At dinner, song Yuwei's face was still flushed. Song Yuwei was shy when she thought of Xu Hao spanking her in the kitchen.

Seeing song Yuwei's shy expression, Xu Hao stretched out his feet and gently touched song Yuwei. Song Yuwei, like a frightened rabbit, quickly took her feet back and glared at Xu Hao.

Hei hei smiled. Xu Hao stared at Song Yuwei while eating. Song Yuwei was so guilty by Xu Hao that she quickly bowed her head to eat. She didn't care about eating vegetables.

"Aunt song, why don't you eat vegetables?" Xia Xiaomeng found song Yuwei's abnormality and couldn't help asking.

Seeing song Yuwei's panic, Xu Hao wanted to laugh. Help song Yuwei with a chopstick dish. Xu Hao said, "sister Yuwei, eat more dishes so that you can get better quickly!"

"Thank you." Xu Hao's almost flirting words made Xu Hao's teeth itch and wanted to spank Xu Hao's ass. However, at the moment, in front of Xia Xiaomeng, she can't show it. She can only politely say thank you to Xu Hao.

After dinner, Xu Hao had planned to stay at Song Yuwei's house. Unexpectedly, he received a call from Tang Jing and had to leave song Yuwei's house first. Seeing Xu Hao running away after receiving the phone call, song Yuwei felt a strong jealousy in her heart.

"Tang... Jing, why did you think of calling me?" Xu Hao used to call president Tang. Fortunately, he changed it before saying it.

"Well, just give you a call and have a chat with you. We are friends." Tang Jing's tone was as calm as ever, and Xu Hao couldn't hear anything else from her tone.

Lying on the sofa, Xu Hao talked to Tang Jing without a word.

They talked about it for almost an hour. Just as Xu Hao yawned and couldn't help saying goodbye, Tang Jing suddenly said, "Xu Hao, I bought another dress. Can you help me see if it looks good?"

Xu Hao was speechless for a while. Tang Jing didn't really take him as her best friend, did she? It's too much to show off when you buy a dress!

"Well... I'll take care of it myself when I'm free." Xu Hao casually perfunctorily planned to hang up the phone.

However, Xu Hao's perfunctory words angered Tang Jing. "You perfunctory me, don't you take me as a friend? If you don't want to be friends with me, forget it!"

Although Tang Jing spoke angrily, she didn't hang up. It was obvious that she was waiting for Xu Hao's explanation.

Xu Hao had a headache and had to patiently explain, "well... You see, we're on the phone now, and I can't see it. Why don't I take a time tomorrow to go and have a look?"

"Don't be so troublesome. Let's just video directly. You wait." Tang Jing said. Within a minute, the video call invitation came.

Xu Hao shook his head helplessly and hurriedly answered. Seeing that Tang Jing was still dressed in black business clothes, Xu Hao couldn't help laughing, "Tang Jing, you won't wear so formal at home?"

"No, I just came back from the company and haven't had time to change my clothes." Tang Jing said and took out a new dress she had bought. "How about it? Is it nice?"

"I can't see it like this." Xu Hao said casually, but Tang Jing took it seriously. "Wait, I'll change it for you." after that, Tang Jing put her mobile phone aside, picked up her clothes and was ready to change it.

Because Tang Jing's mobile phone is placed on the pillow, Xu Hao can still see Tang Jing on the mobile phone screen because of the angle. At the moment, Tang Jingzhen is taking off her professional clothes one by one.

Xu Hao is so stupid that he doesn't know whether to remind Tang Jing. When Xu Hao hesitated, Tang Jing took off all her clothes and left only a set of underwear. Picked up the suspender white dress and Tang Jing put it on soon.

"Well, can you see it now?" Tang Jing showed her clothes to Xu Hao, and then asked Xu Hao.

Tang Jing's skin was white. Now wearing this white suspender dress, she exposed most of her arms, shoulders and chest. White skin is more white and tender against the background of white dress.

"It's very nice. This dress is good, but it's a little exposed..." after looking, Xu Hao said. To be exact, Tang Jing's suspender dress is not exposed. Xu Hao said that it is purely a man's possessiveness.

"Really? I think so too. I'm not used to showing so much skin." Tang Jing nodded and said, "I won't wear this dress in the future!"

Hearing Tang Jing say this, Xu Hao can't help feeling a little complacent. Does this mean that he is the only man who has seen Tang Jing wear this suspender dress? Thinking of this, Xu Hao couldn't help smiling.

After looking at the time, Tang Jing said, "well, I won't tell you. I have to take a bath. Let's talk again when we have time." Tang Jing said that, made a goodbye gesture to Xu Hao and hung up the phone.

Put away the mobile phone, Xu Hao still remembered Tang Jing wearing that suspender dress. I have to say that Tang Jing was really beautiful wearing that suspender dress! I just said that. Did I deprive Tang Jing of her right to love beauty?

Just when Xu Hao was thinking, the mobile phone rang again. When he picked it up, it was song Yuwei who called. "Oh, it's over. Who called? I've been talking for nearly two hours..."

Listening to song Yuwei's jealous words, Xu Hao couldn't help asking, "why, sister Yuwei, are you jealous? If you tell me you're jealous, I'll tell you who called!"

"I don't care about your business." Song Yuwei deliberately said in a careless tone: "by the way, do you have time now? Come upstairs and have a drink with me?"

"OK, come up right away." Xu Hao said and hurried to the roof.

Song Yuwei is still the same dress as before. She lies lazily on the hanging chair with a glass of red wine in her hand. Seeing Xu Hao coming, song Yuwei didn't get up. She just motioned Xu Hao to get a glass of wine at the bar. There had already been a glass of poured red wine there. Needless to ask, Xu Hao also knows that song Yuwei helped him prepare it.

After serving the wine glass, Xu Hao went to sit down opposite song Yuwei. "Sister Yuwei, I think your illness seems to have really healed? Otherwise, how about we finish what we haven't done before? We have to start and finish!"

Some slightly drunk song Yuwei squinted at Xu Hao and said, "aren't you afraid of Su Jing?"

"Cough..." when song Yuwei mentioned Su Jing, Xu Hao coughed twice in embarrassment, and then shut up quickly. However, song Yuwei, sitting opposite Xu Hao, has a more obvious smile on her lips

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