Looking at Bai Yan, Xu Hao couldn't help holding out his hand and wanted to hold Bai Yan. Bai Yan quickly shyly dodged, gave Xu Hao a good look and said, "aunt, go take a bath first, and then let's go outside!" then Bai Yan ran away shyly.

Listening to Bai Yan's obvious hint, Xu Hao doesn't know what Bai Yan means! Hei hei smiled. Xu Hao said to Bai Yan, "aunt Bai, I'll wait for you!"

I was going to squint on the sofa in Bai Yan's office for a while, but Xu Hao fell asleep directly. When Xu Hao opened his eyes again, it was completely dark outside.

"Bai Yi..." sitting up, Xu Hao called Bai Yan's name.

Like a thief, Bai Yan quietly returned to the office, made a silent gesture to Xu Hao, and whispered, "if you want to die, you're not afraid to call others up!"

With a smile, Xu Hao walked towards Bai Yan.

Bai Yan is wearing a white cotton long sleeve on her upper body, covered with a sky blue thin shirt. The top buttons of the shirt were not fastened. Under the elastic clothes, the plump mountain trembled gently with her walking. Below is a white gauze dress. The slender and fleshy legs don't wear silk stockings. The white and tender legs are naked. The mature amorous feelings from top to bottom make her have a kind of temptation to confuse people.

When he came to Bai Yan, Xu Hao held out his hand and hugged Bai Yan's very fleshy waist. Xu Hao's hands gently moved around, and Bai Yan was stuck on Xu Hao. Looking at Bai Yan close at hand, Xu Hao kissed her little mouth.

Some confused lovers cooperated with Xu Hao. Bai Yan seemed to suddenly think of something. She gently bit Xu Hao's lips and said, "you little scoundrel, said to go out for a while. You're still bullying your aunt in the office. What if someone sees you?"

Hearing Bai Yan's obvious practice of hiding his ears and stealing bells, Xu Hao couldn't help laughing, stretched out his hand and patted Bai Yan gently on her round hip. Xu Hao's hand was just snapped off in an instant. Xu Hao was surprised by the amazing elasticity of Bai Yan's hips.

When thinking of taking another shot, Bai Yan dodged early. Xu Hao glanced at the beautiful eyes. Bai Yan whispered, "aunt, go first, you come out again." then, like a thief, she quietly walked towards the outside of the vegetable base.

Seeing Bai Yan's self deception, Xu Hao couldn't help laughing. Follow Bai Yan and walk outside the vegetable base.

After two quick steps, Xu Hao caught up with Bai Yan and grabbed Bai Yan's little hand.

By moonlight, Xu Hao could see Bai Yan's pink face blushing. Hey, hey, laughing, Xu Hao doesn't dare to do too much for the time being. After all, he has just left the vegetable base. What if someone comes over?

They had a tacit understanding and went to the place they had been last time.

Xu Hao couldn't help laughing. Last time he told Bai Yan that it was best to wear a skirt. Although Bai Yan disagreed, she secretly put on a skirt, which is more convenient for Xu Hao to do bad things!

They walked up the mountain along the path that few people had walked. Looking around, Xu Hao stretched out his hand and grabbed Bai Yan's rich waist. Bai Yan hid symbolically and let Xu Hao hug her waist and they walked up the mountain together.

However, the closer they were to the last place, the slower Bai Yan walked. It can be seen that Bai Yan's heart is also struggling! For some traditional Bai Yan, this kind of thing really makes her lose face. However, it's certainly not good in the vegetable base. The sound insulation of the room is too poor. If someone hears it, it's not a shame!

Therefore, in comparison, Bai Yan would rather go to this deserted place and be gentle with Xu Hao.

Still in the last position, they are familiar with the road, which is much more natural than the last time.

After a cloud and rain, Xu Hao asked Bai Yan to sit on his lap, while he held Bai Yan in an extremely ambiguous posture, and the two whispered.


Last night, Bai Yan talked about several large orchards in Jiangcheng. Early this morning, Xu Hao and Bai Yan set out to these orchards to discuss cooperation.

With regard to cooperation, Xu Hao has prepared two sets of plans. The first plan is to directly pay for the right to use the orchard for many years. In this way, everything is much more convenient; The second plan is to book in advance. Xu Hao signs a contract with the other party to buy all the fruits at a price higher than the wholesale price in the market! Xu Hao needs to provide fertilizer to ensure that the fruit in the orchard is more high-quality!

These two schemes have their own advantages and disadvantages. It is more convenient to buy the orchards right away. After all, how to deal with these fruits is Terry Chui has the final say, the drawback is that Terry Chui needs to arrange personnel management. In the way of cooperation, the advantage is that it is easy to worry. Xu Hao does not need to arrange someone to manage it, but the other party may breach the contract!

Of the two schemes, Xu Hao prefers the first scheme. In terms of keeping the secret of the mysterious soil, the first scheme is more confidential!

"Jiangcheng is not suitable for large-scale planting of fruit trees, so if we propose to buy out the right to use the orchard at one time, it may be easier to succeed." looking at Xu Hao, Bai Yan said: "moreover, there are a lot of idle funds in the accounts of the agricultural and sideline products sales company, which can support us to buy several large orchards!"

Jiangcheng is a typical hilly area with hills everywhere. Xu Hao's first stop was a large orchard in Wangzhuang village, Jinma town. The owner of the orchard is Wang Ming. He has operated the orchard for almost ten years.

After learning about the intentions of Xu Hao and Bai Yan, Wang Ming seemed a little surprised. "To tell you the truth, although my orchard is very large, I can't make much money at all. I don't mean to discourage you. I just don't want the orchard I worked hard to cultivate to be ruined in the end..."

Wang Ming is a real man. He told Xu Hao and Bai Yan in detail. He contracted all the barren hills in the village and planted orange trees. Although the overall climate of central and southern province is suitable for planting orange trees, the rainy and humid environment in Jiangcheng has caused serious diseases and insect pests of orange trees, and the orchard has not brought him much benefit. It's good that Xu Hao and Bai Yan are willing to take over the orchard, but he doesn't want to see the orchard built by himself ruined.

"Boss Wang, don't worry. Since we are willing to buy your orchard at a high price, it is also for long-term development!" looking at Wang Ming, Xu Hao said: "if boss Wang doesn't mind, after we buy the orchard, we can hire you to continue to manage the orchard. How about it?"

"What you said is true?" Wang Ming was obviously shocked. Is there such a good thing in the world? Not only sold the orchard, but also had a good job! How could Wang Ming disagree with such a good thing?

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