In the evening, Shen Rong didn't have a pleasant dinner with Ma Dongqiang. After returning Ma Dongqiang to the hotel, Shen Rong rushed back to the juice factory without stopping. Xu Hao and Huang Xin are still waiting for him.

After pouring Shen Rong a cup of strong tea, Huang Xin asked, "how was the conversation?"

After taking a sip of strong tea, Shen Rong reluctantly shook his head and said, "Ma Dongqiang's attitude is very tough. He also made it clear that he can't control this matter as an operation manager. Even strong enterprises like apple mobile phone have to accept some of their overlord terms, not to mention us?"

"As expected, it would be unreasonable if Ma Dongqiang made concessions today!" Xu Hao didn't worry too much. Looking at Shen Rong, Xu Hao said his ideas.

At this stage, it is very unlikely that a large e-commerce platform such as pony shopping will make concessions to them. In that case, can we cooperate with some small e-commerce platforms. Dongping juice factory can use its own brand advantages to increase customer source and popularity for small e-commerce platforms; The small e-commerce platform provides Dongping juice factory with a sales channel directly facing consumers.

"That's not impossible." after thinking about it, Shen Rong said: "however, small e-commerce platforms also have their shortcomings, that is, their number of users is too small to help us..."

With a smile, Xu Hao said, "I also mentioned this problem with Huang Xin before. You should know an old Chinese saying: better a chicken head than a cow! In these small e-commerce platforms, we can focus on the customer and take the initiative! The most important thing is that our products belong to minority brands, and specific people are our target group!"

With Xu Hao's explanation, Shen Rong couldn't help but flash a light in his eyes. Intuition told him that Xu Hao's idea could not be so simple.

Seeing Shen Rong's eyes on him, Xu Hao smiled and said, "you always have to have a long-term plan!"

Nodding at Xu Hao, Shen Rong said, "president Xu, I know what to do. I have to admit that many times, my vision is really short-sighted and not long-term enough!"

"This is just wishful thinking. It may not be realized in the future." Xu Hao said modestly.

Huang Xin was confused by what they said. After reading Shen Rong and Xu Hao, he asked, "what riddles are you playing? I can't understand a word!"

Shen Rong just smiled and said, "Mr. Huang, you'd better ask Mr. Xu directly about this question, otherwise Mr. Xu must blame me for talking too much." then Shen Rong stood up and walked out.

After Shen Rong left, Huang Xin standing next to Xu Hao kicked Xu Hao and asked, "what the hell are you doing? What did you just say to Shen Rong?"

Looking up at Huang Xin, Xu Hao said, "listen to the cry, brother Xu Hao, I'll tell you!"

"Xu Hao, you little bastard, flirt with me again!" Huang Xin said and punched Xu Hao. It seems that this is not fun. He raised his foot and planned to kick Xu Hao.

Huang Xin is wearing a professional hip skirt. At this time, Xu Hao is sitting and standing with her. This leg lifting is cheaper for Xu Hao, a little coyote.

She stares at Huang Xin, and Xu Hao says with a smile, "yes, that's it. Raise it a little more..."

"Asshole, I'll kill you!" Huang Xin was completely crazy. How did you turn yourself into flirting with him when you kicked him? This bastard, never forget to take advantage of her!

Hold your head and sit on the chair and let Huang Xinhao punch and kick. When Huang Xin was tired, Xu Hao dared to look up. Although Huang Xin just hit and kicked him, the fist hit Xu Hao like an itch. Xu Hao didn't get any substantive damage!

Looking at Huang Xin, who was gasping for breath, Xu Hao asked, "sister Xin, are you tired? Are you hungry?"

"I......" seeing Xu Hao's skinnless and faceless appearance, Huang Xin was completely crazy!

Stand up and walk to Huang Xin. Xu Hao stretched out his hand, gently grabbed Huang Xin's waist and said, "you've been beating me for a long time. I'm not angry. Why are you still angry?"

"I want you to take care of it!" after staring at Xu Hao, Huang Xin said, "I found that you little bastard is getting more and more aggressive. You always take advantage of me! Have you forgotten what I told you?"

"Didn't forget, didn't forget!" Xu Hao said hurriedly, "sister Xin, you said you wanted to warm my bed!"

"Go to hell!" pushed Xu Hao hard, and Huang Xin said, "the dog can't spit out ivory. He didn't remember the good words, but he remembered them!"

Hey hey, smiling, Xu Hao cheekily asked, "when are you going to cash in, sister Xin?"

Looking murderously at Xu Hao, Huang Xin said, "how about tonight? Dare you go?"

Huang Xin's fierce appearance, Xu Hao didn't dare to go. He was afraid that Huang would lift the kitchen knife, so he cut it in his hand!

"Forget it, forget it, I'm not very convenient these two days." Xu Hao said awkwardly, which made Huang Xin burst out laughing.

Seeing Huang Xin's scalp numb, Xu Hao had to quickly change the topic, "sister Xin, are you hungry? Let's go out for a snack?"

"OK, let's go to Aunt Yang. I don't know how many times I can eat." after listening to Xu Hao's proposal to have a snack, Huang Xin happily agreed to come down and said he would go to Aunt Yang.

Sitting in Xu Hao's car, Huang Xin asked Xu Hao and Shen Rong's riddle again.

"Really want to know?" turned his head and looked at Huang Xin. Xu Hao asked with a smile.

Knowing that Xu Hao could not spit out ivory from his mouth, Huang Xin quickly interrupted Xu Hao and said, "hurry up and say, believe it or not, I'll beat you!"

"It's boring. At least you have to give me some benefits." Xu Hao said some speechless, and then focused on driving.

Huang Xin's curiosity was aroused, but Xu Hao shut up. This makes Huang Xin feel like scratching her heart with a hundred claws! Looking at Xu Hao, Huang Xin opened her mouth as if she had made a difficult decision.

"That's the condition you just said?" looking at Xu Hao, Huang Xin asked, and his little face turned red immediately.

Nodding hurriedly, Xu Hao said, "yes, yes!"

"OK!" Huang Xin's silver teeth creaked. Xu Hao once doubted whether Huang Xin would suddenly rush up and directly bite off his neck.

The air in the car seemed to stagnate, and I could hear my heartbeat quietly. When Xu Hao was ready to urge Huang Xin, Huang Xin finally said, "brother Xu Hao, just tell me!"

"What?" Xu Hao was suddenly stunned. Is this the cold imperial sister Huang Xin Xu Hao knew? At this sound, brother Xu Hao, Xu Hao's heart is almost melted!

"Asshole, believe it or not, I'll beat you!" Huang Xin's face flushed and her eyes were full of killing intention! If Xu Hao hadn't been driving, I'm afraid Huang Xin would have started with Xu Hao! This bastard deceives people too much!

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