Helping song Yuwei out of the banquet hall, Xu Hao helped song Yuwei sit in the car. At the moment, song Yuwei's pink face flushed as if she were drunk. Only song Yuwei knows how shy she is at the moment!

When dancing at the dance party today, those seemingly indistinct little ambiguities between the two, especially Xu Hao's bold behavior, made song Yuwei blush. Song Yuwei, who has been alone for so many years, has never had such close contact with other men. Song Yuwei, who was supported by the serial number, blushed more and more. She didn't even dare to see Xu Hao.

Looking at Song Yuwei's ruddy cheeks, Xu Hao asked with some worry: "sister Yuwei, are you... Are you okay?" originally, Xu Hao thought song Yuwei was just shy, but he couldn't help worrying when he saw song Yuwei's pretty face pink and sweat oozing from her forehead.

"No... nothing, just take me back to have a rest." when song Yuwei spoke, her voice trembled slightly, on the one hand because of shyness, on the other hand because of the unnatural and guilty nature of lying.

Xu Hao sends song Yuwei back to the apartment building in the industrial park and helps song Yuwei into the bedroom.

Song Yuwei lay flat on the bed and showed her exquisite and perfect figure. The towering peaks attracted people's attention. Xu Hao was thirsty and hurriedly moved his eyes to help song Yuwei take off her shoes. However, when Xu Hao's hand touched song Yuwei's beautiful leg wrapped in silk stockings, they were stunned.

Song Yuwei was stunned because she was shy. She didn't expect Xu Hao to catch her beautiful leg directly; Xu Hao was stunned and looked at Song Yuwei's beautiful legs. Now it seems that song Yuwei's beautiful legs are at least as good as Huang Xin, which is a little worse than Tang Jing. However, Tang Jing's legs are slightly smaller than song Yuwei's legs, which are round and fleshy.

Seeing Xu Hao holding his leg in a daze, song Yuwei is ashamed and anxious. But Xu Hao doesn't know it yet.

"Xu... Xu Hao, you..." when song Yuwei spoke, she unconsciously took a vibrato. Xu Hao also recovered under the reminder of song Yuwei.

"Sister Yuwei, your legs are so beautiful," said Xu Hao, ready to help song Yuwei take off her shoes. As if he thought of something, Xu Hao asked mischievously, "sister Yuwei, won't your feet smell?"

"Just... No!" Song Yuwei's voice was almost whisper, trying to take back her legs, but Xu Hao firmly grasped her legs and didn't let go. Xu Hao's action made her ashamed to cover her face with her hands and didn't dare to see Xu Hao again.

Taking off song Yuwei's shoes, Xu Hao smelled it and said, "well, it doesn't smell, and there's a smell!"

Xu Hao's flirtation with chiguoguo made song Yuwei shy. She quickly turned over and buried her head on the pillow. She didn't dare to see Xu Hao again.

Seeing song Yuwei's high hips, Xu Hao couldn't help thinking of the amazing elasticity he felt on the dance floor. Sitting by the bed, Xu Hao stretched out his hand and put it on Song Yuwei's hip wrapped in silk cheongsam.

Feeling Xu Hao's hand on her hip, song Yuwei's body was obviously a little stiff. Physically, it produces a numb and itchy feeling that can't be described by words.

The remaining reason made song Yuwei not sink under this feeling. Although she turned her back to Xu Hao, song Yuwei pulled the quilt accurately and covered her body. Then she turned around and looked at Xu Hao with beautiful eyes: "you are so brave that even I dare to flirt!"

Song Yuwei's attitude changed suddenly, which surprised Xu Hao. The reason why Xu Hao's courage grows a little bit is the result of song Yuwei's connivance. Now, song Yuwei suddenly changes her face, and Xu Hao doesn't know what to do!

Looking at Song Yuwei, Xu Hao said awkwardly, "sister Yuwei, that... I remember something else. I'll go first." then Xu Hao planned to run away. After all, what happened just now can't be explained.

"You sit down for me." Song Yuwei didn't intend to let Xu Hao leave so easily, and said to Xu Hao in an indisputable tone.

Although Xu Hao wanted to run away, he had to sit down in Song Yuwei's tone, "sister Yuwei, that... I just couldn't help it, really... If sister Yuwei feels you've suffered a loss, I'll let you touch it back!"

"Pooh!" Song Yuwei was amused by Xu Hao's words. She looked at Xu Hao coyly. Song Yuwei said, "who... Who wants to touch you, narcissistic!"

Xu Hao was relieved to see song Yuwei smile. What he fears most is that song Yuwei is angry, which will greatly affect the relationship between him and song Yuwei. If he and song Yuwei go against each other, Xia Xiaomeng is probably the most uncomfortable person!

"Sister Yuwei, it's nice of you to laugh." Xu Hao said while the iron was hot, and wanted to use this way to resolve the embarrassment just now.

Deliberately with a straight face, song Yuwei looked up at Xu Hao and said, "don't fool me with your trick of lying to a little girl. I'm not a little girl like Su Jing. You'd better keep it and lie to Su Jing!"

Shanshan smiled, and Xu Hao had to wait for song Yuwei's punishment.

After waiting for a while, Xu Hao didn't wait for song Yuwei's punishment. Raise your head and look at Song Yuwei. Xu Hao finds that song Yuwei is also looking at him at the moment. The two looked at each other, but they were a little embarrassed.

Moving away from her eyes, song Yuwei sighed faintly and said, "originally, I thought my heart had died ten years ago, but... Because of the emergence of a villain, my heart was... And..."

Song Yuwei's voice became smaller and smaller. Xu Hao couldn't help looking at Song Yuwei and asked curiously, "what's the matter?"

"I want you to take care of it!" Song Yuwei showed a little woman's posture, and then said faintly: "maybe this is my life!"

Xu Hao is not sure about song Yuwei's idea. Instead of opening his mouth, he is waiting for song Yuwei's following.

After a while, song Yuwei continued, "I've been trying to locate the relationship between us. I think we should be similar to a confidant. Just, do you think my confidant is older?"

Seizing song Yuwei's hand, Xu Hao said, "sister Yuwei, I think we can not only be confidants, but also lovers and even... Lovers!"

Song Yuwei was stunned, shook her head hard and said, "no, I can't do this. Su Jing is a good girl and I can't hurt her! I think it's good for us to be a pair of confidants. In our spare time, we can drink and chat together, so I'm satisfied!"

Put out his hand and hold song Yuwei in his arms. Xu Hao gently stroked song Yuwei's back and said, "sister Yuwei, can we really only be confidants?"

"Well, I can only be a confidant. It's enough for me to be a confidant with you in my life." Song Yuwei buried her head in Xu Hao's chest and said faintly.

"OK, let's be confidants and confidants!" Xu Hao said, lowering his head and kissing song Yuwei's ruddy lips

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