Xu Hao, who was sleeping in, was pulled out of the bed by Bai Yan. Seeing Bai Yan, Xu Hao hugged her, and his hand was dishonest. He stretched into her clothes along the hem of Bai Yan's clothes and gently pinched Bai Yan's large-scale mountain peak.

Bai Yan knows that Xu Hao is a little rogue. If he doesn't take advantage of him, he must be unable to escape. Therefore, Bai Yan just looked at Xu Hao with a smile and urged him to get up.

While having breakfast, Xu Hao has been observing Tang Jing. However, Tang Jing's face was as usual, and Xu Hao didn't see anything.

Tang Jing also keenly found that Xu Hao was looking at her. Looking up at Xu Hao, Tang Jing asked, "didn't I wash my face?"

"No, No. I want to ask you, did you sleep well yesterday?" Xu Hao said in some embarrassment. Then he quickly lowered his head for dinner and didn't dare to look at Tang Jing.

With a smile, Tang Jing said, "I slept very well, but I didn't sleep very well. I'm sorry for sister Bai."

"What's wrong with sleeping appearance? I think it's good." Bai Yan came over with a plate of pickles. After putting it down, he said to Tang Jing, "try it quickly. It's unique to our vegetable base. You can't buy it outside!"

"I'll have to try it," said Tang Jing. She quickly stretched out her chopsticks and tasted it.

After breakfast, Tang Jing said goodbye. Xu Hao saw that the two so-called investigators arranged by Tang Jing handed Tang Jing a thick document. Although I haven't seen the contents of the materials, Xu Hao can roughly guess that it must be related to the vegetable base.

To Xu Hao's surprise, what attracts Tang Jing in the vegetable base will ask Tang Jing to arrange two special researchers in the vegetable base. Although it was nominally an investigation, I'm afraid Tang Jing didn't believe it.

On the way back to Jiangcheng, Tang Jing looked at the information at will, as if she didn't intend to hide it from Xu Hao. However, Tang Jing looked through it very quickly, and Xu Hao was driving again. He didn't see the specific content of the data.

When Tang Jing finished reading the information, Xu Hao asked, "aunt Bai must have taken you to chat last night?"

"Well, yesterday I talked with sister Bai until more than two o'clock, but it's strange that I'm not sleepy at all." Tang Jing said, turned to Xu Hao and asked, "you seem to be very interested in the content of our chat?"

"No, No. do I look like such a gossip?" Xu Hao said with some guilt. He quickly looked ahead and drove attentively.

Tang Jing didn't continue to investigate the problem. When the conversation turned, she asked, "do you have many questions about me arranging two researchers in the vegetable base?"

"It's really strange." Xu Hao didn't hide it. After all, no matter who it is, he will have some ideas. Although the two researchers arranged by Tang Jing are very low-key, they even have no intersection with the people in the vegetable base. If they don't pay special attention, they won't notice their existence. However, this still can't make people really ignore their existence.

"I'm still saying that their research in the vegetable base will not do any harm to the vegetable base." Tang Jing smiled and said an ambiguous answer.

Xu Hao knew that it was almost impossible to get a set of words from Tang Jing, so he didn't plan to do so.

Returning Tang Jing to his residence, Xu Hao declined Tang Jing's invitation to sit down, but directly drove to the florist.

Xu Hao hasn't come for a long time. Even the materials for making fish food prepared for Huang Mei were purchased by Zhang Yue. Every time Huang Mei makes fish food, Su Jing will send it to the florist and inform Wang Yumin to take it away.

The arrival of Xu Hao surprised Zhang Yue and Wang min. Zhang Yue, in particular, came over with a smile and joked, "Yo, how did the big boss think of it today? Are you afraid of us being lazy?"

Xu Hao smiled awkwardly and quickly moved his eyes away from Zhang Yue. Zhang Yue is wearing a long sleeved shirt with an open navel and a pair of slim fitting jeans. If there is no Wang Min in the store, Xu Hao may joke with Zhang Yue, but Xu Hao doesn't dare to have Wang Min, Su Jing's best friend. If it gets to Su Jing's little vinegar jar, I won't have to make trouble with him for a few days!

"I happened to pass by here today. I'll come and have a look. Is there nothing wrong in the store?" Xu Hao smiled awkwardly and walked towards the sofa in the store.

As soon as she sat down, Zhang Yue poured Xu Hao a cup of hot tea. Then without avoiding Wang Min, she sat down next to Xu Hao and began to talk to Xu Hao about the florist.

Wang Min inserts two sentences from time to time. It can be seen that Wang Min is very satisfied with her work in the florist.

"Xu Hao, you came just in time." looking at Xu Hao, Zhang Yue suddenly said solemnly: "there may be more things in my family during this period of time, so I have to ask for leave often. Report to your boss first!"

"Sister Zhang Yue, look at what you said. I can't approve your leave. It's a big deal to deduct your salary." Xu Hao also joked.

Hearing that Xu Hao wanted to deduct her salary, Zhang Yue turned around and tried to beat Xu Hao. She said, "dare you! I live on this hard-earned money. Do you dare to deduct my salary? Believe it or not, I'll go to Su Jing and sue you for Blackness?"

"What black shape can I have for you to sue?" Xu Hao looked at Zhang Yue and asked with some guilt. After all, there are still some small ambiguities between him and Zhang Yue. Although most of the time they are unintentional and joking, it's hard to say when these words reach Su Jing!

Zhang Yue also realized that what she said seemed too ambiguous. She was afraid of being heard by Wang min. With a slip of eyes, Zhang Yue said, "it's not up to me to say. Anyway, Su Jing in our family must listen to me." after that, Zhang Yue also took a special look at Wang Min and said, "Xiaomin, you have to help me at that time. You can't let Xu Hao, the black hearted boss, deduct my salary!"

"Sister Zhang Yue, don't worry, I'm with you!" Wang Min said with a smile.

"Sister Zhang Yue, things at home are not serious? Is there anything I can do for you?" since Zhang Yue often asks for leave, I think it's no small matter. Xu Hao, as the boss, naturally can help!

"It's enough to have you. When we really meet something we can't handle, we must trouble you." a pair of talking eyes looked at Xu Hao, and Zhang Yue's face was full of a smile.

Looking at Wang Min, Xu Hao said, "Xiaomin, you'll have to work hard in the store. When you get your salary at the end of the month, I told Su Jing that I'll give you an extra month's salary, which is a bonus!"

"Really? Great!" said Wang Min, overjoyed and eager to kiss Xu Hao.

Zhang Yue showed that she had been unfairly treated and pestered Xu Hao to ask for a bonus, which gave Xu Hao a headache.

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