just gave brother Xu Hao meat. Go kiss brother Xu Hao and apologize to brother Xu Hao!"

Hearing Xia Xiaomeng's words, song Yuwei's face turned red. And Xu Hao was stunned on the spot: is there such an operation?

Touching song Yuwei's head, song Yuwei smiled and said, "our little Meng can kiss brother Xu Hao, but aunt song can't! Well, well, eat quickly." Song Yuwei said and quickly bowed her head for dinner.

Xia Xiaomeng doesn't understand why she can kiss Xu Hao, but song Yuwei can't. Tilting his head, he looked at Xu Hao and song Yuwei. Xia Xiaomeng said, "aunt song, is it because brother Xu Hao doesn't love you?"

"Where did you learn all this?" Xu Hao couldn't help but say, "well, eat quickly. Do you want to go to the playground?"

Hearing about going to the amusement park, Xia Xiaomeng quickly gulped up.

Song Yuwei didn't talk much until she finished the meal, and her face was pink. Xia Xiaomeng's words just now really made her lose face! Although children's words are not taboo, it's still a little embarrassing to say these words in front of two people.

After dinner, Xia Xiaomeng still wanted to go to the playground, but song Yuwei didn't agree. "Shall we go again next time? Aunt song will take you to a better place now!"

She opened her eyes and looked at Song Yuwei. Xia Xiaomeng thought for a while before she said, "that's all right."

Under the command of song Yuwei, Xu Hao drove to an apartment building near the industrial park. Looking at the completed Industrial Park apartment, Xu Hao asked, "sister Yuwei, the apartments have been completed?"

"Yes, now I'll show you the apartment I chose for you." Song Yuwei said with a smile, and then walked towards the apartment building with song Yuwei in her arms.

Although the apartment building has been completed, it has not been delivered to Jiangcheng City, so there is no one in the apartment building. Song Yuwei walks ahead with Xia Xiaomeng in her arms, while Xu Hao follows song Yuwei behind. Xia Xiaomeng, who is held by song Yuwei, has been making faces at Xu Hao!

"Sister Yuwei, don't we take the elevator?" seeing that song Yuwei has passed by, Xu Hao quickly called her.

Looking back at Xu Hao, song Yuwei said, "there is a special elevator over there."

Following song Yuwei, Xu Hao saw a special elevator, "sister Yuwei, what is this elevator for?"

"The special elevator directly to the top floor. This is the electronic card for opening the elevator." Song Yuwei said and handed Xu Hao a card. She took the card and brushed it on the elevator. The elevator opened immediately.

There are only two options in the elevator, the first floor and the top floor!

When the elevator reached the top floor, Xu Haocai found that there were only two households on the top floor! Xu Hao remembers that the design of this apartment is four households with one ladder. Song Yuwei should have made special changes to the top floor, which turned it into a ladder with two households!

"Let's go and have a look at your house first." looking at Xu Hao, song Yuwei took out the key from her small bag, handed it to Xu Hao and said, "I haven't seen it since the house was decorated! Today, I also took this opportunity to visit and see how the decoration is?"

After taking the key, Xu Hao looked at Song Yuwei and said, "sister Yuwei, thank you!"

"Why are you thanking me? Well, go in and have a look." Song Yuwei said and hurriedly urged Xu Hao to open the door.

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