"What? Are you going to build a new fertilizer plant and a feed plant?" Huang Xin asked in shock after hearing Xu Hao's proposal in Huang Xin's office.

Huang Xin can understand the new fertilizer plant. With the fruit juice factory in Hongchuan District put into operation, the new residue produced every day has reached an amazing more than ten tons! If such a large amount of residue is made into organic fertilizer manually, it will not only be inefficient, but also the manpower required will have to be doubled, which is obviously undesirable. The most important thing is that if there is no formal factory for such a large number of organic fertilizers, it will also be a hidden danger for relevant departments such as industry and Commerce and taxation to check at that time!

However, Xu Hao proposed to build a new feed factory, which confused Huang Xin?

With a smile, Xu Hao stood up and walked to Huang Xin. Originally, Xu Hao planned to take Huang Xin's little hand and tell her about it. However, as soon as he stretched out his hand, Huang Xin clapped it open.

After Xu Hao's eyes turned white, Huang Xin said, "you little bastard, be serious and tell me what's going on?"

With an awkward cough, Xu Hao said, "sister Xin, it's like this. Aunt Bai plans to set up several farms. At that time, we naturally need some high-quality feed. Instead of buying unreliable feed outside, we might as well produce it ourselves!"

"Bai Jie wants to set up a farm?" Huang Xin looked at Xu Hao in shock and asked.

Nodding, Xu Hao said something roughly. Although Bai Yan is only preparing for the orchard farm at this stage, once the orchard farm has achieved results, Bai Yan will certainly accelerate the pace and expand the scale of the farm. Therefore, Xu Hao must prepare Bai Yan in advance!

After thinking for a while, Huang Xin said, "this is really a problem. It's just that the new two factories all at once are a little stressful for us!"

"Sister Xin, the scale of these two factories doesn't need to be too large. After all, we only have about ten tons of residue a day." looking at Huang Xin, Xu Hao said, "can we at least put out seven or eight million in the account of our juice factory?"

"Take all the money away at once. What if something goes wrong?" Huang Xin was still a little worried. The juice factory has just paid off the bank loan, and with the acquisition of Hongda juice factory, there is less than 10 million cash left in the account. Xu Hao is going to withdraw eight million at once, but there are only two million left in the factory's account. This money is not enough to pay the whole factory a month's salary!

"Our payment collection cycle is almost half a month. It's completely in time." looking at Huang Xin, Xu Hao said: "anyway, this money is also put on the account. It's better to take it out and build a factory first!"

Xu Hao said so, and Huang Xin had no choice but to agree!

Huang Xin personally took charge of the preparatory work for the organic fertilizer plant and feed plant, so as to ensure that the construction of the plant can be completed in the shortest time.


The new organic fertilizer plant has just been determined. Xu Hao received a call from sun Xiaowen and wanted to ask Xu Hao to have dinner together.

With a smile, Xu Hao said, "Mr. Sun, I think your meal is probably a Hongmen banquet."

Sun Xiaowen at the other end of the phone also smiled and said, "Mr. Xu is the most important friend of our Sun family. How can we prepare Hongmen banquet for our friends?" after that, sun Xiaowen asked Xu Hao to have dinner again.

Knowing that he couldn't get rid of it, Xu Hao agreed to come down. After making an appointment with sun Xiaowen, Xu Hao drove directly over.

As soon as he got to the door, Xu Hao received a call from sun Xiaowen. "Mr. Xu, I see you. I'll send someone down to pick you up now."

Originally, Xu Hao thought Yang Xi would pick him up. Although he didn't like Yang Qian very much, he came on behalf of sun Xiaowen after all, so Xu Hao decided to take the initiative to say hello to her.

However, to Xu Hao's surprise, the person who came to pick him up was not Yang Qian, but a beautiful little girl, who should be no more than 23 years old. Wearing a decent black business dress and light makeup on his face.

Looking at Xu Hao, the little girl said politely, "Hello, Mr. Xu. I'm Shen man, President sun's secretary. President sun asked me to pick you up."

"Then thank Secretary Shen," Xu Hao nodded with a smile, and then followed Shen man to the box in the restaurant.

As soon as he opened the door of the box, Xu Hao saw that sun Xiaowen had stood up and was waiting for him.

Sun Xiaowen wrapped her exquisite and plump body tightly in a dark blue women's shirt and a gray knee length skirt. The knee length skirt is only at the knee position, wrapped with the back tilted hips, showing the beauty of women's curves. The mature and plump beauty is exciting. The round and slender legs wear flesh colored silk stockings as thin as silkworm wings, and the feet are a pair of black women's high heels, which shows the aura of strong women.

Seeing Xu Hao, sun Xiaowen stepped forward, stretched out her hand, smiled and said, "thank Mr. Xu for taking time out of his busy schedule to dinner."

"Mr. Sun is polite." Xu Hao also said with a smile, and then sat down at the invitation of sun Xiaowen.

After sitting down, sun Xiaowen immediately ordered Shen man to ask the waiter to serve.

Looking at Xu Hao, sun Xiaowen said, "I ordered the dishes on my own. Don't dislike Mr. Xu!"

"Mr. Sun is polite. I'm not picky about food." Xu Hao said with a smile.

Soon, rich dishes were served. Shen man, sun Xiaowen's secretary, acted as a waiter, serving tea and water for the two.

Originally, Xu Hao wanted Shen man to sit down and eat together, but Sun Xiaowen, the host, didn't speak. It seems that Xu Hao is not suitable to say this.

"President sun asked me out today, not just for dinner?" Xu Hao asked when he looked at Sun Xiaowen. Although he didn't know sun Xiaowen very well, Xu Hao also knew that sun Xiaowen didn't know him well enough to take the initiative to ask him out for dinner.

Smiling at Xu Hao, sun Xiaowen said, "I heard that Mr. Xu is going to build a new organic fertilizer factory?"

"Mr. Sun is well informed." Xu Hao smiled and said, "yes, it's true. What? Mr. Sun is interested in organic fertilizer?"

Nodding, sun Xiaowen said: "To be honest with Mr. Xu, your organic fertilizer, combined with my sun family's cultivation technology, is really the best responsibility! During this time, the sun family's nursery base has cultivated many new varieties of flowers by using the organic fertilizer provided by Mr. Xu! Therefore, we Sun family want to eat all the organic fertilizer newly increased by Mr. Xu. I don't know what Mr. Xu thinks?"

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