Sitting in the bright conference room of Dongping fruit juice factory in Hongchuan District, the managers of Dongping fruit juice factory are listening carefully to Shen Rong's report on the achievements made over this period of time.

"At present, all of our five sales centers in the sales department have fulfilled the sales task in the first half of this year ahead of schedule..." Shen Rong's assistant played a slide while Shen Rong introduced the situation to the people present.

"At the same time, thanks to the establishment of our five sales centers, the company has also established a more perfect sales system! Our sales system is different from the multi-level distribution system of other manufacturers. We all adopt the method of sales center statistics, reporting orders, and the headquarters arranges delivery. As the most cutting-edge salesperson, the sales center is not responsible for the direct sales of products ... "Shen Rong introduced his original sales system to everyone present.

Shen Rong's sales system, in short, is that the headquarters controls the sales of all products. Although the regional sales centers have the functions of expanding business and signing sales contracts, customers need to log in to the website designated by Dongping juice factory, order from the headquarters, and then ship goods uniformly by the headquarters. The advantage of this is that you don't have to worry about each sales center becoming bigger, and then threaten the headquarters in turn!

"Before, many people worried that the sales department would expand too fast and the headquarters would lose control of the sales centers. Now, I am proud to tell you that this problem will not occur. Now, both large channel customers and individual customers can only order through our ordering system, and the company headquarters is in charge of this ordering system! This is also fundamental In fact, it has eliminated the possibility of regional sales centers becoming princes! "Looking at the managers present, Shen Rong said: "At the same time, there is also an advantage, that is, all customer resources are in the hands of the headquarters. Therefore, even if someone poaches our sales staff, there is no need to worry about customers being taken away! Because the headquarters also controls the customer resources held by the sales center!"

After Shen Rong's words, thunderous applause broke out in the conference room. Even Wei Ping, who had the strongest opposition in the past, had to admit that the sales system formulated by Shen Rong perfectly solved all his concerns!

"Director Shen, I apologize to you." Wei Ping stood up and said to Shen Rong, "what I said before is a little blunt. Here, I want to publicly admit my mistake. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong!"

"Don't say that, Director Wei." Shen Rong said hurriedly, "Director Wei, you opposed it before. It was also for the consideration of the company. It was your concerns that made me summarize this sales system suitable for our company in my work..."

"Director Shen, how long will our collection cycle last now?" Xu Hao asked, looking at Shen Rong. This is also what Xu Hao is most concerned about.

Looking at Xu Hao, Shen Rong said: "at present, it is basically stable for half a month, and some large customers may extend to one month. Because we do not have a multi-level distribution system, nor do we rely on dealers in various regions. All of them are directly contacted by the headquarters with customers. Without these layers of distribution, the collection efficiency will be greatly improved!"

"Agents and distributors all over the world should hate us, but we have made a bad start." Huang Xin also said with a smile. Huang Xin is relieved to think of the threats of those big agents led by Huang Lin! If he really gave in to these agents at the beginning, how could the juice factory develop so rapidly!

"I don't like the way those agents do, because they control the sales channels and try their best to squeeze our enterprises. In the past, the factors of these agents were involved in the collapse of the soda factory! We worked hard to produce a bottle of soda, but most of the profits were taken away by the agents. The agents should have worked for us, but in practice, it was the opposite , the manufacturer has become a worker for agents... "Wei Ping was angry when he mentioned these big agents, relying on their own channels and crazy price reduction.

The sales department has achieved satisfactory results. Someone immediately suggested further expansion of production capacity! However, this plan was denied by Xu Hao and Huang Xin! The expansion speed of the juice factory is fast enough and must be stable!

Now, the net profit of juice factory and organic fertilizer factory after deducting various expenses is nearly 6 million a month! Xu Hao and Huang Xin didn't dare to think of this figure in the past!

The fruit mill is expanding too fast, and the consequences are manifold. According to Huang Xin's plan, the juice factory will need at least three months to half a year to work out a set of rules and regulations applicable to the fruit juice factory. Otherwise, the juice plant is all foam now, and there may be problems at any time.

"I also think it should be steady." Shen Rong also said. Although the faster the expansion of the juice factory, the more important the sales department is. After all, the slogan of sales is king was put forward by Shen Rong. However, Shen Rong knows better, because the sales department has set up five new sales centers at once. Now it seems that everything in the five sales centers is under control, but with the passage of time, if not these five sales centers If the center makes further adjustment and optimization, it will happen sooner or later!

"That's it!" Huang Xin finally concluded. "At present, the market we occupy is enough for the next development of the factory. During this period, our main goal is to stabilize the existing market scale, and then make plans for further development!"

After the meeting, Xu Hao followed Huang Xin to her office.

Seeing Xu Hao closing the door of the office, Huang Xin immediately became vigilant, turned around, stared at Xu Hao and asked, "you little bastard, what are you doing closing the door in the daytime?"

With a smile, Xu Hao walked towards Huang Xin and hugged Huang Xin.

The moment she was held by Xu Hao, Huang Xin's brain was blank. It was not until Xu Hao's dishonest hand stroked her hip wrapped in a professional skirt that Huang Xin regained consciousness! Step on Xu Hao's feet with the heels of high heels. Huang Xin said, "little bastard, you dare to take advantage of me in broad daylight!"

Sitting on the sofa in Huang Xin's office, Xu Hao showed Huang Xin's red instep. Xu Hao looked at Huang Xin wrongly.

Looking at Xu Hao's expression, Huang Xin couldn't help laughing, "who let your little bastard touch it indiscriminately, which makes you have a long memory!"

"Sister Xin, this is your fault. Do you remember what you said before?" Xu Hao asked, looking at Huang Xin.

Huang Xin blushed, then pretended to be a fool and said, "I said so much. How do I know what you said? Well, well, go to the hospital and have a look. Don't get in my way!"

"Sister Xin, it's not like you!" Xu Hao was speechless for a while. Huang Xin understood that he was going to cheat! As I said before, as long as he surpasses Yao Ruili, Huang Xin warms his bed. Now Xu Hao surpasses Yao Ruili, but Huang Xin repents! Where does Xu Hao go to reason?

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