Send Su Jing back to Dong Yangfan's apartment. Because it was late, Xu Hao didn't go up. With the small gift Su Jing bought for Xia Xiaomeng, he went directly back to the apartment in the industrial park.

Instead of going home directly, Xu Hao knocked on Song Yuwei's door with some dolls bought by Su Jing for Xia Xiaomeng.

After waiting for a while, Xia Xiaomeng came to open the door when Xu Hao thought song Yuwei's family was empty. Seeing the doll in Xu Hao's hand, Xia Xiaomeng said "thank you, brother Xu Hao!" and was about to rob it!

"This is what your sister Su Jing bought for you." Xu Hao said, gave the doll to Xia Xiaomeng, and then walked into song Yuwei's house. However, to Xu Hao's surprise, he didn't see song Yuwei.

"Aunt song seems to be ill." looking at Xu Hao, Xia Xiaomeng points to song Yuwei's bedroom and says.

I thought I was fine when I met in the afternoon. Why did I suddenly get sick. Walking to the door of song Yuwei's bedroom, Xu Hao knocked on the door and pushed the door in.

Hearing the knock on the door, song Yuwei quickly sat up from bed. I'm still wearing that COTTON PAJAMA.

Looking at Xu Hao, song Yuwei smiled and said, "I thought you wouldn't come back today!"

"Listen to Xiaomeng say you're sick. Have you seen a doctor?" Xu Hao said, walked towards song Yuwei and sat by song Yuwei's bed.

After moving her body inside, song Yuwei smiled at Xu Hao and said, "it's no big deal. The old problem is that she works for a long time. Just get a massage tomorrow!"

"Sister Yuwei, why don't I give you a massage?" Xu Hao said to song Yuwei. Although Xu Hao has not systematically learned massage, he often enjoys massage. As the saying goes, a long illness makes a doctor! Xu Hao has experienced more massages. Naturally, he can more or less.

With a puzzled look at Xu Hao, song Yuwei asked, "can you massage?"

"I haven't eaten pork, I haven't seen pigs running!" Xu Hao said with a smile. "Besides, it won't be too difficult to massage simply!"

After hesitating for a while, song Yuwei said, "go and close the door. Don't come in for a while. It's bad to see it!"

Hearing song Yuwei say so, Xu Hao was speechless for a while. However, he can also understand song Yuwei's worry. Originally, there was nothing wrong with them, but from Xia Xiaomeng's mouth, it may be another matter.

He got up and went to lock the bedroom. Xu Haocai turned back.

After looking at Xu Hao, song Yuwei turned over and lay on the bed and said, "it's mainly because of some pain in the waist. When you press it, be gentle!"

"OK, when I press, if you feel heavy, tell me." Xu Hao said, took off his shoes, climbed into song Yuwei's bed, and then sat on Song Yuwei. Looking at Song Yuwei's plump hips, Xu Hao couldn't help swallowing saliva.

Of course, Xu Hao didn't dare to sit directly on Song Yuwei's hip, but on her thigh. Even so, Xu Hao also felt an amazing elasticity!

Across the light cotton pajamas, Xu Hao gently pressed his hands on Song Yuwei's waist, feeling the soft but elastic flesh feeling of her waist. Xu Hao enjoyed it very much! It's just that massage across pajamas always means scratching across boots.

"Sister Yuwei, why don't you lift up your pajamas?" Xu Hao tentatively asked song Yuwei's opinion.

Song Yuwei just replied with the word "um". Xu Hao was not sure what she meant, but she slowly lifted up song Yuwei's cotton pajamas. Under the illumination of the bedroom light, song Yuwei's skin is white and tender!

It should be related to song Yuwei's regular practice of yoga. Her skin is very elastic. Xu Hao's hand gently pressed on Song Yuwei's waist, adding gravity a little, and slowly pressed it up.

"Sister Yuwei, is this strength OK?" Xu Hao pressed it and asked song Yuwei's opinions.

"Strength can be bigger." Song Yuwei's head was buried on the pillow and said vaguely.

Xu Hao is sitting on Song Yuwei's leg. He can't work hard when massaging. Therefore, Xu Hao hesitated whether to move up again, so that when massaging, the strength will be greater.

After looking at Song Yuwei, Xu Hao tried to move up and sat on Song Yuwei's hip. Suddenly, the amazing elasticity and soft touch made Xu HAOGE ecstatic!

After observing song Yuwei's reaction and finding no special reaction, Xu Hao continued to massage song Yuwei.

Although Xu Hao's technique is not very professional, on the whole, it is still standard. Xu Hao massaged song Yuwei for almost half an hour. Song Yuwei's waist pain has slowed down a lot.

"I'm much better, Xu Hao, thank you," Song Yuwei said to Xu Hao, still lying on the bed with her head buried in the pillow.

Reluctantly, he got up from Song Yuwei. Xu Hao got out of bed, put on his shoes and said to song Yuwei, "sister Yuwei, I'll go first and you'll have a rest early."

"Well, remember to close the door for me." Song Yuwei didn't look up from beginning to end when she spoke.

Walking out of song Yuwei's bedroom, Xu Hao saw that Xia Xiaomeng was still in the toy room, so he urged her to go to bed. After looking at the time, Xia Xiaomeng tooted her mouth and walked discontentedly towards her bedroom.

Song Yuwei struggled to get out of bed until she confirmed that Xu Hao had left. Her face was as red as wine! Touching her hot cheek, song Yuwei quickly covered her face with her hands!

From this afternoon's inexplicable anger to just receiving Xu Hao's massage, song Yuwei can't understand why she did these strange things!

"Song Yuwei, song Yuwei, what are you thinking?" Song Yuwei said to herself, but she was embarrassed again. He quickly got up from bed, turned out his underwear and a new set of pajamas in the wardrobe and walked towards the bathroom.

Only she knows how strong her reaction was when Xu Hao just gave her a massage! That's why she didn't dare to see Xu Hao!

After taking a bath in the bathroom, song Yuwei changed the sheet with a pool of water stains on the bed and lay in bed. Aftertaste the feeling that Xu Hao gave her massage, song Yuwei unconsciously clamped her legs, and an inexplicable desire rose in her heart, so that she couldn't control herself at all!

Force yourself to close your eyes and go to bed. However, as soon as she closed her eyes, there were all Xu Hao's figures in front of her. She couldn't get rid of it if she tried her best!

Since the death of her husband, many young and handsome people have chased song Yuwei, but song Yuwei has never looked straight at these people! Only Xu Hao, so overbearing and incomparable, walked into her heart and couldn't drive away!

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