After walking along the river for a while, Xu Hao saw Huang Xin holding his arm by the river wind and said, "sister Xin, why don't we go back?"

"It doesn't matter. Let's go and sit there for a while." Huang Xin smiled faintly at Xu Hao and said. She doesn't know what's wrong with herself. She's a little sentimental today and doesn't want to go back so early.

Come to the stone chair by the river with Huang Xin and sit down. Xu Hao hugs Huang Xin's shoulder tightly. Huang Xin did not refuse Xu Hao's intimacy, but gently leaned her head on Xu Hao's shoulder.

"Xu Hao, you know what? When I was a child, my mother was a vulnerable group in the mouth of others, and being bullied is a common thing..." it seems that Huang Xin was a little excited when he remembered what happened when he was a child. When he spoke, he took a cold breath and the whole person coughed violently.

Gently patting Huang Xin on the back, Xu Hao said, "sister Xin, don't worry. No one can bully you in the future. I will always protect you!"

"Pooh Pooh", but Huang Xin couldn't help laughing. He stretched out his hand and gently pinched Xu Hao's nose and said, "you still have the face to say this. I think the person who wants to bully me most is you?"

Huang said that Terry Chui had a red face, and some embarrassed people said, "how can I be so happy? How dare I bully you? I am so pure..."

"Really? Do you dare to swear?" Huang Xin said, stretched out her beautiful leg wrapped in silk stockings and gently rubbed Xu Hao's leg.

Xu Hao was embarrassed. As Huang Xin said, he really wanted to "bully" Huang Xin!

Seeing Xu Hao's restless expression, Huang Xin smiled again, "do you know why I am willing to let you bully me sometimes?"

"Why?" Xu Hao asked conditionally, and then said, "is it because I'm handsome?"

"Go, cheeky!" Huang Xin gently pushed Xu Hao and said, "because I treated you as my brother. When I was a child, I was more dependent on him..."

When Huang Xin talked about her brother, Xu Hao said, "sister Xin, is your brother still at home with your mother? Why don't you take them to Jiangcheng..."

Shaking his head, Huang Xin said, "let's talk about this later..."

Huang Xin's words clearly have something to say. Huang Xin didn't say, and Xu Hao didn't get to the bottom. When Huang Xin is willing to say it, she will naturally say it. Just like Huang Xin's secret of wanting to start a company before, when it's time to say it, sister Xin will naturally say it.

"Sister Xin, can you stop rubbing your legs against me?" Xu Hao was embarrassed to see that Huang Xin seemed addicted to playing and kept rubbing her beautiful legs wrapped in silk stockings on her legs. Don't Huang Xin know how tempting her action is? It's easy for people to have the urge to commit a crime!

"I'm going to torture you! Are you allowed to bully me and I'm not allowed to bully you!" Huang Xin looked back at Xu Hao. Instead of stopping, she became excited.

Xu Hao was speechless for a while. The punishment of sister Xin is really unique!

"Since you bully me, I'm not polite," said Xu Hao. He directly reached out and grabbed Huang Xin's beautiful leg wrapped in silk stockings, which was shameless and slipped into Huang Xin's professional dress!

"Xu Hao, you bastard, what are you doing?" Huang Xin was completely angry. Unexpectedly, Xu Hao, a little bastard, dared to flirt with her like this!

Hei hei smiled and Xu Hao said, "sister Xin, who let you bully me first? I'll bully you well, too!"

"How dare you!" Huang Xin said with a fierce look and a weak heart. Of course she knew how shameless Xu Hao was! In Huang Xin's heart, Xu Hao has almost no bottom line!

Although Huang Xin stared at Xu Hao murderously, Xu Hao didn't seem to see it. His hand was still gently stroking Huang Xin's leg. Huang Xin's thigh wrapped in silk stockings feels smooth and comfortable!

"Xu Hao, I'll count three. If you don't take away the dog's paws, you will bear the consequences!" Huang Xin said and began to count.

If he is at home, Xu Hao is really afraid. When Huang Xin is angry, he really dares to pick up the knife! But now they are by the river, let alone Huang Xin has no knife in her hand. Even the people around me don't think there is anything wrong with their actions. This is the place where couples date. In this place, there are some ambiguous small actions between young couples. It's normal. Who will notice!

After three counts, Xu Hao didn't take his hand away. Huang Xin knew that her move was useless to Xu Hao.

Meimu glared at Xu Hao fiercely, and Huang Xin said, "forget it this time. It's not an example! Also, take care of your hands and don't touch places you shouldn't touch. Today, I'll pretend I don't know and be bullied by you!"

Hearing Huang Xin's words, Xu Hao once thought he was auditory hallucination. Is this really Huang Xin who is always going to waste his third leg? How did you become so easy to talk?

Seeing the strong sadness on Huang Xin's face, Xu Hao really can't bully Huang Xin. Quickly put his hand back. Xu Hao looked at Huang Xin and said, "sister Xin, I'm sorry, i... I was just joking with you. If you're angry, hit me twice. I promise I won't fight back!"

"It has nothing to do with you." Huang Xin shook her head, forced a smile on her face and said, "I don't know if I owe you a little bastard. If there's another time, I'll waste your third leg!"

Hearing Huang Xin's words, Xu Hao was relieved. This is the tone sister Xin should have. What sister Xin said just now made Xu Hao think he was in a dream. Normal sister Xin, how can she be willing to be bullied?

"Hey, sister Xin, I believe you are my sister Xin because of your current tone." after seeing Huang Xin, Xu Hao stretched out his hand again and wanted to finish what he had just finished.

Unfortunately, Huang Xin didn't give Xu Hao this opportunity. He clapped Xu Hao's hand. Huang Xin said, "take away the dog's paws! Well, I'm a little tired and want to go back." then Huang Xin stood up.

Looking at Huang Xin's slim back, Xu Hao really wants to cry without tears! He gave himself a hard slap. Xu Hao said, "let you pretend to be a big tail wolf. Now you know you regret it? What a good opportunity you just missed. You deserve it!"

"Hey, what are you muttering about there?" Huang Xin, who went out several meters away, found that Xu Hao didn't follow up, turned around and shouted at Xu Hao.

"Come, come." Xu Hao hurriedly chased up and took Huang Xin's thin waist. They walked towards the riverbank togethe

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