After staying in the florist for a while, when Xu Hao was about to get up and leave, he suddenly saw Wang Yumin come in.

Seeing Xu Hao, Wang Yumin looked a little surprised. Looking at Xu Hao, Wang Yumin asked, "so you're here. Today I told Yuwei to ask her to ask you to have dinner at home. She said you had something to do..."

"Grandpa Wang, that... I just came back from outside. Sister Zhang Yue said she had something urgent to find me, so I came here." Xu Hao had to tell a lie. Of course, he knew that the real reason why song Yuwei said she had something to do and didn't ask herself to go to Wang Yumin's house was to avoid the embarrassment of meeting herself.

Some guilty looked back at Zhang Yue. Xu Hao obviously saw Zhang Yue's mouth: double salary!

Reluctantly looked at Zhang Yue, and Xu Hao had to nod.

Seeing Xu Hao nodding, Zhang Yue immediately put on a smile and said with a smile, "Grandpa Wang, are you here to get fish food? I'll get it for you."

After chatting with Wang Yumin, Zhang Yue also brought fish food.

Looking at Xu Hao, Wang Yumin asked, "is everything done? Go home for dinner? Your Grandma Wang has been talking about you. She said you didn't go to see her for such a long time!"

When Wang Yumin said so, Xu Hao had to bite the bullet and promise.

Xu Hao suddenly appeared at Wang Yumin's house, which startled song Yuwei, who was playing with Xia Xiaomeng, and her face turned red.

"Brother Xu Hao..." seeing Xu Hao, Xia Xiaomeng ran towards Xu Hao happily, and then rushed into Xu Hao's arms.

Holding Xia Xiaomeng, Xu Hao came over, "sister Yuwei, you're here..." as soon as he asked, Xu Hao was embarrassed. Didn't it tell Wang Yumin that song Yuwei didn't call herself and invite him to dinner at home?

She smiled awkwardly at Xu Hao. Song Yuwei put her hand around her sideburns and said, "well, today is just Xiaomeng's holiday. I brought her over for dinner. Didn't you say something today? Why did you suddenly come here?"

"As soon as I finished my work, I was caught by the Lord." Xu Hao explained awkwardly and smiled bitterly at Wang Yumin.

Yang Yang raised the fish food in his hand. Wang Yumin said, "I'll feed the fish. You talk first." with that, Wang Yumin took the fish food into the living room.

Only Xu Hao and song Yuwei were left in the yard, and there was a sudden silence between them. Especially song Yuwei, since they had a close relationship that day, she didn't dare to talk to Xu Hao, and even began to avoid meeting Xu Hao.

"Aunt song, why is your face red?" Xia Xiaomeng suddenly opened her mouth when they were silent and embarrassed.

Xia Xiaomeng's words directly embarrassed song Yuwei and wanted to beat her twice. Xu Hao laughed.

Xia Xiaomeng was even more confused. She didn't know where she was wrong. She looked at them blankly, her head tilted, and didn't know what she was thinking.

"I... I'll help cook." Song Yuwei said and hurriedly ran away. Xia Xiaomeng watched song Yuwei run away and asked curiously, "brother Xu Hao, why did aunt song suddenly run away?"

"Aunt song is shy because of you." Xu Hao explained with a smile, then put Xia Xiaomeng down and played with her in the yard.

Probably learned from Song Yuwei that Xu Hao was coming. Grandma Wang came out to say hello to Xu Hao, and then went back to help cook.

At dinner, song Yuwei and Xu Hao looked at each other occasionally, but also hurriedly and flustered away. It seems that if two people simply look at each other, they will be peeped into their relationship.

Song Yuwei deliberately ignored herself at the dinner table, which annoyed Xu Hao. Stretched out her foot and gently touched song Yuwei's leg under the dinner table.

Feeling Xu Hao's foot touching his leg under the dinner table, song Yuwei looked up and stared at Xu Hao, and then quickly lowered her head to eat. Xu Hao became more and more excited, but he became even worse.

Song Yuwei is wearing a knee length skirt. Xu Hao has the courage to put his foot directly into song Yuwei's skirt. Feeling the elasticity of song Yuwei's thigh, Xu Hao was reluctant to take his feet off.

Song Yuwei, who was having a meal, saw that Xu Hao's feet actually stretched into her skirt. It happened to be in the middle of her two legs. Her face turned red. Afraid of being discovered, song Yuwei had to keep her body close to the table and stare at Xu Hao with her eyes.

"Yuwei, what's the matter with you? Why is your face so red?" Grandma Wang asked with concern when she found song Yuwei's abnormality.

Song Yuwei was startled, and then hurriedly said, "Mom, I'm fine. Maybe it's too hot."

"You child, why didn't you say it earlier?" Grandma Wang told nanny Xiao Wu to turn on the air conditioner.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, song Yuwei quickly grabbed Xu Hao's foot with her hand and pinched it hard. Xu Hao felt pain and quickly took his foot back. Afraid of Xu Hao's bad behavior again, song Yuwei quickly stood up and said, "Mom and Dad, I'll eat well, you eat slowly." then she left the table in a panic.

"It's good to eat so much?" Grandma Wang looked at Song Yuwei and asked hurriedly.

Song Yuwei didn't dare to tell the truth. She had to make up an excuse and said, "Mom, I've been losing weight recently. I can't eat more at night." after that, song Yuwei glared at Xu Hao again while everyone didn't pay attention, which made Xu Hao afraid for no reason.

Hearing song Yuwei lose weight, Grandma Wang talked about the disadvantages of losing weight, but she didn't force song Yuwei to eat.

After dinner, song Yuwei proposed to go back with Xia Xiaomeng. Of course, Xu Hao knew that she was hiding from herself, so he quickly said not to let Wang Tong go. He personally sent song Yuwei back.

"OK, we can rest assured that Xu Hao will send you." Grandma Wang looked at Xu Hao and said, "next time, you can come and sit at home. I wanted to talk to you more today. It seems that there is no chance."

"Grandma Wang, don't worry. I'll come as soon as I have time." Xu Hao quickly said to Grandma Wang.

Wang Yumin and his wife personally sent Xu Hao and song Yuwei out. When they saw that Xu Hao's car was far away, the old couple returned to the house.

At the moment, song Yuwei sitting in Xu Hao's car is talking with Xia Xiaomeng on the surface, but she seems a little flustered in her heart and doesn't know how to be alone with Xu Hao.

"Sister Yuwei, are you really full?" Xu Hao saw the expression on Song Yuwei's face and knew what song Yuwei thought, so he casually found a topic to ease the embarrassment between each other. Just at the dinner table, Xu Hao also knew that his practice was too much. If someone found out, how could song Yuwei have the face to see others?

"Well, lose weight at night." Song Yuwei answered faintly, and then looked out of the window.

"Aunt song, you're not a good child if you don't eat well." when the atmosphere between them was a little awkward, Xia Xiaomeng suddenly put in a sentence, which immediately eased the tense atmosphere. Song Yuwei couldn't laugh or cry. She touched Xia Xiaomeng's head and didn't know what to say!

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