The factory hasn't been built yet, but business comes first. Looking at Sun Xiaowen, Xu Hao asked, "the sun family ate so much organic fertilizer at once. It seems that it is very smooth to enter the international market!"

With a slight smile, sun Xiaowen didn't answer this question. After all, it involves the core secrets of the sun family.

Xu Hao didn't ask much. After a simple chat with sun Xiaowen, Xu Hao agreed. Anyway, when the fertilizer plant is completed, the organic fertilizer produced must also be sold. Since the sun family is willing to accept it all, Xu Hao is also happy to be free!

Xu Hao promised so happily, which surprised sun Xiaowen. In the past, when talking about cooperation with Xu Hao, Xu Hao didn't make things difficult. This time, she promised so happily that she couldn't help wondering whether Xu Hao had ulterior motives!

Seeing sun Xiaowen's expression, Xu Hao smiled and asked, "Mr. Sun is surprised?"

Nodding, sun Xiaowen said, "a little, it's not in line with Mr. Xu's style!"

With an awkward smile, Xu Hao didn't think he was such an image in sun Xiaowen's heart. However, it's no wonder that sun Xiaowen wants to bite off a piece of meat from the sun family every time!


After talking about cooperation with sun Xiaowen, Xu Haocai went out of the restaurant and received a call from Tang Jing. On the phone, Tang Jing questioned whether Xu Hao regarded her as a friend and didn't contact her for such a long time!

Xu Hao forgot Tang Jing when he patted his forehead! Just, even if it's a friend, no one will call if he's okay at ordinary times. Of course, Xu Hao dared not say this to Tang Jing.

"There are many things about the juice factory recently. You know, I just bought Hongda juice factory..." Xu Hao had to find a reason to explain. Tang Jing didn't ask much, just asked if Xu Hao had time.

Tang Jing took the initiative to speak. How could Xu Hao refuse? He had to say, "if you have time, where do you want to go this time?"

"I want to buy two clothes." Tang Jing said naturally on the phone. It seems that there is nothing inappropriate to ask a male friend to buy clothes.

Hearing Tang Jing's words, Xu Hao is really the first two. He wanted to say: elder sister, can you buy clothes and make an appointment with your best friend? What do you mean you let me go with you?

"If you don't want to go," Xu Hao didn't answer. Tang Jing at the other end of the phone immediately said in a lost tone.

Xu Hao was a little impatient. Tang Jing didn't have any friends. Maybe she asked herself to go shopping, just as a normal behavior between friends. Thinking so, Xu Hao quickly said, "how could it be? I'm parking now. Well, you say, when?"

"Well, you come to the club to pick me up." Tang Jing said with a trace of excitement in her tone.

Some reluctantly shook his head. Xu Hao had to drive to Yimei health club. Xu Hao's car had just arrived at Yimei health club, and Tang Jing came out of the club.

Tang Jing was wearing a black business suit, a uniform skirt tightly wrapped around her slim but well proportioned figure, and her beautiful hair was scattered on her shoulders. The ruffle lace of the white shirt was exposed at the neckline. Under the knee length black uniform skirt is a pair of slender beautiful legs wrapped in black silk stockings, and on the feet is a pair of black women's leather shoes.

After trotting two steps towards Xu Hao's car, Tang Jing opened the co pilot's door and sat on it. After looking at Xu Hao, Tang Jing said, "sorry, I really can't find someone to accompany me to buy clothes..."

Listening to Tang Jing's pitiful remarks, Xu Hao sympathized with her.

Smiling at Tang Jing, Xu Hao said, "although I'm not good at aesthetics, it's more than enough to be a consultant for you!"

Xu Hao was joking, but Tang Jing didn't like it immediately. Dissatisfied, he looked at Xu Hao and asked, "what do you mean? Do you want to say that my aesthetics is very poor?"

"Cough... I don't mean that." Xu Hao was speechless for a while and quickly explained, "your aesthetics is mainly focused on professional clothes. I can help you develop in other aspects!"

With a grunt of discontent, Tang Jing said, "OK, OK, let's go."

Driving Tang Jing to the most lively clothing city in Jiangcheng, Xu Hao said, "let's go in and have a look!"

Tang Jing, carrying a small bag, followed Xu Hao towards the clothing city.

Tang Jing was dazzled by the dazzling array of clothes. In the past, her clothes were customized by designers at home, so she was not familiar with the process of buying clothes!

"Xu Hao, what kind of clothes do you think are suitable for me?" Tang Jing, who was looking at a wide range of clothes, stopped, turned to Xu Hao and asked.

Tang Jing's question confused Xu Hao. He really couldn't say well. Tang Jing's figure and appearance determine what clothes she wears!

"It's summer soon. Why don't you buy a skirt?" Xu Hao looked at Tang Jing and asked her for advice.

After thinking about it, Tang Jing nodded and said, "OK, let's go to this store!" then Tang Jing went in first, and Xu Hao quickly followed.

After watching it for a while, Tang Jing didn't make up her mind. The shopping guide kept selling all kinds of clothes in Tang Jing's ear.

"Xu Hao, which one do you think looks good?" Tang Jing asked again, pointing to the clothes in the store.

After looking around, Xu Hao said, "do you want to try this white dress?"

"OK," said Tang Jing, and immediately asked the shopping guide to take it down and let her try.

He took the clothes into the fitting room and soon Tang Jing came out. Put on this white dress and put on her professional clothes, which highlights her rich and crisp breasts and round hips. It's just that the black silk stockings on her legs are a little out of line.

Standing in front of Xu Hao, Tang Jing asked, "how's it going?"

After a careful look, even Xu Hao had to admit that Tang Jing's figure was perfect. Although it looks very thin, the place where there should be meat is not vague at all!

"Yes, yes, but the black silk stockings on his legs are a bit of a spectacle." Xu Hao said with a smile.

"But why do I feel weird?" Tang Jing looked in the mirror and asked Xu Hao. This is the first time that Tang Jing has worn clothes other than business clothes and evening gowns since she became an adult!

"Miss, you look very good in this dress. It seems to be tailor-made for you." the shopping guide immediately said in Tang Jing's ear. What she said was not a compliment, but the truth. Tang Jing was really perfect in this dress!

He looked at himself in the mirror and Xu Hao. Tang Jing is still not sure. Does she look good in this dress?

"Xu Hao, is this dress really nice?" Tang Jing asked with some self-confidence.

Nodding hurriedly, Xu Hao said, "good-looking! Very good-looking! Just like the legendary fairy!"

"Didn't you lie to me?" Tang Jing asked again.

Xu Hao was speechless and said, "I swear to the lamp!"

Nodding with satisfaction, Tang Jing pointed to the same dress in the store and said, "wrap me one dress of different colors, just according to this size!"

Hearing Tang Jing's words, Xu Hao and the shopping guide stood on the spot at the same time. Is there such an operation to buy clothes?

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