I've been busy dealing with other things during this period, but I delayed reading the plan written by Su Dajiang. Xu Hao carefully read the planning book written by Su Dajiang and felt that the planning book was perfect.

However, Xu Hao doesn't know much about architecture, so he plans to ask song Yuwei. Of course, I also want to take this opportunity to pay a good visit to his sister Yuwei. Since the last incident, Xu Hao found that song Yuwei always avoided him intentionally or unintentionally. Even if the two had to stay together, she would use an excuse to keep Xia Xiaomeng around, so that Xu Hao had no chance to be alone with her.

This is Xu Hao's first visit to Xinhong real estate's company in Jiangcheng. The company is located in an office building near the industrial park. When Xu Hao went up, he happened to meet Wang Tong. Therefore, Xu Hao asked Wang Tong if song Yuwei was in the office.

"President song is just in the office. Shall I take you there?" Wang Tong asked, looking at Xu Hao. Although Wang Tong and Xu Hao had quarrels several times, their relationship was OK.

After thanking Wang Tong, Xu Hao said, "no, no, I'll just go myself." then Xu Hao asked song Yuwei about the specific location of her office and went over.

Without knocking, Xu Hao directly opened the door of the office, went in and locked the door of the office.

Hearing the sound of locking the office door, song Yuwei couldn't help raising her head. When she saw that the person who came in was Xu Hao, her pretty face immediately turned red. She quickly stood up and asked nervously, "you... How did you come?"

"Of course, I'm looking for sister Yuwei to talk about big things." Xu Hao said with a smile and walked towards song Yuwei.

Seeing Xu Hao coming, song Yuwei wanted to escape, but she was hugged in her arms by Xu Hao.

Holding song Yuwei's plump body, Xu Hao asked, "sister Yuwei, why have you been avoiding me lately?"

"Where do I have?" Song Yuwei naturally won't admit it and pretended not to know. "Haven't you often come to my place recently? When did I hide from you?"

"Haven't you said yet?" Xu Hao said, reaching out, patted song Yuwei's plump hip and said, "lie again, and I'll beat you until you admit your mistake!"

"You... Hooligan!" Song Yuwei tried hard to break away from Xu Hao, and then quickly stepped back for several steps. She looked at Xu Hao with an alert look, and her eyes were full of grievances.

Seeing song Yuwei's pity, Xu Hao couldn't bear to say, "sister Yuwei, I'm kidding you. Why are you still angry? Otherwise, I'll let you fight twice?"

"No skin, no face." Song Yuwei couldn't help laughing at Xu Hao's pouting ass.

Song Yuwei smiled, and Xu Hao knew that she must not be angry. Go directly to song Yuwei's chair. Xu Hao sits down, "don't say, sister Yuwei, you're really comfortable in this chair!"

"Comfortable, just sit down. I'm just taking a break." Song Yuwei went to the sofa in the office and sat down. She moved her body a little, looked at Xu Hao and said.

Seeing that song Yuwei was so far away from him, Xu Hao was speechless for a while. Waving at Song Yuwei, Xu Hao said, "sister Yuwei, why are you hiding so far? I really have something to do with you!"

"What's the matter?" Song Yuwei glanced at Xu Hao and asked.

Taking out Su Dajiang's plan, Xu Hao said, "come and help me see this."

Seeing that Xu Hao didn't look like a joke, song Yuwei got up and walked towards her desk, sat opposite Xu Hao, took the plan book handed to her by Xu Hao and read it carefully.

It took almost half an hour for song Yuwei to look at it. This plan book is very detailed. It can be seen that the person who makes this plan book must be very familiar with the food street and have his own unique opinions.

"You certainly didn't write this plan book." put it away. Song Yuwei looked at Xu Hao and asked with a smile, "are you going to develop that food street?"

"I've always had this idea, but I don't have money." Xu Hao smiled awkwardly and said, "sister Yuwei, what do you think of this plan? Especially the part involving reconstruction."

"The plan book is very perfect, but there are only some minor defects." Song Yuwei affirmed the value of the plan book, then looked at Xu Hao and said, "however, the development of this food street is very difficult. It is conservatively estimated that the investment also needs at least 1 billion yuan. Can you take it out?"

With a helpless shrug, Xu Hao said, "I can't take it out. However, there may be a chance in the future. I think the development of this food street will make no loss!"

"That's what I say, but the development of this food street is very difficult." Song Yuwei smiled and said: "the demolition alone can't be completed in a year and a half. Coupled with reconstruction and publicity, you don't want to make a profit in five years!"

Xu Hao didn't think so far. He just wants to make use of this food street! As for the specific development at that time, Xu Haogen didn't have time to consider. If you want to develop this food street, you need at least Xu Hao's corresponding strength!

Standing up, Xu Hao walked behind song Yuwei. Taking advantage of song Yuwei's inattention, he hugged song Yuwei again and put his head on Song Yuwei's shoulder. Xu Hao said, "sister Yuwei, do you really intend to hide from me all the time?"

"Who's hiding from you? Don't be amorous." Song Yuwei said shyly, "I said, it's good for us to be confidants like this. You can't have excessive ideas, do you hear me?"

"What if I have?" Xu Hao said, but his hand stretched in along the collar of song Yuwei's sweater.

"You're going to die!" Song Yuwei was startled. This is her office. If someone sees her, how can she stay in the company in the future?

Hei hei smiled, but Xu Hao didn't take out his hand. "Sister Yuwei, I didn't expect your underwear to be so conservative. I don't think the style of this underwear is suitable for you at all. You should wear that kind of sexy one!"

"Hooligan! I won't discuss this topic with you." Song Yuwei didn't take Xu Hao's words, but she didn't have to pull Xu Hao's bad hand out of her clothes.

After taking advantage of song Yuwei for a while, Xu Hao took out his hand, "sister Yuwei, let's have some wine together tonight?"

"No, I'm not in the mood." Song Yuwei simply refused Xu Hao and said, "I think it's my connivance to you that makes you dare to treat me like this. In the future, I'll be strict with you!"

"Sister Yuwei, if you say so, I'll stay with you today!" said Xu Hao. He went directly behind the desk and sat down in Song Yuwei's boss's chair. He also put his legs on the desk, leaned back and took a nap

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