Just when Xu Hao's lips were about to touch song Yuwei's lips, the mobile phone in Song Yuwei's small bag sounded untimely, startling them. Song Yuwei seemed to have been caught cheating. Her face was almost bleeding, and her body trembled involuntarily.

He walked over and picked up song Yuwei's bag. Xu Hao took out his cell phone and sat back next to song Yuwei. He gently took song Yuwei's shoulder and handed over his cell phone. "It's Wang Tong. Do you answer it?"

"It's all your fault. I'm scared to death." Song Yuwei glanced at Xu Hao angrily and quickly grabbed the mobile phone. He took several deep breaths before he connected the phone.

"Wang Tong, what's the matter?" Song Yuwei asked first, which could well control the pace of the conversation and resolve her embarrassment and guilt.

"Yes, Mr. Song." although song Yuwei's voice sounded strange, Wang Tong didn't doubt him and said directly on the phone, "the dance is almost over. I can't find your people, so I called you."

"I'm not feeling well. If I can't find your people, let Xu Hao send me back first." Song Yuwei said hurriedly: "at the end of the speech, let vice president Bai do it for me, and I won't go."

"President song, are you ill?" Wang Tong hurriedly said he would come when he heard that song Yuwei was ill.

At this time, song Yuwei dare not let Wang Tong come. Although she and Xu Hao did nothing, song Yuwei is guilty at the moment, as if she was about to be caught in an affair.

"No, no, I've taken medicine and I'm much better. You stay there to help vice president Bai. Just go back directly after the dance." Song Yuwei said to her for fear that Wang Tong would come at this time.

Although Wang Tong had some doubts, he didn't think much. Song Yuwei has always been more considerate of the people around her. It's not surprising that she said this.

After hanging up the phone, song Yuwei found that Xu Hao held his shoulder with one hand and looked at herself with a smile.

Seeing Xu Hao's cheap smile, song Yuwei stretched out her hand and pinched Xu Hao's leg, "it's all your fault that I have to lie in front of Wang Tong. How embarrassing it is to see Wang Tong tomorrow!"

Hei hei smiled. Instead, Xu Hao hugged song Yuwei tightly, and his mouth came close to song Yuwei. He smiled and asked, "sister Yuwei, shall we continue to finish what we haven't done?"

As soon as Xu Hao said this, song Yuwei's body trembled involuntarily. Hurriedly pushed Xu Hao. Song Yuwei said, "it's agreed to only be a confidant. Your behavior has crossed the border!"

"Really? What I'm talking about is a confidant!" Xu Hao said shamelessly, and his hand slipped slowly to her waist along song Yuwei's shoulder.

"Why didn't you find it before? You're so glib!" after Xu Hao's eyes turned white, song Yuwei said, "it's almost time. Please help me pick up Xiaomeng. I'm really uncomfortable."

Hearing that song Yuwei was not feeling well, Xu Hao quickly asked, "sister Yuwei, what's the matter with you? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

As soon as her cheeks turned red, song Yuwei said, "it's okay. Just have a rest. Go and pick up Xiaomeng. Don't let her wait."

"OK, I'll go now." Xu Hao said, stood up, helped song Yuwei lie down, covered the quilt for her, turned out of song Yuwei's bedroom and gently closed the bedroom door for her.

As soon as Xu Hao left, song Yuwei shyly got up from bed and touched the wet sheet. Song Yuwei was ashamed. Not only the sheets, but also the clothes. That's why song Yuwei pretended to be ill in bed.

"Unexpectedly, in the end, it's still in your hands." Song Yuwei sighed as if she accepted her fate, then quickly found out her clothes and walked into the bathroom


When Xu Hao arrived at the kindergarten, Xia Xiaomeng was pouting with unhappiness on her face.

Seeing Xu Hao, Xia Xiaomeng immediately shouted to Xu Hao, "brother Xu Hao, are you here to pick me up?" as he said, Xia Xiaomeng quickly explained Xu Hao's identity to the teacher.

After hearing that Xu Hao was Xia Xiaomeng's parent, the teacher was relieved to give Xia Xiaomeng to Xu Hao.

Holding Xia Xiaomeng's hand, Xu Hao said, "aunt song is ill. Let me pick you up!"

"Ah? Aunt song is ill, so let's go back quickly." originally, Xia Xiaomeng planned to let Xu Hao take her out to play. As soon as she heard that song Yuwei was ill, she quickly said she wanted to go back.

When he drove Xia Xiaomeng back to his residence, Xu Hao found song Yuwei cooking.

Song Yuwei has changed into a home dress. With a thin black sweater and white trousers, Xu Hao can't help looking more. The elastic black sweater tightly wraps song Yuwei's perfect body, showing that the peaks in front of her chest are rich, towering and full of elasticity; The white trousers stretched the plump legs and hips tightly when song Yuwei walked around, which was very attractive! And song Yuwei's spring feeling between her eyebrows is even more exciting, which makes Xu Hao move his fingers!

"Aunt song, Xu Haoda liar said you were ill." seeing song Yuwei cooking, Xia Xiaomeng frowned and said.

As soon as Xia Xiaomeng spoke, Xu Hao was speechless. Before he left, song Yuwei was really ill. Why did he become a big liar?

"Yes, Xiaomeng, don't learn from Xu Hao, a big liar." Song Yuwei smiled and turned into the kitchen.

Xia Xiaomeng turned back and hummed heavily at Xu Hao before walking towards the toy room.

Xu Hao stood where he was, full of innocent people.

Sneaking into the kitchen, Xu Hao walked behind song Yuwei, directly hugged song Yuwei's waist from behind, and said, "sister Yuwei, who is a liar? When I left, you said clearly..."

Before Xu Hao's words were finished, song Yuwei quickly broke off Xu Hao's hand around her waist and said, "don't fool around, Xiaomeng is still there!"

He patted song Yuwei's rich buttocks heavily. Xu Hao said, "it's time to teach children to lie!"

"You..." Song Yuwei didn't expect that Xu Hao dared to spank her at this time. It is guilty and shy, even mixed with a trace of expectation! Song Yuwei glared at Xu Hao and said, "go out, go out, don't disturb me to cook, go and play with Xiaomeng!"

Driven out of the kitchen by song Yuwei, Xu Hao had no choice but to walk towards the toy room.

Seeing Xu Hao, Xia Xiaomeng was still angry that Xu haogang had just lied, "Xu Hao, you big liar, you said you would never lie to me again. Don't you know that men can't lie to women?"

Seeing Xia Xiaomeng as a little adult, Xu Hao really couldn't help laughing. Reaching out and touching Xia Xiaomeng's head, he said, "OK, OK, brother Xu Hao is wrong. Next time I will not lie to you, OK?"

"Really?" raised his head and looked at Xu Hao. Xia Xiaomeng's eyes were full of doubt.

With a silent look at Xia Xiaomeng, Xu Hao said, "pull the hook, I promise!" Xu Hao said, stretched out his hand and took out the set against Tang Jing!

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