Because Xu Hao and Bai Yan have signed a contract, Bai Niu will not say inappropriate words at this time, but tells his wife to do her best.

The construction of the chicken house of the orchard chicken farm and the outer wall of the orchard naturally fell on the head of the white cow. This small project is easy for white cattle, so white cattle will not refuse. If Xu Hao and Bai Yan hadn't insisted, he wouldn't even want the project funds.

Because they missed the time to buy chicks, Xu Hao had to buy chicks from several other chicken farms in Jiangcheng at a price higher than the market price. This is also a matter of no way. Who makes them have no strength to hatch chicks for the time being!

After fully entrusting Bai Yan and Ge Xiangxiang with the orchard and chicken farm, Xu Hao returned to his residence. He must transport the mysterious soil needed by the 600 mu orchard to Wangzhuang village in the shortest time!

This is a big project, and Xu Hao can only do it alone! Because the room is small, Xu Hao can hold 50 or 60 bags of mysterious soil at a time. This project will take at least half a month.

After taking some time, Xu Hao made a special trip to the juice factory to coordinate the production of orange juice with Huang Xin.

"Orange juice?" looking at Xu Hao, Huang Xin was shocked. Orange juice has always been one of the main products of Tianle beverage group. Isn't it suicide for Xu Hao to launch orange juice drinks?

Nodding, Xu Hao said, "yes, it's orange juice! After discussing with aunt Bai, I have contracted a 600 mu orange garden. All oranges are supplied to the juice factory!"

Looking at Xu Hao in surprise, Huang Xin said, "Xu Hao, are you sure you're not kidding? Ten thousand steps back, even if you need to produce orange juice, you don't need to contract an orchard. The cost is too high!"

With a smile, Xu Hao walked behind Huang Xin, bent down and put his head on Huang Xin's neck. Xu Hao said, "sister Xin, if we use ordinary oranges to produce orange juice, how can our products compete with Tianle beverage group? Tianle beverage group is much better than us in terms of technology and distribution channels!"

"Then you..." Huang Xin said, habitually looking back. At this time, Huang Xin realized that Xu Hao, a little bastard, had hugged her from behind and put his head directly on her shoulder. Fortunately, Huang Xin didn't turn his head much, otherwise he wouldn't have to talk to Xu Hao.

"Little bastard, talk about business. What are you doing?" Huang Xin said angrily and stood up at once. Xu Hao couldn't touch his guard and almost fell down.

Looking at Huang Xin bitterly, Xu Hao said, "sister Xin, why don't you say hello to me in advance? I almost fell!"

"Just fall to death!" Huang Xin said maliciously, but her worried look betrayed her.

Xu Hao is used to being cheap in front of Huang Xin, so he is not angry. Still cheeky, he came up to Huang Xin and stretched out his hand around Huang Xin's waist. His eyes unconsciously looked into Huang Xin's round neck shirt. Just when he put his head on Huang Xin's shoulder, his eyes could easily probe into Huang Xin's shirt! However, the time was too short. Before Xu Hao had time to look carefully, he was found by Huang Xin.

"Where do the thief's eyes look!" Huang Xin said, lifted up his shirt collar, stared at Xu Hao and said, "tell me, what are the advantages of the orchard you contracted?"

"Sister Xin, do you remember the fruits you ate in my room when you were drunk?" Xu Hao asked, looking at Huang Xin. Huang Xin's promise was also given that night. Unfortunately, Huang Xin doesn't admit it now.

Nodding, Huang Xin said, "remember, the fruit that day seemed very delicious. However, later, I also bought a lot of fruits on a special trip, and I couldn't eat that feeling. Maybe there was something wrong with my taste that day!"

Hearing Huang Xin's words, Xu Hao was speechless. "Sister Xin, it's not your taste problem! That kind of fruit is really delicious! The orchard I contracted can grow this kind of high-quality orange. Do you think the juice squeezed from this kind of orange will also be particularly delicious?"

Huang Xin was shocked again. The fruit she ate that night always made Huang Xin aftertaste. However, Huang Xin once thought that there was a problem with her taste that day! Unexpectedly, it's not her taste problem, but there is really that kind of delicious fruit!

"Xu Hao, what you said is true?" Huang Xin asked, looking at Xu Hao in shock.

Nodding, Xu Hao said, "moreover, sister Xin said that day, if I..."

"Stop!" of course, Huang Xin knew what Xu Hao was going to say. She directly interrupted Xu Hao and said, "but the maturity time of oranges must be at least the end of September. How to solve the vacuum period during this period?"

It's only April now. By the end of September, it's almost half a year. This half year's time is very critical for the juice factory!

"It takes time for our oranges to mature. Doesn't it take time for Tianle beverage group to build a production base?" after looking at Huang Xin, Xu Hao said: "just in the buffer period of half a year, we can make more detailed preparations for the introduction of orange juice drinks to the market!"

"You, you are full of bad water." he poked Xu Hao's head with his finger, and Huang Xin said, "however, I think we can tentatively produce more kinds of vegetable drinks by taking advantage of the gap period of half a year. Anyway, the vegetable base over sister Bai can provide any vegetables we need at any time!"

"Sister Xin, you still say I'm bad. Aren't you full of bad water!" she smiled at Huang Xin and Xu Hao said with a smile. Huang Xin will also not miss the gap period of this half year. She will launch some vegetable drinks one after another to disrupt the layout of Tianle beverage group, make them tired of coping, and confuse their opponents. It is really killing two birds with one stone.

When their fruit juice production base is built and they intend to produce similar products to defeat Dongping fruit juice factory, Dongping fruit juice factory has taken the initiative to promote the main product orange juice of Tianle beverage group to the market and directly seize the customer resources of Tianle beverage group!

"Go, you think everyone is like you, full of bad water." Huang Xin said with a red face and a little anger.

Looking at the faint blush on Huang Xin's face, Xu Hao sneaked up and kissed Huang Xin's pink face while Huang Xin didn't pay attention!

"Xu Hao, you son of a bitch, dying!" was kissed by Xu Hao in the office. Huang Xin's eyes wanted to kill Xu Hao. At the same time, I also looked out of the office. How embarrassing it would be if someone saw this scene!

Hei hei smiled and Xu Hao said, "I can't help it. If you feel bad, sister Xin, it's a big deal. I'll let you kiss!"

"I'll kill you with a knife!" Huang Xin was completely angry.

Seeing that Huang Xin wanted to be serious, Xu Hao hurried out of Huang Xin's office. There's no way. Huang Xin can't just shoot. She can take it seriously! Xu Hao doesn't want his life in danger!

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