Looking at Song Yuwei's growing smile, Xu Hao finally understood song Yuwei's intention. She obviously deliberately teased herself.

"Sister Yuwei, I'm a very stingy man..." Xu Hao said, stood up and walked towards song Yuwei. Regardless of whether song Yuwei agreed or not, he directly squeezed into a hanging chair with song Yuwei.

The design of the hanging chair is originally suitable for sitting alone. Now, Xu Hao squeezes in, and song Yuwei inevitably sticks to him closely.

Now it is early summer, and the clothes on Xu Hao and song Yuwei are relatively thin. Separated by two thin layers of clothes, both of them can feel the body temperature of each other. When dancing on the dance floor today, Xu Hao once felt the elasticity of the skin on Song Yuwei's legs. Now they are sitting in a hanging chair, which shows that the skin on Song Yuwei's legs is full of elasticity.

Feeling the elasticity of the soul, Xu Hao stretched out his hand and directly grabbed song Yuwei's shoulder.

Song Yuwei is extremely nervous at the moment. She used to joke with Xu Hao at will. Now Xu Hao has the courage to sit directly with her in a hanging chair, which makes her a little overwhelmed.

"Xu Hao, don't... don't do this." Song Yuwei was so nervous that she didn't even speak neatly. She deliberately turned her head and didn't dare to look at Xu Hao. Song Yuwei said faintly: "as I said earlier, we can only be confidants, not anything else!"

"I also said, you can be a confidant." Xu Hao didn't give song Yuwei the way back.

After a pause, song Yuwei said, "that's not good either. Su Jing is a good girl. I can't bully her, let alone sorry her. I'll be very satisfied if I can often chat and drink with you!"

"Is it that sister Yuwei is going to do something else with me?" Xu Hao asked knowingly, which attracted a burst of dissatisfaction from Song Yuwei.

Turning around and looking at Xu Hao, song Yuwei said, "Xu Hao, you know what? I feel like a thief at the moment, stealing something belonging to Su Jing!"

"..." Xu Hao was speechless for a while, looked at Song Yuwei and said, "sister Yuwei, I am a person, not a thing!"

"Pooh!" Song Yuwei couldn't help laughing, stretched out her hand, gently beat Xu Hao on his chest and said, "yes, you're not a thing!"

"How can I sound like scolding me?" Xu Hao also realized that his words were wrong and quickly opened his mouth.

Song Yuwei suddenly opened the conversation and continued: "I feel more guilty about Su Jing every time I get close to you. My heart is very contradictory. I don't want to be a thief and steal Su Jing's love..."

Listening to song Yuwei's contradictory words, Xu Hao hugged song Yuwei's hand harder and harder and hugged song Yuwei tightly in his arms, "sister Yuwei, how can you blame you? It's obviously my fault that I seduced you! But I'm not going to correct this mistake!"

"It's all your bad guy's fault!" she gently hit Xu Hao on the chest, but song Yuwei leaned her head on Xu Hao's shoulder. "Shall we just be confidants? I don't want to be thieves!"

"Not good!" Xu Hao shook his head, but kissed song Yuwei's small mouth.

After the initial resistance, song Yuwei soon gave up resistance and cooperated with Xu haolai!

Xu Hao held song Yuwei in one hand and a wine cup in the other. Feeling that the wine glass was in the way, Xu Hao threw it away directly. With the hand holding the wine cup, gently stroked song Yuwei's beautiful leg

Song Yuwei's body trembled slightly, and the hand holding the wine cup was obviously unstable. It seemed that she was reluctant to throw away the wine cup.

Reaching for the glass in Song Yuwei's hand, Xu Hao drank the red wine in the glass, threw away the glass and kissed song Yuwei again. Xu Hao drank a mouthful of red wine. While kissing song Yuwei, he fed the red wine to song Yuwei.

Holding Xu Hao tightly, song Yuwei's breath is messy. Due to their excessive range of action, the hanging chair makes a creaking sound, which makes people worry whether the hanging chair will break down in the next second.

"No, Xiaomeng is still there." feeling that Xu Hao is taking off her clothes, song Yuwei hurriedly said to prevent Xu Hao from fooling around.

Xu Hao also knows that Xia Xiaomeng is a big kid. If she really knows about it, it will be a lot of trouble. So he had to smile at Song Yuwei and said, "why don't you go to me?"

"No!" Song Yuwei quickly refused, rubbed her hot cheek and said, "well, I'm going back to bed!" then song Yuwei stood up and prepared to go back.

Xu Hao was speechless for a while. There was no reason to run when he set fire. At least he had to put out the fire first!

Looking at Song Yuwei, Xu Hao said bitterly, "sister Yuwei, there is no such thing as you!"

"What's wrong with me? It's agreed that you'll only be your confidant, but you'll cross the border yourself. I can't blame me!" with Chun's eyes and eyebrows, she glanced at Xu Hao, and song Yuwei said, "do you know what you call that? You're making yourself suffer!"

Seeing song Yuwei's gloating appearance, Xu Hao's teeth itch. He stood up and patted song Yuwei's hip. I have to admit that song Yuwei's hip is really elastic!

Hurriedly jumped back a step. Song Yuwei covered her hips and looked at Xu Hao discontentedly, "you... You..." Song Yuwei said for a long time, but she was a little ashamed to speak, and didn't say a second word for a long time.

Looking at Song Yuwei's appearance, Xu Hao is in a good mood. How can she know Xu Hao's power if she doesn't teach song Yuwei a lesson?

Picked up song Yuwei's hand and smelled it. Xu Hao said, "sister Yuwei, have a good dream at night!"

Stomping hard, song Yuwei shyly turned and ran back to her home.


The juice factory soon developed the second new vegetable drink - tomato juice drink. There are many similar products in the market, but comparing these similar products with the tomato juice of Dongping fruit juice factory, we can clearly see the advantages of the products of Dongping fruit juice factory.

Thanks to the high-quality tomatoes provided by the vegetable base, the tomato juice drink tastes very good.

For this new product, Shen Rong has great confidence, "I think it won't be long before tomato juice drinks will be popular all over the country!"

"It's always good to give consumers more choices." Huang Xin is ordinary. As she told Xu Hao, all kinds of new fruit and vegetable drinks launched now are smoke bombs. The purpose is to confuse Tianle beverage group and Yao Ruili, and even involve their attention to a certain extent.

When the juice factory is fully prepared, the killer orange juice beverage will be introduced to the market. At that time, it will be the time for Dongping juice factory to face off with Tianle beverage group. Everything we do now is to catch our opponents unprepared in the future!

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