The new plant can not be put into operation without the support of Tang Jing. Xu Hao personally called Tang Jing and wanted to invite her to dinner to express his gratitude.

"I don't think so." Tang Jing refused very simply, leaving Xu Hao speechless. Doesn't the woman know how to give others some face?

Xu Hao felt hurt when he was refused so simply. "President Tang, is it too embarrassing for you to say so? Even if you say something, it's better to refuse politely?"

"Sorry, I didn't mean that." Tang Jing probably realized that her refusal was too straightforward. She hesitated and said, "well, tell me a place and I'll go."

Tang Jing promised so reluctantly that Xu Hao lost interest. However, he took the initiative to invite Tang Jing to dinner. Now Tang Jing promised. If he goes back on his word, it's not appropriate.

"It's in Wangjiang building. I've eaten it several times and it's not bad." after thinking about it, Xu Hao thinks Wangjiang building is a good choice.

"OK, I'll see you later." Tang Jing said and hung up. Xu Hao is laughing with his mobile phone. Tang Jing's character is really incomprehensible.

After calling Jiang Tao in advance and booking a private room, Xu Hao drove straight to Wangjiang building.

Seeing Jiang Tao welcoming him personally, Xu Hao smiled and said, "President Jiang, you're too polite."

"Mr. Xu's coming, naturally we should be polite." Jiang Tao joked, and then led Xu Hao into the box.

Knowing that Xu Hao invited people to dinner and arranged two waiters, Jiang Tao left first on the pretext that he had something to do without disturbing Xu Hao.

After waiting in the box for a while, Xu Hao received a call from Tang Jing. Xu Hao quickly said the box number, and then stood up to wait for Tang Jing.

Soon Tang Jing came in. It is still a business suit that has remained unchanged for thousands of years, and a pair of slender legs are wrapped in black silk stockings.

Seeing Xu Hao, Tang Jing said politely, "sorry, I'm late!"

"You're welcome, Mr. Tang. Please sit down," said Xu Hao, pulling away the chair for Tang Jing and letting Tang Jing sit down.

Thanks to Xu Hao, Tang Jing took off her little suit and hung it on one side of the hanger. The upper body was only wearing a white tight waist closing shirt, which stretched her body tightly, making her waist thin and chest straight!

After Tang Jing sat down, Xu Hao handed over the menu and asked Tang Jing to order. Tang Jing didn't talk to Xu Haoke either. She ordered a few dishes and returned the menu to Xu Hao. Xu Hao ordered two more dishes and asked the waiter to place an order.

Although it's not a good point to talk to Tang Jing, there is really no topic to talk about between Xu Hao and Tang Jing. Their usual communication is mostly work. So, this suddenly sat together and didn't know what to say.

In order to avoid embarrassment, Xu Hao had to talk about the juice factory and thank Tang Jing for her help.

Smiling at Xu Hao, Tang Jing said, "these are what I should do. Don't forget, I'm also a shareholder of the juice factory."

A good start, Tang Jing killed the chat directly! Xu Hao is very distressed. Does Tang Jing usually chat with people like this? As a last resort, Xu Hao had to lead the topic to his hobbies.

"I don't have much interest. I usually like reading books." Tang Jing said. She couldn't help looking at Xu Hao curiously and asked, "Mr. Xu is very interested in my private life?"

"No, No." Xu Hao quickly waved his hand and said, "as friends, we just talk casually. If president Tang doesn't want to talk, it's OK."

Seeing the embarrassed expression on Xu Hao's face, Tang Jing opened her mouth and seemed to realize that her tone was somewhat aggressive. Looking at Xu Hao, Tang Jing said, "Mr. Xu, I'm sorry. I... I don't have any friends at ordinary times, so I don't know how to chat with people. Don't be surprised, I..."

With Tang Jing's apology, Xu Hao didn't know what to say. After coughing awkwardly, Xu Hao said, "Mr. Tang, don't call me Mr. Xu. It looks like you have points. You can call me Xu Hao or Xiao Hao. That's what my friends and family call!"

After hesitation, Tang Jing said, "let me call you Xu Hao. You can call me Tang Jing."

"Tang... Jing." Xu Hao was not used to calling Tang Jing's name in person for the first time. "Do you usually stay in the health club?"

"Not all. Sometimes I stay at home," Tang Jing said solemnly, looking at Xu Hao.

Hearing Tang Jing's answer, Xu Hao almost laughed. Is there any difference between staying in a health club and staying at home?

Seeing Xu Hao's expression, Tang Jing was a little embarrassed and said, "I don't like to go out at ordinary times, and I don't know what to do when I go out. Since I was a child, I seldom go out and spend most of my time at home."

Tang Jing just said that she has no friends. This also fully explains why Tang Jing doesn't talk to people. However, after chatting with Tang Jing for a short time, Xu Hao thought Tang Jing was very interesting. At least, she was very sincere! However, she is also very poor. She is so big that she doesn't even have a friend. Maybe she is very lonely.

Thinking of this, Xu Hao looked at Tang Jing and said, "Tang Jing, well... If you want to go out in the future... I mean, if ah, you can call me and I'll walk around with you."

"Really?" Tang Jing looked at Xu Hao unexpectedly and said, "won't you be annoyed? I'm sorry, I didn't have friends before and I didn't have experience with friends, so you... Don't laugh at me."

"How could it!" Xu Hao said with a smile, "I'll be your friend in the future. As long as you call, I'll be on call."

"Let's make a deal." Tang Jing blushed embarrassed, then stretched out her hand to draw a hook with Xu Hao.

Xu Hao was stunned. He hadn't done this trick since he was ten years old. Tang Jing is twenty-six. Isn't she so childish?

Seeing Xu Hao stunned, Tang Jing asked, "don't I pull the hook when I watch TV and what my friends have agreed?"

"Yes, yes, yes." Xu Hao had to smile awkwardly and politely, and stretched out his hand to pull the hook with Tang Jing.

However, to Xu Hao's doubt, Tang Jing's hand was as cold as it had been several times before. However, Xu Hao didn't care much. After all, this is Tang Jing's private affair. Xu Hao doesn't ask much.

With Xu Hao as a friend, Tang Jing seemed very happy and talked a lot with Xu Hao. It's just that Xu Hao can't keep up with Tang Jing's rhythm at all. Looking at Tang Jing, Terry Chui wanted to make complaints about her: sister, you are twenty-six years old, and you still see animated movies, are you childish?

Of course, Xu Hao was embarrassed to say that. I had to silently tuck my heart out, and make complaints about Tang Jing.

Watching what Tang Jing said with interest, Xu Hao considered whether to go back and see some cartoons that Tang Jing said, otherwise Tang Jing really asked him out in the future, he couldn't find a common language!

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