Opening the door, Xu Hao saw the interior decoration. It can be seen that song Yuwei should have spent a lot of effort on this decoration style!

As soon as Xia Xiaomeng entered the house, she slipped down from Song Yuwei, ran excitedly in the house and looked at each room!

Song Yuwei also briefed Xu Hao about the situation in the apartment. The room has four bedrooms, two living rooms and a restaurant. Each bedroom has a separate bathroom.

"Sister Yuwei, it's a waste for me to live alone in such a big apartment." Xu Hao said with a smile. Although his villa in the East China Sea was bigger than this, it was a family house. It's really empty to let him live in such a big house alone!

Hehe smiled. Song Yuwei said, "you can bring your girlfriend to live together. You can bring several girlfriends back to live in such a big house!"

Xu Hao was speechless for a while. He looked at Song Yuwei and said, "sister Yuwei, how can you make such a joke!"

Laughing, song Yuwei didn't speak. After Xu Hao visited the apartment, song Yuwei said, "let's go and show you the roof."

The apartment has stairs leading to the roof. Following song Yuwei, Xu Hao led Xia Xiaomeng to the roof. The roof was specially transformed and arranged into a small outdoor garden. Of course, considering the stress of the whole building, there are not many flowers on the roof. They are all ordinary potted plants, and then there is a small bar with drinks such as wine and coffee.

"Eh... The design next door is similar to that here." Xu Hao saw that the top floor next door is also of this design. However, there is an iron gate between the top floors of the two buildings.

Song Yuwei smiled, looked at Xu Hao and said, "in the future, we will be neighbors." then she went over, opened the iron door on the top floor and came to the top of her house.

Xu Hao was surprised and couldn't close his mouth. He didn't expect that the house next door was song Yuwei's. In my impression, didn't song Yuwei buy a suite in Jiangcheng?

When the iron gate was opened, Xia Xiaomeng was the most excited. After running through the iron gate, she was going to visit Song Yuwei's home. Song Yuwei was not in a hurry to take Xu Hao to visit her home. Instead, he went to the bar and poured a glass of red wine for Xu Hao and himself.

Holding the wine cup, he walked towards Xu Hao. Handed the red wine to Xu Hao, song Yuwei said, "I'm surprised?"

Nodding, Xu Hao said, "a little. I didn't expect you to be a neighbor with sister Yuwei."

After taking a sip from the wine glass, song Yuwei said, "I do this for Xiaomeng's growth. You can see that Xiaomeng is very dependent on you, so I think in this case, I'll just be a neighbor with you. Don't you think I have ulterior motives?"

"How could it?" Xu Hao smiled and said, "besides, sister Yu Wei, a beautiful woman like you has ulterior motives for me. I'm not happy yet!"

"Go, don't make fun of your sister Yuwei." Song Yuwei blushed, turned her head and looked at the distance. She didn't know what she was thinking.

They sat on the roof and drank a glass of red wine before they went down the stairs. Xia Xiaomeng is already playing downstairs. The overall pattern of song Yuwei's room is similar to that of Xu Hao's room. The difference is that the decoration of song Yuwei's room is more children's style. Not only that, song Yuwei even prepared a children's toy room for Xia Xiaomeng! At the moment, Xia Xiaomeng is having fun in the toy room!

After Xu Hao sat down, song Yuwei handed Xu Hao the key to the iron door on the roof and said, "the key to the door on the roof. If you bring your girlfriend back for the night, remember to lock the door, or you'll be disturbed by Xiaomeng. Don't blame me!"

"Sister Yuwei, what are you talking about?" Song Yuwei said a little embarrassed, but Xu Hao quietly put away the key.

She smiled. Song Yuwei didn't continue to struggle with this problem, but asked, "how about the overall layout of the apartment?"

"I'm so satisfied." looking at Song Yuwei, Xu Hao said: "the decoration of the apartment is really bothered by sister Lao Yuwei."

"It doesn't take much effort. As you know, I'm in this line." Song Yuwei smiled and said, "I'm just worried that it doesn't agree with you. However, I'm relieved to hear you say I like it! Do you think it's a suitable time to move here? Otherwise, Xiaomeng will miss you!"

Listening to song Yuwei's words, Xu Hao always feels that song Yuwei has something to say! Looking at Song Yuwei's white and red face, Xu Hao wants to ask: will you miss me too? However, Xu Hao did not dare to ask. She and song Yuwei were not familiar enough to make such a joke! Perhaps song Yuwei chose to be his neighbor for Xia Xiaomeng's growth.

"I'll move in these two days." Xu Hao said and asked, "sister Yuwei plans to live here in the future?"

"Well, it's better to live here," Song Yuwei said. "Xiaomeng should also go to kindergarten. She didn't have this condition in the welfare home before. Now that I have adopted her, I should let her slowly return to the life of a normal child."

Xu Hao supports song Yuwei. Although the current education in children's welfare homes is similar to that in kindergartens, it is always better than that in kindergartens. It's also good for Xia Xiaomeng to go to kindergarten.

"Brother Xu Hao, aunt song, come on..." Xia Xiaomeng, who was playing happily in the toy room, heard the voice of Xu Hao and song Yuwei talking, poked a small head out of the toy room and shouted at Xu Hao and song Yuwei.

Song Yuwei answered with a smile and hurriedly stood up and walked towards the toy room. Xu Hao hesitated and followed him.

As soon as he came to the door of the toy room, Xu Hao saw that song Yuwei was learning from Xia Xiaomeng and lying on the ground building blocks! Song Yuwei's elbows are on the ground, her legs are slightly folded, her knees are on the ground, her hips are pouting high, and she is building blocks with Xia Xiaomeng.

Song Yuwei's action can't help but remind Xu Hao of the action that Bai Yan doesn't agree to try! At the moment, song Yuwei's buttocks are tightly wrapped by black trousers, which shows the exaggerated radian of her buttocks! It seems that song Yuwei's hip looks bigger than Bai Yan's!

Song Yuwei, who devoted herself to building blocks with Xia Xiaomeng, naturally wouldn't know that Xu Hao actually stood there and looked at her hips. She even compared her hips with Bai Yan's!

Looking back, seeing Xu Hao standing at the door, song Yuwei quickly shouted, "Xu Hao, come here quickly. How should this piece be placed? I didn't expect that this building block was very difficult!"

"Come on, let me see." Xu Hao hurried away the messy ideas in his mind, walked into the toy room, learned from Song Yuwei lying on the ground and began to study the building blocks in front of him

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