Song Yuwei thought Xu Hao was joking at first, but after Xu Hao kept his legs on his desk for an hour, song Yuwei realized that Xu Hao was not joking, but taking it seriously!

"Xu Hao, stop making trouble. What are you doing?" Song Yuwei can't stay in the office with Xu Hao all the time, and the door of the office is locked. What if someone comes to her?

"I didn't make trouble. I said I wouldn't go, just don't go." Xu Hao looked cheap at Song Yuwei and said.

Song Yuwei couldn't help taking Xu Hao completely. She had to go behind Xu Hao, gently press Xu Hao's shoulder and say, "Okay, okay, even if I'm wrong, okay?"

"Do you really know you're wrong?" Xu Hao asked, turning his head and looking at Song Yuwei.

In order to send Xu Hao away as soon as possible, song Yuwei had to say reluctantly, "yes, yes, I know I'm wrong, okay?"

"Wrong, you have to show a little?" Xu Hao said shamelessly, looking at Song Yuwei.

Xu Hao's hint is so obvious that song Yuwei can't understand it. Secretly scolded Xu Hao for being shameless. Song Yuwei lowered her head, kissed Xu Hao on the forehead and said, "OK, I find you're really a scoundrel. Let's go and don't delay my work!"

"No, you actually want to send me away like this." Xu Hao is the kind of master who can climb up the pole. How can she let go so easily while song Yuwei is soft?

Hearing that Xu Hao was not going to leave, song Yuwei beat Xu Hao on the shoulder and said, "you little bastard, it's not over yet? Don't you admit your mistake? What else do you want? Do you still want to spank me?"

"Sister Yuwei, I think your proposal is good." Xu Hao was inspired by song Yuwei. Look at Song Yuwei's hip wrapped in a professional skirt and her eyes shine.

Subconsciously covering her hips with her hands, song Yuwei said, "you bastard, you're going to die! Dare you hit me, believe it... Believe it... I... I'll bite you to death!"

"Sister Yuwei, just hit it, and there's no lack of a piece of meat." Xu Hao was interested, stood up and walked towards song Yuwei.

Song Yuwei quickly dodged, but Xu Hao directly chased him. He grabbed song Yuwei, and Xu Hao sat on the sofa with song Yuwei in his arms.

Looking at Xu Hao, song Yuwei said, "no, this is the office!"

"Is it OK not to be in the office?" Xu Hao asked immediately.

"No!" Song Yuwei said immediately. This little bastard is trying to take advantage of her and see her make a fool of herself! Song Yuwei wants to kill Xu Hao!

"Since you can't even be in the office, sister Yuwei's resistance will be invalid!" Xu Hao picked up song Yuwei and put it on his leg, and then asked song Yuwei to pucker her ass.

How could song Yuwei agree to such a shy posture!

"Xu Hao, you bastard, do you believe I bite you?" Song Yuwei deliberately said to Xu Hao. However, her words are not lethal to Xu Hao. During this time, Xu Hao has found out song Yuwei's temper!

Seeing that Xu Hao wanted to be serious, song Yuwei simply opened her mouth and bit on Xu Hao's arm.

Xu Hao didn't expect that song Yuwei really bit him. After seeing song Yuwei, Xu Hao not only didn't hide, but also didn't cry for pain, so he let song Yuwei bite.

Song Yuwei thought Xu Hao would beg for mercy. Unexpectedly, Xu Hao was so silent that she let her bite.

Loosen Xu Hao, song Yuwei looks at Xu Hao with some pain and asks, "why don't you hide?"

"Let sister Yuwei bite, I will." looking at Song Yuwei, Xu Hao said with a smile.

Xu Hao's words warmed song Yuwei's heart, rolled up Xu Hao's sleeve, and song Yuwei saw two rows of tooth marks on Xu Hao's arm. Song Yuwei was very angry just now!

"Does it hurt?" Song Yuwei asked, looking at the two rows of tooth marks on Xu Hao's arm.

Shaking his head, Xu Hao said, "it doesn't hurt!"

"It's strange that it doesn't hurt. I'll get the medicine for you." Song Yuwei said and was about to get up from Xu Hao's leg.

How could Xu Hao let song Yuwei leave so easily? He hugged song Yuwei and wouldn't let her leave.

Song Yuwei is angry and annoyed, but she has no way to take Xu Hao. Turning her head and looking at Xu Hao, song Yuwei said and asked, "do you want to call and listen to me?"

"You just bit me, at least you have to hit me twice!" Xu Hao said, looking at Song Yuwei.

As soon as she gritted her teeth, song Yuwei said, "OK, I promise you. However, after the fight, you have to listen to me and don't go back!"

"What?" Xu Hao didn't react for a moment. Song Yuwei agreed to let him spank, which was a little unexpected!

Xu Hao's reaction made song Yuwei shy. She pinched Xu Hao's leg and said, "if you don't agree, just let me down!"

"Agree, agree, how can you disagree!" Xu Hao hurriedly said, and then came to song Yuwei's ear and whispered, "sister Yuwei, I really hit!"

"Don't talk nonsense, fight quickly, and get out of here!" Song Yuwei's blush is almost bleeding, especially now that she is still lying on Xu Hao's leg, which makes her shy!

With a smile, Xu Hao turned his eyes to song Yuwei's hip. Looking at the rich buttocks tightly wrapped by the professional skirt, Xu Hao's hand covered it and stroked it gently! Not to mention, it feels really good!

"Xu Hao, you bastard, fight and fight, how can you still... Touch!" Song Yuwei was really angry and angry, and wanted to kill Xu Hao! Just don't obey the rules!

"Before playing, you have to try your hand first." Xu haohou said shamelessly, and then patted song Yuwei's hip gently. The feeling of hip meat rippling made Xu Hao tremble. This hand feeling is really good!

She buried her head on the sofa. Song Yuwei was ashamed at the moment. Xu Hao is such a shameless bastard. Song Yuwei wants to kill him!

"Sister Yuwei, how do you usually maintain it? It's so elastic!" Xu Hao, an asshole, even if he plays, has to evaluate it.

"If you want to fight, fight quickly, or you will be deemed to have done it!" Song Yuwei's heart almost jumped out of her throat. It happened that Xu Hao, an asshole, didn't fight for the second time after playing, which made her in that extremely nervous situation all the time.

With a "pa", Xu Hao hit song Yuwei's hip again. This time, Xu Hao started harder, and song Yuwei even gave a cry.

Struggling to get up from Xu Hao, song Yuwei's face was hot. She glared at Xu Hao and said, "OK, OK, don't get out of here!"

"Er... Sister Yuwei, my arm hurts..." looking at Song Yuwei, Xu Hao deliberately said pitifully.

Seeing Xu Hao's appearance, song Yuwei was soft hearted and quickly got up to get medicine for Xu Hao, and then helped him smear it on the bitten position. Looking at Xu Hao's obviously swollen position, song Yuwei couldn't help feeling guilty

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