"I think President Yang and President Yao like this balsam pear juice drink very much. I'll have someone send you some later and take it back to your relatives and friends to try it." Huang Xin said enthusiastically after listening to what Yang Zonglin and Yao Ruili said.

Huang Xin's enthusiasm embarrassed Yang Zonglin. After all, they came with a purpose this time to explore the reality of Dongping juice factory. Unexpectedly, the beautiful director of Dongping juice factory not only warmly entertained them, but even gave them drinks that had not been put on the market. This made Yang Zonglin feel a little sorry.

At the face-to-face communication meeting, Huang Xin showed great enthusiasm. He really answered all questions about Yang Zonglin and Yao Ruili, and even did not hesitate to disclose the company's core secrets.

Huang Xin was relieved to see some of Yang Zonglin return with a full load.

"I'm so tired. I didn't expect lying to be so tiring!" Huang Xin kept introducing and answering all kinds of questions all afternoon, and her mouth was almost idle. Now sitting in the office, regardless of the image, he leaned directly against the boss's chair and put his legs on the desk.

Walking behind Huang Xin, Xu Hao gently pressed his shoulder for Huang Xin. At the same time, his eyes couldn't help looking at Huang Xin's beautiful legs wrapped in silk stockings.

"Sister Xin, when I found out that you lied, you really didn't blush at all!" Xu Hao couldn't help laughing when he remembered Huang Xin's words just fooling Yang Zonglin and his party. Huang xinleng can tell a lie as if it were true. When chatting with Yang Zonglin, they showed no intention. Even when explaining to key places, they didn't hesitate to tell the company's "core secrets".

"Go, who am I doing this for?" he glanced at Xu Hao discontentedly, and Huang Xin said: "I don't know if Yang Zonglin will be fooled. I hope they can study the drinks with strange tastes according to our expectations. In this way, it will virtually buy us a lot of time!"

"Sister Xin, what you said before is so true. I don't believe those fools Yang Zonglin and Yao Ruili are not fooled!" Xu Hao couldn't help laughing and said: "look at their praise of balsam pear juice, I almost didn't laugh!"

"Fortunately, you didn't laugh, otherwise our plans would have been wasted." Huang Xin said, stood up and stretched his body. He looked so itchy that he had to admit that Huang Xin's figure really didn't have to say!

After looking at Xu Hao, Huang Xin was directly immune to Xu Hao's squinting eyes. "Let's go. I have to kill you today and have some good food!"

"OK, as long as sister Xin is willing, don't kill me, even ten or eight. I don't care." Xu Hao said with great pride.

Looking back at Xu Hao, Huang Xin went out of the office with Xu Hao.

After getting on the bus, Huang Xin didn't sit in the back row, but sat in the co pilot's position. He straightened his chest and fastened his seat belt. Xu Hao kept swallowing!

Ignoring Xu Hao's eyes directly, Huang Xin said, "let's go to eat dumplings. We haven't been there for some time. We miss the dumplings made by Aunt Yang."

Xu Hao was surprised to hear that Huang Xin was going to eat dumplings. Huang Xin had said to kill him. However, how much will it cost to eat dumplings even if Huang Xin dies!

"Cough... Sister Xin, don't save me money. Let's have some good food." Xu Hao coughed twice, looked at Huang Xin and said.

With a white look at Xu Hao, Huang Xin said, "listen to you or me? It's agreed to invite me to dinner!"

Huang Xin had this attitude. Xu Hao had to listen to Huang Xin reluctantly, and then drove straight to Aunt Yang's dumpling restaurant.

Aunt Yang's dumpling restaurant is the same as before, and there is no change. Seeing Huang Xin and Xu Hao, aunt Yang warmly greeted them, smiled and said, "Miss Huang, you haven't come for a while!"

"I'm busy at work these days. I don't have time to have a good meal." Huang Xin smiled and said, "aunt Yang, it's still the old rule, two bowls of dumplings!"

"OK, wait a minute," said Aunt Yang, and went to the back kitchen to do some work.

Soon, the delicious dumplings were served. Because there were no guests in the store, aunt Yang sat and chatted with Huang Xin.

"It's estimated that it's going to be torn down in this period of time. Look at the characters written everywhere." looking at Huang Xin, aunt Yang sighed helplessly and said. It's going to be demolished here. Aunt Yang naturally can't bear it. The most important thing is that the developer hasn't talked with them about compensation.

"Without talking about compensation, developers dare to tear down the house?" Xu Hao looked at Aunt Yang in surprise and asked.

"Those unscrupulous developers, what are they afraid to do." aunt Yang sighed helplessly and said: "it is estimated that at that time, as before, we will talk about compensation while dismantling. If we can't agree, anyway, the houses have been demolished, and we can only sign in the end!"

Hearing aunt Yang's helpless words, Xu HA and Huang Xin were in a bad mood.

After eating dumplings, when Huang Xin paid, aunt Yang smiled and didn't accept the money. "I didn't want to make money when I opened this store. It's fate to know you. Today, I'll treat you to dinner. In the future, I don't know if I have a chance to meet again!"

"Aunt Yang, you don't have to worry. I believe those developers don't dare to mess." Xu Hao still can't believe that developers can be so lawless. Aren't you afraid of legal sanctions?

Aunt Yang just smiled helplessly, but she didn't speak.

Sitting in the car, Xu Hao asked Huang Xin where he wanted to go. Huang Xin thought for a while and said, "go for a walk by the river. I'm flustered!"

Xu Hao didn't ask much, carrying Huang Xin towards the river.

The reason why Jiangcheng is called Jiangcheng is that the Yangtze River crosses it. The night view by the river is also one of the characteristics of the river city!

After stopping the car, Xu Hao and Huang Xin strolled along the river. In the evening, the river wind was very strong, and Huang Xin's hair was a little messy by the river wind. However, Huang Xin has no time to take these into account. While walking, Huang Xin said, "sometimes, I really want to have a great ability to help all people who are treated unfairly!"

Reaching out and gently hugging Huang Xin's waist, Xu Hao said, "sister Xin, I understand your mood. Don't worry, I won't care about Aunt Yang!"

Turning his head, he smiled at Xu Hao. Huang Xin said, "do you care? How do you care? You can manage one thing. Can you manage ten million things? In the final analysis, this society is actually very cruel. The law of the jungle, but so!"

Huang Xin's sad words aroused Xu Hao's hidden sadness. His parents' company went bankrupt and was annexed. In a sense, isn't it the law of the jungle? At that time, his parents, like aunt Yang today, were at a loss and helpless in front of a powerful opponent

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