Invite Xu Hao and Bai Yan to their home. Wang Ming shows them the contract signed with the village. The contract between Wang Ming and the village is valid for 20 years. After the expiration, if Wang Ming is willing to continue the contract, he can give priority to continue the contract. The contract price is 150 yuan per mu.

"This is my contract with the village. Over the past ten years, I have done a lot of transformation work on the orchard, and now the fruit trees are basically in the mature stage." looking at Xu Hao and Bai Yan, Wang Ming said: "if you are willing to contract, I will contract the orchard to you at the price of 350 yuan per mu. What do you think?"

Wang Ming's orchard covers an area of 600 mu. According to 350 yuan per mu, the contract fee for that year is 200000, not counting the costs of labor, fertilizer, pesticide, water and electricity, picking, transportation and so on!

If all these are included, it will cost at least 1 million to 1.5 million a year! This price is not too expensive. These 600 mu orange trees are enough to support the annual production of a medium-sized juice factory.

The price given by Wang Ming is fair. After all, he cultivated the orchard little by little. Although Xu Hao contracts for one year, he can make a net profit of 120000. With the labor cost, the annual income of his family will not be less than 300000! However, if he manages his own orchard, as long as he does not encounter any diseases and pests, the annual income will never be lower than this.

The reason why Wang Ming chose to subcontract the orchard to Xu Hao was that he managed 600 mu of orchards. There were too many funds advanced every year. He needed a bank loan every year to alleviate the liquidity problem in his operation. In this way, his income would be greatly reduced; Second, it is also a sales problem. Every year, he is depressed by big sellers, which gives him a headache. Now Xu Hao has contracted the orchard and is willing to hire him to manage the orchard, so his family can work in the orchard. The annual contract income plus salary income is not much less than his own orchard. The most important thing is that this money is guaranteed by drought and flood. Whether Xu Hao makes money or not, he can't lose Wang Ming's money! This means that Wang Ming not only does not have to bear any risks, but also his income will not be reduced!

Therefore, from these aspects, it is more beneficial for Wang Ming to subcontract the orchard to Xu Hao!

"There's no problem with the price." looking at Wang Ming, Xu Hao said, "however, the contracted money needs to be paid once a year, half at the beginning of the year and the rest at the end of the year!"

"OK, no problem." Wang Ming also promised happily.

After simple discussion, they came to the village committee and signed a subcontract in the presence of the village committee. At the same time, Xu Hao also signed a supplementary agreement with the village, that is, after Wang Ming's contract expires, Xu Hao has the priority to contract. Wang Ming didn't care too much about this. After all, there are still ten years before the contract expires! It's hard to say whether Xu Hao can contract for ten years!

After signing the contract, Wang Ming introduced all the more than a dozen workers working in the orchard to Xu Hao and Bai Yan. Hearing that the orchard had a new owner, they were all worried about losing the job. However, they were relieved to hear that Wang Ming continued to manage the orchard.

"In the future, you will be responsible for the orchard. I will only arrange a financial staff to pay you monthly." Xu Hao said half jokingly. In this way, it is to make Wang Ming avoid estrangement in their hearts. After all, it's not so nice to directly arrange someone to supervise them!

"Boss Xu, don't worry. We promise we won't let you down." Wang Ming took the lead and said.

During the dinner, Xu Hao raised a question about raising chickens in orchards. At present, the experiment in Baiyan orchard has almost yielded results. It is feasible to raise chickens in the orchard!

"Boss Xu, that's a good idea!" as soon as Xu Hao finished, Wang Ming gave a thumbs up and said, "I didn't expect! Such a large forest can raise a lot of chickens! It's a big income when it's sold at the end of the year!"

Xu Hao just smiled and didn't say much.

"We will arrange the construction of the chicken house and the personnel for raising chickens one after another." Bai Yan said in due time: "at that time, we will have to trouble brother Wang!"

"It's easy to say. Since I signed a contract with you, I will act according to the contract." Wang Ming was forthright and promised very simply.

Back from Wangzhuang village, Xu Hao drove Bai Yan directly to the orchard and found Ge Xiang.

Ge Xiang has been taking care of the orchard and chicken farm. When Xu Hao and Bai Yan told him to manage a larger orchard chicken farm in Wangzhuang village, Ge Xiang hasn't recovered for a while!

"Xiao Yan, Xu Hao, do you mean that you have contracted a bigger orchard? You still have to raise native chickens according to our current model?" Ge Xiangfang asked, staring at Xu Hao and Bai Yan.

Nodding, Bai Yan took Ge Xiang's hand and said, "sister-in-law, I can only ask you to let others go. I can't believe it! After all, the orchard has invested millions a year. No one takes care of it. Xu Hao and I are not at ease!"

When Xu Hao said this, Ge Xiang immediately patted her chest and said, "no problem. Since you trust Xu Hao's sister-in-law, she will never hold you back. I'll tell your brother about it in a minute. I'll move to Wangzhuang village in the next two days!"

"Sister-in-law, don't be so anxious. It will take some time to build the chicken house in Wangzhuang village. The most important thing is that buying chicks is also a problem this season." looking at GE Xiangfang, Bai Yan said quickly. I didn't expect Ge Xiang to be an activist.

"We'll be fine next year. We can hatch chicks ourselves." Ge Xiangfang said with a smile, "since we have such a large chicken farm, it's not cost-effective to buy chicks from outside!"

The three discussed the matter of Wangzhuang village chicken farm. Ge Xiangxiang also put forward some opinions and suggestions based on the problems encountered during this period! Until the evening, the three people finished the negotiation!

After calling Bainiu, Xu Hao took Bai Yan and Ge Xiang to a restaurant near Xinhong real estate.

Seeing the three of Xu Hao coming in, Bai Niu quickly stood up and said hello.

At dinner, Bai Yan talked about their decision. Bai Niu was shocked! Some time ago, it was said that it was an experimental chicken farm. How long has it been? It contracted another 600 mu orchard!

In the previous small orchard, white cattle would not say anything if they asked their wife to make a small fuss. However, once there was a problem in a 600 mu orchard chicken farm, it was a big problem, and the loss could not be estimated.

Looking at GE Xiangxiang, the white cow said, "you have to think well. Don't have problems at that time. Once there is a problem in a large chicken farm with hundreds of acres, it's a big problem!"

"All right, all right, I don't know this? Don't worry, we've already thought about it, and we promise there will be no problem!" Ge Xiang couldn't stand Bai Niu's nagging and directly interrupted him.

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