While Xu Hao was concentrating on transporting mysterious soil to Wangzhuang village orchard, he accidentally received a call from Bai Niu, "Xu Hao, the main building of the industrial park has been completed and will be handed over to Jiangcheng city in a few days. The company plans to hold a small reception. If you have time, come."

Although Bai Niu said it casually, Xu Hao could hear that Bai Niu sincerely invited him. The industrial park can finally be built, which is also the result of the efforts of Xu Hao and Bai Niu. At the beginning, Bainiu was cheated. If it weren't for Xu Hao's idea, there wouldn't be this industrial park.

"OK, I will go." Xu Hao agreed without thinking.

Xu Hao's simplicity was beyond Bainiu's expectation. Originally, Bainiu had prepared a lot of speeches, but now it can't be used.

After telling Xu Hao the time and place, Bai Niu hung up.

On the day of the reception, Xu Hao made a special trip to change his formal clothes, and then drove to the banquet hall in the industrial park. Today's reception will be held here.

When Xu Hao went, many vehicles had stopped outside the banquet hall. In front of many luxury cars, Xu Hao's Passat seems a little inadequate.

After stopping the car, Xu Hao just opened the door and saw Wang Tong coming towards him.

"Assistant Wang, why are you here?" Xu Hao asked in surprise when he looked at Wang Tong. It is reasonable to say that Wang Tong, as song Yuwei's assistant, should accompany song Yuwei at this time. After all, Xinhong real estate is the protagonist today. Song Yuwei will be very busy!

After looking at Xu Hao discontentedly, Wang Tong said, "it's not that president Song said he was afraid you couldn't get in and asked me to wait for you here. Today there are so many people, we are all busy, and we have to arrange someone to wait for you. You have a great face!"

Hearing Wang Tong's complaint, Xu Hao couldn't help smiling awkwardly. Looking at Wang Tong, he said, "let's go in!"

Led by Wang Tong, the person in charge of checking the invitation at the door naturally wouldn't cross examine Xu Hao. He politely invited Xu Hao in.

"Sit here for a while and I'll help general manager song..." Wang Tong said, ignoring Xu Hao, turned and left directly.

Xu Hao found a corner with few people, took a drink, sipped it, and looked at the people present. Unfortunately, Xu Hao knows very few people.

Just when Xu Hao was bored, he suddenly heard someone calling him. Turned around, but unexpectedly saw Liang Hongyu.

Holding up a glass of wine, Xu Hao walked towards Liang Hongyu, "brother Hongyu, why are you here?"

"There is a research institute under Yimei health club, which plans to settle down in the Industrial Park..." Liang Hongyu simply explained, didn't say too carefully, and Xu Hao didn't ask much.

The two were chatting while drinking wine. Soon, the reception officially began.

Wearing a dark purple sleeveless silk cheongsam, song Yuwei came out. The soft silk cheongsam closely fitted song Yuwei's charming body. Song Yuwei's crisp chest and hips were raised. The clasp on the chest is wound around the neck to form a peach heart ring, revealing a piece of white skin and a deep and charming gully in front of the chest. As song Yuwei walked slowly, a pair of round beautiful legs wrapped in flesh colored silk stockings loomed from the slit where the cheongsam was higher than the knee, which attracted people's attention!

As soon as song Yuwei came out, everyone's eyes focused on Song Yuwei.

Looking at the people present, song Yuwei slowly said, "thank you for coming to the completion and delivery ceremony of Jiangcheng high tech Industrial Park in your busy schedule today, and also thank mayor Qin and leaders of Jiangcheng for their trust and support to our Xinhong real estate..."

After Song Yuwei's words, mayor Qin also made a brief speech on behalf of Jiangcheng city. Although mayor Qin's speech was very brief, it revealed a lot of information. This high-tech industrial park will be the focus of Jiangcheng's construction in the future. Jiangcheng will invest a lot of human and material resources and spend a lot of money to push the high-tech industrial park into the high-tech development zone!

After mayor Qin's speech, the reception was officially started. Most of the people invited this time are representatives of the first batch of entrepreneurs who are about to settle in the high-tech industrial park. They are also the key enterprise objects supported by Jiangcheng city in the future!

Taking this rare opportunity, these people present are also trying to expand their network.

Xu Hao doesn't like this kind of occasion very much. If Bainiu hadn't taken the initiative to invite him, he wouldn't have come at all. Liang Hongyu has seen many such occasions. This time, he came purely on behalf of Tang Jing. Therefore, Xu Hao and Liang Hongyu became the most leisurely and boring people in the whole banquet hall!

After listening to Xu Hao's efforts to prepare for the establishment of this high-tech Development Zone, Liang Hongyu couldn't help laughing, "to tell the truth, your idea is very bold!"

"I'm a little scared when I look back. However, there was really no way back..." Xu Hao said as he recalled.

While they were chatting vigorously, they saw several people coming with wine glasses. They all came for Liang Hongyu. With smiles on their faces, they handed Liang Hongyu their business cards. Seeing Xu Hao standing with Liang Hongyu, he also handed Xu Hao a business card, but didn't look at Xu Hao.

Although Liang Hongyu didn't like these people very much, he had to deal with them patiently. At the very least, he has to worry about the face of the Tang family and can't make people feel too arrogant!

Seeing that these people came for Liang Hongyu, Xu Hao glanced at Liang Hongyu, smiled at him and left first. Looking for a quiet place, Xu Hao looked at Song Yuwei who was tired of dealing with it.

As the host of this time, song Yuwei naturally takes care of every guest. This time, not only some entrepreneurs who are about to settle in the high-tech industrial park, but also leaders of Jiangcheng City, large and small.

However, most of the leaders in Jiangcheng know that song Yuwei is Wang Yumin's daughter-in-law, so they are naturally polite to song Yuwei. Some people who don't know song Yuwei's true identity surround song Yuwei like flies. These people annoy song Yuwei, but they can't show it. It's a headache.

Seeing song Yuwei frowning frequently, Xu Hao walked towards song Yuwei with a glass of wine.

Song Yuwei also saw Xu Hao. For a moment, song Yuwei was relieved. Hurriedly said to the flies that were pestering her, asked the white cow to take care of those people, and then walked quickly towards Xu Hao with a wine glass. I don't know whether song Yuwei left too quickly or song Yuwei was too excited. When she walked towards Xu Hao, the mountain in front of her also trembled slightly, which filled Xu Hao's eyes when she faced song Yuwei!

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