"You dance well. You must dance with girls?" Song Yuwei asked with a smile as she danced. With song Yuwei's slightly drunk eyes at the moment, she said it was a query, but it was more like coquetry and jealousy in the lover's mouth.

Xu Hao, who was peeking at the scenery in front of song Yuwei's chest, couldn't help smiling awkwardly and said, "I was forced to learn by my parents before. In fact, I prefer the atmosphere of the bar. This kind of social dance is not suitable for people of my age!"

Jiao Chen glanced at Xu Hao. Song Yuwei asked, "do you mean I'm old?"

"No, no!" Xu Hao said hurriedly, "sister Yuwei, you look not old at all. If sister Yuwei hadn't said your age, I thought you were in your early twenties!"

"Puff" sound, song Yuwei couldn't help laughing, "your mouth can really coax girls. Unfortunately, my sister is not that kind of little girl, so she won't be fooled by you!"

"Sister Yuwei, what I said is true!" Xu Hao said quickly. His words really come from the heart. If song Yuwei only looks at her figure and appearance, it's really difficult to make people believe that she is already 30 years old! Probably because she often practices yoga, her figure is excellent. Even Su Jing secretly praised song Yuwei's good figure.

Song Yuwei just smiled faintly and didn't speak. However, the hand she had gently put on Xu Hao has become holding Xu Hao's body. I'm afraid song Yuwei didn't even notice this subtle change.

I don't know if I'm jealous of Xu Hao dancing with song Yuwei. When they dance, someone meets Xu Hao from time to time. Although Xu Hao was a little upset, he had a bad attack. After all, those people made sincere apologies and expressed their apologies after meeting Xu Hao.

After being met again and again, the distance between Xu Hao and song Yuwei is getting closer and closer. At first, they kept a distance of at least 10 cm, but slowly, their bodies were close to each other.

Song Yuwei's face flashed a trace of shyness that was not easy to be noticed. With the strength of wine, she put a little force on her hand and easily narrowed the distance between herself and Xu Hao. Xu Hao can even feel the touch of song Yuwei's crisp chest wrapped in cheongsam on her chest!

After a strange look at Song Yuwei, Xu Hao found that song Yuwei looked calm and was still seriously dancing with him, as if nothing had happened. Shaking his head, Xu Hao thought he was thinking too much.

However, song Yuwei's crisp chest is close to Xu Hao's chest. With the dance steps under their feet, song Yuwei's crisp chest becomes a light friction in front of Xu Hao's chest. This feeling is like a lover's provocation, which makes people can't stop.

This light provocation is like a lover's finger gently touching his chest. Even it is more attractive and exciting than this feeling.

After swallowing his saliva, Xu Hao put his arm around Song Yuwei's waist and slowly probed down along song Yuwei's waist wrapped in silk cheongsam. When Xu Hao's hand was about to touch song Yuwei's rich hip, Xu Hao felt that song Yuwei's body was obviously stiff.

After hesitation, Xu Hao looked at Song Yuwei. He found that song Yuwei looked as usual. Xu Hao couldn't understand song Yuwei's idea and didn't dare to do too much. He temporarily stopped his action and even took the initiative to step back slightly, opening the distance between Song Yuwei and Xu Hao. He was misunderstood by song Yuwei. Xu Hao was not calm when she was just provoked by song Yuwei. At the moment, Xu Hao, who woke up, found that their bodies were almost stuck together. It was too ambiguous.

Feeling that Xu Hao's hand had stopped all the way down, and even took the initiative to open the distance with herself, song Yuwei couldn't help looking up and secretly glanced at Xu Hao. She was a little lost in her heart.

Under the influence of alcohol, song Yuwei was almost angry and posted it against Xu Hao again. This time, it was even closer than what she just posted. Song Yuwei's soft crisp chest topped Xu Hao's chest again. Xu Hao could even feel the fragrant heat exhaled from Song Yuwei's nose.

Secretly glanced at Song Yuwei, Xu Hao found that song Yuwei seemed to be still concentrating on dancing, but her sweaty palm betrayed her, proving her nervousness at the moment.

Xu Hao couldn't help laughing. The hand that had stopped probing slowly went down again and soon met song Yuwei's rich hip. The kind of soft elasticity that sways people's souls makes Xu Hao fascinated. He wants to take this softness completely for himself! As a prank, Xu Hao gently pinched song Yuwei's rich hip.

Feng's buttocks were pinched by Xu Hao. Song Yuwei's small mouth was slightly open, and she couldn't help but give a cry of surprise. A pair of talking eyes looked at Xu Hao angrily. The hand around Xu Hao's waist gently pinched Xu Hao's waist to show her dissatisfaction and revenge for Xu haogang's small actions.

Song Yuwei didn't open her mouth to stop him, let alone turn away in anger. But in a way similar to flirting between lovers, he declared his dissatisfaction and shame to Xu Hao, which made Xu Hao more courageous.

Put the hand on Song Yuwei's hip and gently exert force. Song Yuwei's body pasted on Xu Hao's body. She has only a silk cheongsam, and Xu Hao's trousers are not thick. Separated by two thin layers of clothes, both can feel the elasticity of each other's body and the temperature of their skin.

Feeling that song Yuwei's steps were a little messy, Xu Hao directly changed his hands to surround song Yuwei's waist, and they were more like hugging together. Fortunately, the lights in the banquet hall are relatively dim in order to cooperate with the ball. Otherwise, their small movements will certainly be seen by those who want to.

At the beginning, she was surrounded by Xu Hao, and song Yuwei could barely walk two steps. After a while, song Yuwei felt the change of Xu Hao's body. Her whole body strength seemed to be evacuated. She didn't even have the strength to move. The whole person leaned on Xu Hao, and her heart "banged" kept jumping.

Feeling song Yuwei's abnormality, Xu Hao came to song Yuwei's ear and asked in a low voice, "sister Yuwei, do you want to have a rest?"

"HMM." the weak mosquito and fly agreed. Song Yuwei firmly grasped Xu Hao's clothes to prevent herself from falling to the ground at the moment.

Separated from Song Yuwei, Xu Hao hugged song Yuwei's waist and slowly walked out of the dance floor. If Xu Hao hadn't hugged her waist, song Yuwei wouldn't be able to get out of the dance floor.

After sitting down, song Yuwei's cheek was even more hot. She didn't even have the courage to take a look at Xu Hao. She didn't expect that Xu Hao dared to be so bold when she was on the dance floor, especially when their bodies were close together, which made song Yuwei's heart beat faster.

"Sister Yuwei, are you not feeling well? Why don't I take you back to have a rest?" looked at Song Yuwei, and Xu Hao further tested song Yuwei's ideas.

Raised her head and looked at Xu Hao. Song Yuwei said, "Wang Tong is true. I don't know where she went at this time." after complaining, song Yuwei said to Xu Hao, "please take me back. I'm not feeling well." with that, song Yuwei quickly turned her head and didn't dare to look at Xu Hao again!

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