Tang Jing was so excited that she even talked at dinner. It can be seen that Tang Jing is very excited. Maybe she has someone to chat with since then.

After dinner, Tang Jing offered to go out with Xu Hao. Looking at Xu Hao, Tang Jing said, "Xu Hao, is that ok?"

Tang Jing offered to go around, but Xu Hao would not object. However, when Xu Hao asked Tang Jing where she wanted to go, Tang Jing was also a little confused. For her, she has never had shopping experience and really doesn't know where to go.

Xu Hao has a headache, but he can't leave Tang Jing alone. After thinking about it, Xu Hao said, "let's go. I'll take you to a place. You must be interested!" Xu Hao invited Tang Jing into his car, and then drove Tang Jing to Century Square.

The first time she came to such a place was still very novel to Tang Jing, and the whole person was like a curious doll.

After wandering outside for more than an hour, Tang Jing was a little tired. Xu Hao had to find a place to rest with Tang Jing.

Seeing Tang Jing moving her feet all the time, Xu Hao couldn't help asking, "does her foot hurt?"

Nodding, Tang Jing said, "well, I've never walked so long. My feet can't stand it."

For a while, Xu Hao wanted to say: elder sister, your professional clothes and high heels are not suitable for shopping at all! It's also Xu Hao's negligence. Tang Jing should be reminded in advance. It's a pity that Tang Jing can walk so long in high heels. It's really not easy.

"Next time you go out, you can try to wear some casual clothes and shoes." looking at Tang Jing, Xu Hao said. Although Tang Jing looks good in business clothes, she is less lively.

Frowning, Tang Jing looked at Xu Hao and said, "but I don't have casual clothes. I only have business clothes in my wardrobe! In fact, I don't know what clothes to buy. Maybe business clothes are a little better. I can wear them on any occasion anyway!"

Without a word, Xu Hao said, "Tang Jing, I'm really defeated by you." pointing to the people in the square, Xu Hao said, "look at their clothes, you can actually try!"

After taking a serious look at the clothes of those people in the square, Tang Jing nodded solemnly and said, "OK, I'll try next time!"

Because Tang Jing was a little tired, Xu Hao had to drive Tang Jing back.

Tang Jing's residence is located in an upscale community in the center of Jiangcheng city. In this community, all are villas one by one. It can be said that people living here have power and power. Ordinary people, even if they have money, can't buy a house here!

After getting off the bus, Tang Jing waved to Xu Hao and turned to enter the community.

Xu Hao was speechless for a while. He thought Tang Jing would invite him in. However, Xu Hao did not think much. Tang Jing doesn't play cards according to common sense. Xu Hao is almost used to it.

Because there are staff dormitories and apartment buildings in Hongda juice factory, Huang Xin simply moved there directly. Living in the factory is also convenient for her to deal with factory affairs.

After Huang Xin moved away, Xu Hao didn't bother to go back to his original residence. He drove directly to the industrial park and came to the apartment song Yuwei gave him.

Back at his residence, Xu Hao took a bath. He was going to see if song Yuwei and Xia Xiaomeng were there. As a result, before Xu Hao went out, he received a call from Tang Jing.

"Xu Hao, I called you, didn't I bother you?" Tang Jing asked as soon as the phone was connected.

Xu Hao naturally said no, and then asked, "what's the matter with calling me?"

"Nothing," Tang Jing said on the phone. "I just thought you were my friend. I should call you from time to time and contact you. It's like this when I watch and watch TV!"

Xu Hao was speechless for a while. Tang Jing was also a strong woman in the mall. How could she become so childish in her life? Without any life experience at all, is it difficult that all her life experience comes from and TV dramas?

Since Tang Jing took the initiative to call, Xu Hao had to chat with Tang Jing for a while.

After talking for almost half an hour, Tang Jing suddenly said, "sorry, I suddenly came an important document here. Let's talk another day."

"Well, goodbye," said Xu Hao, hanging up the phone. Reluctantly shook his head, stood up and walked towards song Yuwei's house.

He knocked on the door gently, and Xu Hao heard Xia Xiaomeng's voice. Before the door was opened, Xia Xiaomeng shouted for brother Xu Hao.

As soon as the door opened, Xu Hao picked up Xia Xiaomeng and said, "how do you know it's me?"

"Aunt Song said that others can't come into our place." Xia Xiaomeng tilted her head and shouted to song Yuwei in the room.

Soon, song Yuwei came out of the room. She was wearing a long white dress dotted with several purple flowers. The long dress was very close to her graceful body. Her chest was high, her waist was thin, her hips were rich, and she had an unspeakable mature style.

Seeing Xu Hao, song Yuwei smiled and said, "Xiaomeng has been noisy for several days. If you don't come again, I have to call you to come over!"

"Sister Yuwei, you're complaining about me." Xu Hao smiled awkwardly and said, "I'm busy these days. I've been living elsewhere!"

"OK, you're a busy man." Song Yuwei said with a bit of anger, then reached out to take Xia Xiaomeng from Xu Hao and said, "in the future, your brother Xu Hao will be busy, I'm afraid you'll have to forget you!"

"Hum, brother Xu Hao is a bad man!" Xia Xiaomeng frowned and said.

Looking at Xia Xiaomeng's lovely appearance, Xu Hao couldn't help but stretch out his hand, pinch her little nose and said, "brother Xu Hao promised to come and see you when he has time, okay?"

"No!" Xia Xiaomeng shook her head and said, "I want you to move here and live with us!"

Xia Xiaomeng's words made song Yuwei blush, and Xu Hao was also embarrassed. After coughing, Xu Hao said, "you're really a kid. Don't worry. I'll live here in the future. As long as you call, I promise to appear right away, okay?"

"OK! Then don't lie to me." Xia Xiaomeng tilted her head, put her hand in her mouth and stared at Xu Hao.

"You little fellow." he touched Xia Xiaomeng's head. Xu Hao really didn't know how to answer Xia Xiaomeng's words.

Giggling, Xia Xiaomeng said, "brother Xu Hao, I'll get you my new toy." as she said, Xia Xiaomeng struggled to slip down from Song Yuwei. Because Xia Xiaomeng's action was too big, song Yuwei's long skirt collar was pulled down heavily. Xu haogang stood next to song Yuwei again. Naturally, he saw everything.

Song Yuwei was also embarrassed. She quickly turned around, cleaned up her clothes, and said, "haven't you eaten yet? I'm just cooking." then she walked quickly to the kitchen

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